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Chobits/Tear Jerker

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  • A serious Tear Jerker moment comes when Chii is pseudo-killed at the end of the series.
    • For this troper, Chii's entire story wasn't nearly as tearjerking as the backstories of Takako Shimizu (the teacher whose husband became enamored with their persocom, driving her into the arms of one of her students, and the owner of Tirol, who fell in love with a persocom, married her, watched her degrade due to irreparable memory loss, and finally saw her die while saving his life in one last moment of mental clarity.
    • The latter has a particular pang when you realise it's not too far from watching a spouse suffering from a case of dementia.
  • There was also the story about Minoru's big sister and Yuzuki.
  • Or when Udea's robo-alzheimer-affected robocom-wife sacrifices her life in a last moment of clarity to safe him from being flattened by a truck.
    • Oh, it is worse if you think it might not be a moment of clarity, just standard programing (of course we can never know for certain, and that doesn't make it better).
    • But remember "He didn't want them to be governed by the Three Laws Of Robotics".
  • Ningyo-hime. Just... Ningyo-hime. The song itself is sad, but it has even greater impact when paired with the above example of Ueda and his wife. Even worse, this song can be taken as Chii's song to Hideki, or Freya's song to her dad, who she had feelings for, in which case the tearjerker factor gets taken Up to Eleven.

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