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Bunny Ears Lawyer/Web Original

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Examples of Bunny Ears Lawyer in Web Original works include:

  • Matthew from Critical Hit plays Torq, his Half Orc Fighter, like this. Out of combat, he is stupid, tends to blurt out inappropriate things and is described as having a constant vacant expression. However, he gets a + 11 to his attacks, and in combat becomes a whirling dervish with a giant axe.
  • Most people in the Global Guardians PBEM Universe see the homeless, clearly schizophrenic "superhero" known as Mister Easter as this. (He's a deluded religious fanatic thinks he's been given a mission from God to fight evil, despite most of his powers being utterly useless in fighting crime... things like being able to turn water into wine, curing leprosy at a touch, and coming back from the dead after three days). But then New York City was invaded by an army of vampires, and suddenly Mister Easter turned into the hundred-megaton nuclear weapon of anti-vampire superheroes...
  • This Onion article is about a Bunny Ears SWAT team operative.
  • kitten (the lower case k is deliberate), a transexual goth who functions best when being led around on a leash by her boyfriend, spells her name with a lower case k and is a powerful teleporter psychic and the mainstay of the human invasion of Hell in The Salvation War.
  • This episode of SMBC Theater gives us a plumber with rock bottom prices, high skill and reliability, amazing punctuatlity ....and an insistence that customers watch him act like a plumber in a porno movie. Yes, both the male and female customers. When questioned, he will immediately say he is the best value in the city.
  • Bugs, a brilliant deviser and gadgeteer in the Whateley Universe. Her intense fascinations with rabbits, sparkles, and building things in egg shapes is completely accepted (usually) because she's just that darn good as an inventor. Oh, and she's the most gorgeous inventor at Super-Hero School Whateley Academy so she gets lots of slack.
  • Brigadier General David Adams of Survival of the Fittest spin off The Program. His antics include spontaneously breaking into the American national anthem during an announcement (when he's supposed to be reeling off who died), making bizarre jokes, contradicting himself midsentence and thinking out loud (both also in announcements). For all that, The Program was his idea, and given the setting, there's no possible way he can be an incompetent leader or tactician.
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