Button Game Series
The Button Games are a series of flash games made by BanglaBoy96 of Newgrounds.com.
The following tropes are common to many or all entries in the Button Game Series franchise.
For tropes specific to individual installments, visit their respective work pages.
For tropes specific to individual installments, visit their respective work pages.
- Password Save: Button Game Tales uses passwords for different chapters.
- Locked Door: The mission with Barney Gumble in Button Game 5, you must bust him out of Jail, however when you find the key it turns out Barney escaped by himself.
- Fake Skill: Appeared in Button Game 1-4, by presing tab you could easily find hidden button. This was fixed later on.
- Cut and Paste Environments: Lots, especially in the early games, sometimes (mostly), not even from his own work. Wether he has permission or not.
- Big Boo's Haunt: Button Game Halloween and the last missions of Button Game Seasons.
- Easy Level Trick: The Draw Stick Slots in Button Game Seasons
- Nostalgia Level: Missions 1-20 of Button Game 8 are throwbacks to previous games in the series.
- Golden Ending: The hard modes of Button Game 9 And Halloween
- Addressing the Player: Sidious does this to any signed in member of Newgrounds in Button Game 9
- Warp Zone: These appear in Button Game 5
- RPG Elements: Many, most notably the inventory system in chapters 1-3 of Button Game Tales
- Pop Quiz: The first 20 missions of Button Game 8 are throwbacks to old Button Games.
- Trial and Error Gameplay: Lots, Button Game 8 and Halloween are guilty of this, having multiple choice Questions, in Button Game Halloween´s hard mode you only get one life for each mission up to SAZA
- The Emperor: Sidious from Star Wars is a Villain in Button Game Tales, 8, 9, X-Mas, and a fake Sidious is in Button Game 10
- Boss Rush: All of Button Game 10
- Disk One Final Boss: When you find out Sidious was controlling SAZA, and that Sephiroth was controlling Sidious.
- I Let You Win: Ho-Ho-Bo in Button Game X-Mas has done this.
- Scripted Battle: all of the Button Games before Seasons had these.
- Recurring Boss: SAZA, Sidious, Sephiroth, and more characters have to be fought more than once throughout the series.
- Difficulty Levels: Button Game Halloween and 9 have this. The difficult mode gets the true ending though.
- Easy Mode Mockery: The games listed in the above trope mock you for playing the game on Easy or Normal
- Timed Mission: Many in most of the Button Games
- Breather Level: Too many examples of this in all the Button Games. An example being the run over the brains with the cola truck in Button Game 5
- One-Man Army: You yourself are the player, shown in Button Game 9 where Sidious calls the player by their Newgrounds username
- Series Mascot: SAZA
- Mini Game: Most of the Button Game Missions are these
- Only Smart People May Pass: The troll under the bridge in chapter 3 of Button Game Tales
- Sorting Algorithm of Deadness: Weird ones here!
- SAZA--Got destroyed by water: survived.
- SAZA--Impaled by a giant lead pencil: survived.
- SAZA--Shot repeatedly on multiple occasions: survived.
- Sidious--Fell into outer space: survived.
- Joey, Punk and Mick--Annihilated from gunshots from the player and the police: survived.
- It would be easier to say that pretty much every character, with like 2 exceptions can survive being killed in this series.