Category:Strategy RPG
A Role Playing Video Game played like a Turn-Based Strategy or Real Time Strategy. They might have towns, dungeons, and overworlds like a typical RPG, but the battles are played on a field where you must move your players and command them, in a form of Turn Based Tactics.
Keep in mind this requires more than just battles with some strategy elements (which excludes games like Grandia and The Last Remnant), and more than strategy games with some RPG Elements (which excludes games like Heroes of Might and Magic).
For more info, see the Wikipedia page Tactical role-playing game.
Pages in category "Strategy RPG"
The following 124 pages are in this category, out of 124 total.
- Final Fantasy Tactics
- Final Fantasy Tactics A2
- Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
- Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
- Fire Emblem
- Fire Emblem Akaneia
- Fire Emblem Elibe
- Fire Emblem Fates
- Fire Emblem Jugdral
- Fire Emblem Tellius
- Fire Emblem: Awakening
- Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
- Fire Emblem: Three Houses
- Front Mission
- Sakura Taisen
- Seinarukana
- Shining Force
- Shining Wind
- Soul Nomad & the World Eaters
- Stella Deus: The Gate of Eternity
- Suikoden
- Suikoden I
- Suikoden II
- Suikoden III
- Suikoden IV
- Suikoden Tactics
- Suikoden V
- Summon Night
- Super Robot Wars
- Super Robot Wars 64
- Super Robot Wars A
- Super Robot Wars Alpha
- Super Robot Wars Compact
- Super Robot Wars Compact 2
- Super Robot Wars Compact 3
- Super Robot Wars D
- Super Robot Wars EX
- Super Robot Wars Gaiden
- Super Robot Wars GC
- Super Robot Wars J
- Super Robot Wars K
- Super Robot Wars L
- Super Robot Wars MX
- Super Robot Wars NEO
- Super Robot Wars Original Generation
- Super Robot Wars R
- Super Robot Wars T
- Super Robot Wars W
- Super Robot Wars Z