See Category:Character Naming Conventions. Also:
- Captain Color Beard
- Code Name
- Color Character
- The Danza
- Dark Age of Supernames
- Darkness von Gothickname
- Day of the Week Name
- Dead Guy, Junior
- Diseased Name
- Doctor. Doctor. Doctor.
- Do Not Call Me "Paul"
- Don't Call Me "Sir"!
- Dr. Genericius
- Dub Name Change
- Earn Your Title
- Embarrassing First Name
- Embarrassing Middle Name
- Embarrassing Nickname
- Evil Roy
- Fail O'Suckyname
- Famous-Named Foreigner
- First-Name Basis
- Flintstone Theming
- Friendly Address Privileges
- Full-Name Basis
- Gender Blender Name
- Ghetto Name
- Giver of Lame Names
- A Good Name for a Rock Band
- The Great Whodini
- Gunman with Three Names
- Hello, Insert Name Here
- Hey, You
- His Name Really Is "Barkeep"
- Hollywood Spelling
- Hometown Nickname
- House Pseudonym
- I Am X, Son of Y
- I Call Him "Mister Happy"
- I Call It "Vera"
- I Have Many Names
- Ironic Name
- Ironic Nickname
- In-Series Nickname
- Insult of Endearment
- Johnny McCoolname
- Just the First Citizen
- A Kind of One
- Ladyella
- Large Ham Title
- Last-Minute Baby-Naming
- Last-Name Basis
- Law of Alien Names
- Letter Motif
- Let X Be the Unknown
- Line-of-Sight Name
- Louis Cypher
- Luke Nounverber
- The Master (trope)
- Max Trope
- Meaningful Name
- Meaningful Rename
- Meaningful Titles
- A Mech by Any Other Name
- Melting Pot Nomenclature
- Mister Descriptor
- Mister Strangenoun
- Multiethnic Name
- Mr. Smith
- My Hero Zero
- My Name Is Not Durwood
- My Nayme Is
- Mysterious Middle Initial
- Named After Somebody Famous
- Named by Democracy
- Named by the Adaptation
- Named Like My Name
- Name McAdjective
- Name Order Confusion
- Names Given to Computers
- Name's the Same
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Names to Trust Immediately
- Name That Unfolds Like Lotus Blossom
- NameTron
- Nameless Narrative
- Nom De Mom
- No Need for Names
- The Notable Numeral
- Noun Verber
- Odd Name Out
- Ominous Mundanity
- One Bad Mother
- One Mario Limit
- One Steve Limit
- Only Known by Initials
- Only One Name
- Overly Long Name
- Patronymic
- Pen Name
- Plain Name
- Porn Names
- Preppy Name
- Prophetic Names
- A Protagonist Is Ryu
- Psmith Psyndrome
- Punny Name
- Real Joke Name
- Real Name as an Alias
- Repetitive Name
- Robot Names
- Same Face, Different Name
- Scarlet Fever
- Sdrawkcab Name
- Secret Public Identity
- Sesquipedalian Smith
- She Is the King
- Significant Monogram
- SI Prefix Name
- Sobriquet
- Some Call Me... Tim
- Something Person
- Superhero Sobriquets
- Spike of All Trades
- Speak of the Devil
- Species Surname
- Spell My Name with a Blank
- Spell My Name with an "S"
- Spell My Name with a "The"
- Stellar Name
- Steven Ulysses Perhero
- Stock Foreign Name
- Sue Donym
- Terms of Endangerment
- Themed Aliases
- Theme Naming
- The "The" Title Confusion
- They Call Him "Sword"
- They Call Me Mister Tibbs
- Thing-O-Matic
- This Is My Name on Foreign
- Thoroughly Mistaken Identity
- Tomboyish Name
- Tom the Dark Lord
- The Trope Formerly Known as X
- The Trope Kid
- The Trope Without a Title
- Try to Fit That on A Business Card
- Tuckerization
- Two First Names
- Unfortunate Names
- Unnamed Parent
- The Unpronounceable
- Verbal Tic Name
- A Villain Named Zrg
- The Von Trope Family
- Wacky Americans Have Wacky Names
- Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?
- Who Is This Guy Again?
- X Makes Anything Cool
- You Are Number Six