Cleavage Window

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.
Her windows to the soul are up there.

"You have a bullet proof fabric and you want to cut a hole in it right over your heart??? Are you insane?"

A cut in a woman's top that shows parts of the top of her breasts. It doesn't matter the shape or the size (of the window or the breasts), as long as the window is completely enclosed. It also doesn't matter about the rest of the outfit, as this can be on a bathing suit, a sweater, a Leotard of Power, a Mini-Dress of Power or a grand Pimped-Out Dress.

Obviously a form of Fan Service, and likely Author Appeal.

Compare Most Common Superpower, Absolute Cleavage, Impossibly Low Neckline, Chainmail Bikini, Naked in Mink, Bare Your Midriff.

Examples of Cleavage Window include:

Anime and Manga

Comic Books

  • Power Girl, who Depending on the Writer either is upset when people look at it, or invokes this for a distraction.
    • Ditto her Expy Galatea from Justice League Unlimited.
    • DC once introduced a Joke Character named Power Boy who had the same cutout on his costume's chest for no discernible reason other than Self-Deprecation humor. Story-wise, he was a minion of Darkseid who defected after falling in love with Supergirl, but after he proved to be an abusive boyfriend, nobody found him funny anymore, and the writers killed him off.
  • Invisible Woman of Fantastic Four had one, shaped like the figure 4, in her 1990s outfit.
  • Talia from the Batman comics sometimes wears gowns like this.
  • In Marvel Comics, Dagger from the team Cloak and Dagger. Her costume has a cleavage window in the shape of a dagger. The "guards" on the dagger serve to expose side boob cleavage as well as belly.
  • Icon: Rocket's first costume, to Icon's vague disapproval. Her second costume, which Icon designed, eschewed this.
  • Taken to its extreme in Transmetropolitan, where one of the outfits a female character wears to a party is fairly normal... except for a small triangle of fabric exposing her nipple. For Bonus Points, she wears the triangle of fabric as a necklace.

Fan Works


  • In The Wheel of Time Ebou Dari dresses are described as having an oval cut out exposing the inner slopes of the wearer's bosom. On married local women, this is to frame the marriage knife, who's hilt nestles between the breasts.
  • For the Forgotten Realms novel Azure Bonds, the protagonist Alias is depicted in Clyde Caldwell's cover art wearing chain mail armour with a large gap between her breasts. This has been Handwaved as either ceremonial armour, or to allow those controlling her through the eponymous azure bonds to kill her easily if she showed signs of rebellion. The image has been used throughout Dungeons & Dragons media and the spin-off computer game, Curse of the Azure Bonds.
    • Another claim was that the armor was enchanted and either extended mystic protection to the open area, or that there was armor there that was made invisible.
    • The entire thing was lampshaded when Alias guest-starred in the Forgotten Realms comic book in 1989, and the halfling Foxilon Cardluck had the following exchange with her:

Foxy: Uhh... Doesn't that armor get drafty sometimes?
Alias: It's enchanted.
Foxy: (under his breath) Oh, I'll just bet it is.

Live-Action TV

  • Star Trek
    • From Star Trek: The Next Generation onward, the female Klingons are wearing outfits similar to their male counterparts, except with a cleavage-baring opening on the chest armor. Probably has something to do with the whole Space Viking motif. This is particularly silly, considering that Klingons attack each other with bladed weapons all the time. Even considering that Klingons have not one but two hearts.
    • Also Lwaxana Troi, more than once.
  • Captain Liberty of the live action The Tick (animation).
  • In season 2 of Babylon 5, Delenn experiments by exchanging her usual robes for a slinky black dress with a diamond-shaped opening over her cleavage. Everyone who sees her is stunned speechless.
  • Alexia from Pixelface.


  • Nicki Minaj in her "Turn Me On" music video.
  • Hyosung from Korean girl group Secret. One of the few Korean idols able to pull it off successfully.


Video Games

Web Comics

Spinnerette: [...] If you could just give it a lower neckline with some cleavage[...]
Sahira: What?
Spinnerette: Y'know. To distract the bad guys.
Sahira: You have a bullet-proof fabric, and you want to cut a hole in it right over your heart?! Are you insane?

    • Super MILF apparently justifies this in that her "venusian bust" generates so much heat that she requires air venting. At least, that's what she says.
  • Ms. Apple from What's Shakin' has an aptly cut shape.
  • Ferretina's, the Weasel Queen's outfit from this non-canon Girl Genius comic.
  • Discussed but Averted in Dumbing of Age with self-appointed superheroine Amazi-Girl. To Daisy's displeasure.

Web Original

  • Linkara of Atop the Fourth Wall isn't too fond of these, at least when it's clear that it's just about objectifying women. Then he calls these "Boob windows."
  • Crimson, who is at the Super-Hero School Whateley Academy in the Whateley Universe. She has a diamond shaped window larg enough that Phase thinks she's risking a wardrobe malfunction.
  • Salem from RWBY has a narrow diamond-shaped window in her black gown.

Western Animation

  • Galatea from the DC Animated Universe has one; granted she's supposed to be an Expy of Power Girl.
  • The Futurama DVD commentaries mention that the animators liked putting Leela and Amy in dresses with these whenever the plot required them to dress up. Lampshaded in one episode that had random time skips during a basketball game. Amy, wearing such an outfit, immediately brings attention to it as a possible explanation.
  • In Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Ahsoka's new outfit in the third season has this. It used to be an outright Age-Inappropriate Dress, though.
  • Izzy from Total Drama has one in her signature outfit. In the second aftermath of Action, she uses hers to hold grapes, cheese and crackers, as well as the crumbs she spit out after realizing she was on the green room's TV.
  • Stan Lee's Stripperella. What more would you expect from a character based on Pamela Anderson?
  • She-Ra and the Princesses of Power; Entrapta actually manages this with a space suit.
  • Power Girl got to keep her real costume - complete with this feature - in her first true animated appearance, Superman/Batman: Public Enemies. Probably because the movie was direct-to-DVD.
  • Star Trek: Lower Decks:
    • Tendi's formal evening gown in the episode "Parth's Ferengi Heart Place".
    • Used as an off-joke in "A Farewell to Farms"; a Klingon woman wearing an outfit with this feature is trying to hit on Ma'at in a Bad Guy Bar; Mariner walks in, and the Klingon woman is quick to express her disdain for humans, storming off in disgust:
  • Helluva Boss; Verosika wears a crop-top with this for her Halloween party in the episode "Apology Tour".

Real Life

  • There are probably plenty of these at model shoots and show business events, but such an outfit can be very -- notable anywhere else. In May 2012, a model named Julia Orayén was hired to present some materials to the candidates at the start of a Mexican presidential debate. On camera for less than 30 seconds, her tight cleavage-window dress was an instant Twitter sensation, and news reports worldwide declared how she had upstaged—or even "won"—the debate