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Brock Lesnar

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Brock Lesnar in 2015

"Here comes the pain!"

Brock Lesnar, born 1977, is a pro-wrestler and former MMA Fighter (retiring in late 2011). Lesnar won the NCAA Amateur Wrestling Heavyweight Championship in 2002, before debuting with WWE in 2002. He left WWE in 2004, after winning three WWE Championships, to try out for American football. He played pre-season for the Minnesota Vikings, but was cut before the season proper began. He then returned to wrestling and went on to win the IWGP Heavyweight Championship in Japan. After moving to Mixed Martial Arts, Lesnar won the UFC Heavyweight Championship in 2008 from Randy Couture, later losing it to Cain Velasquez in 2010. He served as a coach on The Ultimate Fighter opposite Junior Dos Santos.

Lesnar returned to the WWE on the April 2nd 2012 episode of Raw, as he came out & hit John Cena with the F-5.

The Other Wiki has a more extensive article on his life and career.

Brock Lesnar provides examples of the following tropes:
  • The Ace
  • And Starring: The April 30th 2012 show saw "WWE Raw Supershow starring Brock Lesnar". Then a week later Triple H showed up and put a stop to it.
  • Arch Enemy: Kurt Angle in pro-wrestling, possibly Frank Mir in MMA.
  • Badass: Won his first WWE Title - from The Rock - five months after his WWE debut, won his IWGP Title in his first match for the company, won his UFC Title in his third UFC fight (and fourth MMA fight in general). Oh yes, he's a badass.
    • Badass Beard: The "mountain man" look he sported in the run up to his fight with Cain Velasquez.
    • Badass Boast: "I Am The Next Big Thing!" Also doubles as his Sobriquet.
    • During the 2004 No Way Out intro he uttered this epic line:

"What makes me happy? ....Beating people up. That's what makes me happy."

  • Big "Shut Up!": His first line (Not counting a UK-exclusive PPV) on WWE television was to interrupt Paul Heyman mid-rant by screaming "SHUT UP PAUL!" at him.
  • Book Ends: Debuted in the WWE on March 18th 2002, the night after Wrestlemania X8, and made his final appearance for the company at Wrestlemania 20.
    • And then he returned to the WWE in 2012, on the episode of Raw airing April 2nd & the night after Wrestlemania 28, providing another book end.
  • Boring but Practical: Brock's new Signature Move, the Kimura, would be more suited to the days of Bruno Sammartino and Bob Backlund (and probably has been used by one of them) and looks out of place beside flashier moves of today. However, it could cripple a man in real life.
  • Born Winner: See Badass.
  • Blond Guys Are Evil: In his heel runs.
  • The Brute: During his first heel run, with Paul Heyman as his manager and mouthpiece.
  • The Bus Came Back: Returned to WWE Raw, April 2nd 2012 and laid out Cena with an F5.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: Particularly in his days in WWE, he seemed impossibly strong, even able to hoist the 500 pound Big Show around with ease. This is actually Truth in Television. As far back as Middle School Brock is noted to have been freakishly strong. Like many Strongman competitors, he grew up on a farm, and became accustomed to lifting heavy loads (such as young calves) and developed an iron-clad work ethic. It's best described by the man himself in a UFC Countdown video.

Brock Lesnar: (in response to how training for MMA differs from Professional Wrestling) I learned early on that I don't need to lift 500 or 600 pounds once. I need to be able to press 250 pounds as many times in a row as I need.

  • Combat Pragmatist: (read: wants to cause as much pain as possible, rules be damned.)
  • The Dragon: To Vince McMahon following his Face Heel Turn in 2003.
    • John Laurinaitis tried to make him this, but it backfired.
  • Embarrassing Tattoo: His sword tattoo looks like a little too much like another type of sword...
  • Establishing Character Moment: Upon his first re-appearance on WWE, he makes a beeline straight for the ring and delivers an F5 to John Cena.
    • Even further than that, his debut? Running into a hardcore match and pounding Al Snow, Maven Huffman, and Spike Dudley into the mat like they were dolls while hardly breaking a sweat.
  • Eviler Than Thou: John Laurinaitis tried to bring him in as The Dragon, but Lesnar turned the tables and bullied him into giving him whatever he wanted.
  • Farm Boy: In South Dakota.
  • Game-Breaking Injury: His (ongoing) battle with diverticulitis has hindered his MMA career quite badly, leading to his retirement.
  • Good Is Not Nice: Said that Reigns "didn't deserve shit" after Roman challenged him for the Universal Championship. Despite its harshness, the fact was that Roman had lost his match against Brawn Strowman the previous night, so any challenge coming from Roman towards the world title seemed to be a little out of place now.
  • Groin Attack: Has no qualms about running up behind someone (say, John Cena for example) and kicking him right in the balls.
  • Hair of Gold
  • Heel Face Turn: Three major examples.
    • After Survivor Series 2002, after Heyman betrayed him so The Big Show could win the WWE Championship.
    • After Battleground 2016, when the Undertaker made Rollins and the referee disappear from the ring so Brock couldn't pin Rollins for the WWE Championship and proceeded to low-blow Brock when Lesnar attacked him as retaliation.
    • Did an instant one, with no motivation for it, after defeating Goldberg cleanly at Wrestlemania 33. Despite Heyman still acting arrogant in promos, Lesnar stopped cheating, and even began to act respectfully towards the fans, like handshaking or fist bumping them.
  • Hot Dad
  • Humiliation Conga: First he gets tackled by Goldberg at the 2004 No Way Out during his title defense against Eddie Guerrero. Then Guerrero performs a frog splash onto his injured body and pins him to become the WWE Champion. Then Goldberg defeats him in their grudge match at WrestleMania XX (which was, not incidentally, both men's last match in WWE) - and finally, just to twist in the knife, Stone Cold Steve Austin "stuns" both him and Goldberg to massive cheers from the crowd. Then he attempts to break into the NFL and fails, and then he attempts a return to the WWE but is turned away, and then he tries to wrestle in Japan but can't get out of his no-compete clause... It took awhile for Brock to get back on his feet.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Can be a Jerk Jock at his worst, but is a cool guy if you don't diss him. He seems to have become this especially after hard fought win against Carwin and losing title to Velasquez.
  • Knight of Cerebus: During his 2012 WWE return.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Gave Ricochet a low blow during a 'Raw' segment before Royal Rumble 2020 For the Evulz. Got kicked in the groin by the same Ricochet during the match, what eventually cost him the match a few seconds when Drew McIntyre used his finisher, the Claymore, to kick Brock from the top rope while Brock was still feeling the strike.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Lesnar is known for both his extreme size and surprising quickness in the UFC. Seanbaby wrote in this article: "Brock Lesnar is a human cheat-code. He is 300 pounds of muscle and judging by the way he darts around, I don't think mass and inertia were properly explained to him."
    • And, of course, he was one in WWE first.
  • Ironic Echo: Lesnar dominates his debut match with Frank Mir but gets caught via an inexperienced mistake and loses the match. Fast forward to 2012: it happens to him again in his return match against the now-veteran John Cena, destroying him for 20 minutes before running into a chain-wrapped fist.
  • Likes Older Women / May-December Romance: His wife Rena (the former Sable) is 10 years his senior.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: A lot of his matches against weaker opponents like Zach Gowen turn into this. But then he upped it to 11 when he did it in his return match to John Cena, putting on such a vicious beatdown that even the usual split-for-Cena crowd started to rally behind John towards the end of the match.
  • Oh Crap: In 2014, Lesnar was pissed that he wasn't given an opportunity to challenge with Bastia or Orton, so Triple H offered him to send an open challenge to anybody to can take him on. Heyman was also demanding a match at Wrestlemania XXX. As Lesnar and Heyman were about to leave when someone accepted the offer. The look both Lesnar and Heyman is a clear sign things are going to get ugly.
  • Phrase Catcher: Tazz liked to shout "Here comes the pain!" whenever Lesnar made his entrance (and was later the subtitle for the fifth SmackDown videogame).
  • Power Stable: "Team Lesnar" with The Big Show, Matt Morgan, Albert and Nathan Jones, all managed by Paul Heyman. He also runs Death Clutch Gym, MMA camp for heavyweight fighters.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Well, more like Big Name BIGGER Ego, but this is pretty much his gimmick since his 2012 WWE return i.e. the inherent belief that he should be waited upon hand and foot and have everything handed to him right when he asks.
  • Smug Super
  • Suplex Finisher
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: He can barely tolerate Paul Heyman, and just seem to keep him around to not need to talk that much. It is implied Brock 'never' forgave Heyman for his betrayal at Survivor Series '2002'.
  • Training from Hell
  • Underwear of Power: In his wrestling days.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Brock doesn't react well to getting punched in the face. Note that he is never knocked down or knocked out (he took a freakish amount of punishment in his fight with Shane Carwin), but when someone gets through and lands a hit he tends to backpedal away.
    • Came into play in his return match at Extreme Rules 2012 when Cena manage to overcome a then-Curb Stomp Battle with a shot to the face of a leaping Lesnar with his chain wrapped around his fist, which stunned Lesnar enough to allow Cena to get the AA on the steel steps for the improbable, even by his standards, win.
  • Worked Shoot: His confrontation with The Undertaker at UFC 116. It never lead anywhere, as there is simply no way Dana White would let Lesnar appear for any other fighting or pseudo-fighting organization while he's still under UFC contract.
  • Xanatos Gambit: His main objective in Extreme Rules 2012 was to hurt John Cena. Which he did.
  • You Are Already Dead: In his fight against Alistair Overeem he provided a great example of this reaction. He got hit with a thunderous kick to the liver, took two steps back and then doubled over in pain, unable to continue.
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