A gag-a-day webcomic by the legendary Kris Straub, of Starslip and Checkerboard Nightmare fame, Chainsawsuit updated on weekdays from 2008-2018. Featuring lots of irony, violence, lazy art, and random humor. Straub originally named it "Indie Comic," but switched to "Chainsawsuit" when it became clear that he wanted to do more with the strip than make fun of indie comics.
Read it here.
Recurring characters include but are not limited to:
- The rarely-appearing title character, a dude with a suit made of chainsaws. He kicks zombie ass, but it's very hard for him to go to the bathroom.
- Famous Chef, a famous chef and a No Celebrities Were Harmed version of Gordon Ramsay.
- Pizza Force, consisting of a eighties-style Action Hero with Cool Shades and awesome hair who delivers pizza, usually using gratuitous violence.
- Two Cops, a police officer who accidentally enlisted in Police Academy twice, and is thus treated as two cops. Hilarity Ensues.
- Huntyr Chase, pickup artist extraordinaire.
- Lazy Cat, who is basically James Bond meets Garfield.
- Time Ruiner, a Jerkass Time Traveler who goes around ruining causality and history.
- Elder God Cthulhu, who is rather depressed at the Misaimed Fandom he receives from humans.
- H.P. Wuvcraft, basically H.P. Lovecraft as if he was overwhelmed with joy at all times despite the incredibly dark stories he wrote.
- Boiga Bruddas, an allegedly forgotten video game from the early 80's that makes no sense.
- Time Friends, a pair of friends whose travels into the future always wind up not working out.
- Surprise Italians, a pair of twins who really know how to make a statement in restaurants.
- Action Champ Walkaway. Everything he walks away from explodes.
- An unnamed nerd from the anime Super-Boobs-look-at-High-School 3, who constantly looks at boobs and gets nosebleeds.
- Jet Wiggledick, a hardball journalist who has a difficult time being taken seriously due to his unfortunate name. Killed off but inexplicably brought back to life.
- A cast of thousands.
Tropes used in Chainsawsuit include:
- Absurdity Ascendant: The best way to sum it all up, really.
- Ascended Fanon: One comic featured Huntyr at home with his girlfriend and a few commenters thought it was his mom and he lived at home. Straub declared it canon.
- Alien Geometries: "You can't use non-Euclidean dice."
- Anal Probing: Put into context. With one phrase...
- Author Guest Spot: Occasionally.
- Better by a Different Name: Snuggers, which are just sweats.
- Black Comedy Rape: Subverted. "Rape is never funny".
- Card-Carrying Villain: Dr. Murder and whoever Lazy Cat battles, among others.
- Chainsaw Good: The strip that named this comic: a suit made of chainsaws, perfect for fending off the zombie hordes.
- Cruel Twist Ending
- Dada Comics
- Cthulhu Is A Loser: He's kind of pathetic.
- Digging Yourself Deeper: This.
- Eyepatch of Power: Lazy Cat.
- Fetish: Spoofed here, with a guy having a fetish for R2-D2 after he was spit out by the swamp monster.
- Funetik Aksent: Boiga Bruddas (Burger Brothers).
- Furry Fandom: Yiff City, Psychic P.I.
- Gag Boobs: Super Boobs-Look-At High school, what else?
- "Gift of the Magi" Plot: [1] A human astronaut is running out of oxygen, and a plant astronaut is running out of carbon dioxide. "We could have planned this out better."
- Good Angel, Bad Angel: Parodied here.
- Hands in Pockets: Parodied here, where the character's hands and feet are conspicuously covered.
- Handsome Lech: Huntyr Chase.
- Humanoid Abomination: Mary Poppins.
- Hollywood Global Warming: "Disastorm: The Movie" arc.
- Hollywood Atheist: r/atheism.
- I Coulda Been a Contender: Two Cops feels this way towards Axe Cop.
- In Name Only: Dante's Inferno: Based on the epic poem.
- Juggalo: This guy.
- Karmic Twist Ending
- Lifetime Movie of the Week: Parodied with "She Cried Veto: The Susan Miller Story", in which a woman is raped by the President, and then her husband dumps her, and then the evil President declares rape to be the new currency of America, and then everything is resolved out of nowhere.
- Murder Is the Best Solution: To just about anything.
- My Instincts Are Showing: Oh, Lazy Cat...
- My Nayme Is: Huntyr Chase.
- New Media Are Evil/Old Media Are Evil: Jokes at the expense of Newspaper Comics and Web Comics.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Used in this parody of The Oatmeal.
- Nosebleed: The kid at Super Boobs-Look-At High School has very High-Pressure Blood.
- Not That Kind of Doctor: Tucker Cogburn provides the page image.
- Oh Crap: The secret ingredient is...
- The Picture Came with the Frame: Her name is Dawn Kensington and she also really does live in Canada.
- Real Trailer, Fake Movie: a recurring feature.
- Reindeer Aren't Real: "The Australia Hoax"
- Ripped from the Headlines: After the flub with Barack Obama taking the presidential oath and him taking it again, Straub naturally parodied the incident with "Two Cops" replaced by Obama as "Two Presidents".
- Rule of Funny
- Side Effects Include: You know what, this was a bad idea.
- Take That: xkcd is a frequent target of mockery.
- As is The Perry Bible Fellowship.
- The Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot example above pulls no punches.
- "Addictions and the Human Toll" deconstructs the entire premise of Least I Could Do.
- Think Happy Thoughts: "Tucker Cogburn, the wrong kind of doctor".
- Two Gamers on a Couch: Occasionally utilized.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: Everything is exciting with the Game of Thrones theme music.
- The Rant also adds With Lyrics for the music.
- Wikipedia / GIFT: "Facts about George Washington"
- Word Salad Humor: Used to parody its use in Nerd Core music.