Character Sheets/Comics
- Albedo Erma Felna EDF
- Archie Comics
- As Incriveis Aventuras De Dog Mendonca E Pizzaboy
- Asterix
- The Astounding Wolf Man
- Bamse
- Blacksad
- The Boys
- The Darkness
- The DCU
- Doctor Who Expanded Universe
- Donald Duck
- Elf Quest
- Empowered
- Fables
- Fanhunter
- Gladstones School for World Conquerors
- Hack Slash
- Horndog
- Irredeemable
- Knights of the Dinner Table
- Star Wars: Legacy/Characters
- Lenore the Cute Little Dead Girl
- Les Legendaires
- Locke and Key
- Lucky Luke
- Marvel Universe
- Maus
- Mickey Mouse Comic Universe
- Nemesis
- Preacher
- Project Superpowers
- PS 238
- The Savage Dragon
- Scott Pilgrim
- Sin City
- Sonic the Comic
- Super Dinosaur
- Tex Willer
- Thieves & Kings
- Tintin
- The Umbrella Academy
- Thorgal
- Usagi Yojimbo
- V for Vendetta
- The Walking Dead
- Watchmen
- Witchblade
- Y the Last Man