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Bunny Ears Lawyer/Quotes

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

"I'm surprised you can work this well when you're so drunk."
He was clearly a bounder and a cad. He seemed to think because he was the possessor of the finest legal mind ever discovered that gave him the right to behave exactly as he liked, and unfortunately he appeared to be right.
"I may not look like it, but I am a professional!"
Tachikoma, Ghost in the Shell: Standalone Complex
"You will be dealing with a highly strung and temperamental team of rank amateurs who just happen to be brilliant at what they do."
Lester: briefing Becker in Season 3 of Primeval

Harry: Bunny slippers and polka music.

Murphy: Don't knock it. He's good at his job.
The Dresden Files, Death Masks
"I just wanted you to know that besides the murders, and you trying to kill me, you were the best doctor I ever had."
Monk, Mr. Monk Goes to the Asylum

Watson: I don’t think you need alarm yourself, I have usually found that there was method in his madness.

Inspector Forrester: Some folk might say there was madness in his method.
—Watson and an Inspector Forrester on Sherlock Holmes.

"It seems you can't hire someone competent without them having an embarrassing hobby."
"People think I'm kidding when I tell them that the same guy who used a homemade grappling hook when the elevators were out is also the reason why this company is showing record profits."
—Marcy on Rayne Summers, Least I Could Do

Sarah-Jane Smith: Are you serious?

The Doctor: About what I do, yes. Not necessarily the way I do it.

The guy singing is a lawyer. This motherfucker is a lawyer. THIS. Motherfucker. Is a lawyer.

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