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Bunny Ears Lawyer/Web Comics

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Examples of Bunny Ears Lawyer in Web Comics include:

  • A truly astounding example: Dr. McNinja. He's a doctor, and a ninja (and constantly masked, to boot). That alone should have been enough, as each profession is the bunny ears for the other. But he's also obsessed with Batman, not to mention just about everything else about him.
    • Dr. McNinja is self-employed. Judy, on the other hand, is a damn good receptionist and also a gorilla.
  • Collar 6: Sixx is the very successful owner of a chain of hotels, so no one really cares that she has a harem of hundreds of (willing) lesbian slave girls.
    • But, considering the background material on the world the author has recently been providing, this is not considered to be in any way unusual ... in fact, it's considered rather admirable.
  • Doug from Fletcher Apts. In high school, he was head of the Science Honor Society and #2 player in the chess club. In college, he's the vice president of the psychology club. Also, he's known for barfing easily and freaking out over female breasts.
  • Othar Tryggvassen ("Gentleman Adventurer!") of Girl Genius appears to be this. Despite his appearing mainly for comedic effect in the main strip, his adventures documented on his Twitter account as well as mention of him by pretty much every character other than Agatha are pretty clear on the fact that he's almost frighteningly competent.
    • Othar is a "Spark", and Sparks are the incarnation of this trope and Mad Scientist turned Up to Eleven. They're all highly competent geniuses and supergeniuses; and are all completely and totally barking mad.
  • Darkly subverted in Jack. Doctor Thalmus thinks that developing a cure for cancer entitles him to molest children, even going so far as to hold the cure hostage when Aurthor finds out. No one else seems to agree with his viewpoint.
  • Rayne Summers from Least I Could Do. Marcy McKean - Rayne's boss and CEO of the company - puts up with his Red Bull addiction, childlike behaviour, and non-existant attention span because he is genuinely good at his job.
  • Danny Hua in Nukees is a sweet-tempered Cloudcuckoolander who can't follow most basic metaphors, is compulsively honest and has a phobia of speaking with contractions. He is also a brilliant nuclear engineer and one of the finest weapon designers in the world, being personally responsible for the creation of the Giant Robot Ant. There currently is a small contingent of groupies who have decided he is the Wise One for his incomprehensible, unintentionally profound-seeming speech quirks. He is also, according to author Darren Bleuel, based on a real friend of his, and there is a page full of quotes to prove it!
    • What about King Luca? He literally believes himself to be royalty, wears a crown and cloak, and routinely grants land, nobility, or knighthood to his followers. And he does have followers, because he's a wonderful physics tutor who singlehandedly helped many students pass their classes.
  • Elan from Order of the Stick. The advantage? He's unbelievably Genre Savvy, such that he even sticks out in the No Fourth Wall world of the comic. The catch? He's a bard (and a poorly optimized one at that). Well, and a total moron. Then he Took a Level in Dashing Swordsman , so he's starting to balance out a tad.
    • Celia may also count, more literally than the other examples. Most of the time she's a Granola Girl whose fighting skills are negligible, and whose righteous ardor for small woodland critters, as well as the sanctity of life in general borders on infuriating, but get her in front of a lawsuit, or two conflicting parties in need of a settlement, and she is hard and cold business right away.
      • She's more of a fairy wings lawyer.
    • And Lord Shojo, who pretends to be senile in order to ward off assassination attempts, but was able to fool not only the paladins he controls, but also the entire Order of the Stick, despite not having any levels in a PC class.
  • Taisei from Sakana is a very goodhearted, yet silly and naive person who gets drunk often and is a walking source of Ho Yay. He's also a successful assistent director for a pretty big company and the smartest man of the whole cast.
  • In Sluggy Freelance recruiting Bunny Ears Mad Scientists (but keeping them at a safe distance) is basically the whole point of the HeretiCorp freelancer program.
  • Gatemaster of Survivor Fan Characters is a Cloudcuckoolander who considers his alliance a group of 'friends', and is perhaps one of the most competent strategists in the game, managing the orchestrate (through a combination of blind luck and coincidence), the final four of his choosing. And he does this without even realising he is in charge.
  • Sarabeth Phoenix of Wright As Rayne is the fairly serious head of both a company and a criminal group, but is big on anime and dyes her hair blue.
  • Schlock from Schlock Mercenary is a powerhouse among Tagon's Toughs, extremely strong, nearly impossible to hurt, let alone kill, faster than he has any right to be and highly proficient with all kinds of handguns (the bigger the better), not to mention his malleable body making him a decent infiltrator. He is also an insubordinate manchild and a walking PR disaster who cannot hide his disproportionate love of violence. By Book 10, he learns the hard way that excessive lethal force isn't always an option and proves to be much smarter and more ressourceful than he lets on.

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