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Bunny Ears Lawyer/Fan Works

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Examples of Bunny Ears Lawyer in Fan Works include:

  • Dr. Kaminko from The Pokémon They Carried has a habit of naming his military hardware after Pokémon. Command lets him keep doing this because he's just that damn good at designing weapons.
  • In Tiberium Wars, GDI Commander Karrde finds Lieutenant Kirce James to be pretentious, self-important, and overly dramatic, which annoys him to no end. At the same time, she's able to whip up squadrons of Firehawks, an Ion Cannon, an entire division of GDI Marines, and a thousand Mammoth Tanks for him on short notice, so he doesn't complain at all when it comes to the results.

  1. Not to mention she's a freaking unicorn, but since this takes place in Equestria it doesn't mean a lot
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