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- Crosses the Line Twice: Well, it's more like they use the line as a skip rope.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: Even critics of the crude style of Rik and Adrian's comedy admit that the Gas Man sequence in the episode "Gas" is hysterical.
- Jerkass Woobie: Sometimes, it's possible to feel just a teeny bit sorry for Richie, given how deeply lonely and pathetic he is. And then (usually seconds later) he reminds you of what an utterly horrible human being he is. The sympathy doesn't last long.
- Fridge Logic: When Eddie and Richie Catch a burglar they sellotape him to a chair since the have no rope, However when the plan backfires they are tied to chairs with rope.
- Magnificent Bastard: Dick Head, the landlord of the local pub. Richie and Eddie try to scam him out of his money and/or booze various times throughout the series, but Dick always turns it back on them in some brilliant style.
- Ho Yay (possible Foe Yay)
- Les Yay: Subverted when Eddie attempts to pull a bird whilst disguised as "that bird from the abbatoir who looks like Ted Rodgers".