Cyber Team in Akihabara

Cyber Team in Akihabara is an anime series, which moves from being a Magical Girl show to a much darker plot to destroy the world.
The main character is Hibari Hanakoganei, an Ordinary Middle School Student who dreams of getting her own Pata-Pi, the new fad toy. She is given one by her prince, whom she has previously seen in a dream, and calls it Densuke. This leads her to being attacked by Homunculi, which are controlled by a team of three young women, and protected by her Pata-Pi turning into a Diva - the Diva being a combination of Greek goddess and Powered Armor.
Soon she is joined by the other four members of the Cyber Team, each with her own Pata-Pi, thus forming a Five-Man Band to fight the Terrible Trio (the Sibyl Team) that opposes them.
Of course, there are more powerful forces behind the Sibyl Team, including the headmaster of their school who has links with the Rosicrucians.
- Ancient Conspiracy: The Rosenkreuz, similar to The Illuminati.
- Animal Theme Naming: birds, for everybody of plot importance. The Sybil team haver it double, as their "secret" identities are the english translation of their japanese first name.
- The Beard: In episode 8, Tsugumi crossdresses and pretends to be Hibari's boyfriend so that Hibari will have an excuse to turn down Uzura.
- BFG: The Sibyl team get a sweet one for shooting down enemy Divas near the end of the series, but can't agree on what to call it.
- Break the Cutie: Played in reverse. Tsubame Otorii is introduced as a Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds who viciously attacks and defeats the main cast every chance she gets. It's eventually shown just how badly broken she is. In a late episode, Hibari goes to great lengths to try and befriend Tsubame. After an emotional breakdown in which she compares her life to Hibari's, Tsubame joins the Cyber Team, and spends the remainder of the series trying to repair her broken childhood with good memories as an adopted child in the Hanakoganei household.
- Big Bad: Washuu Ryuugasaki until its revealed that Crane is the true Big Bad and that he is using him as a pawn
- Bishonen: Crane Bahnsteik As well as Washuu Ryuugasaki/Christian Rosenkreuz in his true face there is also Shimabukuro Sengakuji who used to look good when he is young
- Broken Pedestal: Happens several times, but the penultimate episode is rather epic. Both for Hibari and Christian.
- Captain Ersatz: Tsugumi's mom is a pro wrestler who's gimmick is a Distaff Counterpart of The Ultimate Warrior.
- Cerebus Syndrome: What starts out as a fairly light Magical Girl romp gets very dark and heavy in the later episodes.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: The heroine has a Diva with white wings, and the Dark Magical Girl has a Diva with black wings.
- A Day in the Limelight: Episode 9 is all about the Sibyl Team.
- Dirty Old Man: Kamome's grandpa.
- Doing In the Wizard: Eventually every "magical" event is explained via Techno Babble, albeit not always directly to the one who experiences it.
- Evil Counterpart: Tsubame was this to Hibari until her Heel Face Turn
- Fan Service: And most of it done by 12-13 years old girls.
- Funbag Airbag: Nearly every time Hibari encounters Blood Falcon. After a while, she lets out a complaint along the lines of "Not this again!"
- Girlish Pigtails: Tsubame's cute pigtails make her Troubling Unchildhood Behavior even more dissonant. Hibari is a much straighter example.
- Good Parents: Unusually for a Magical Girl heroine, Hibari has both her parents and has a good relationship with them.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: This isn't the only time Luci Christian has voiced an awkward red-headed Magical Girl who dreams about a white-haired prince.
- Hot-Blooded: Tsugumi's mom.
- Immortality: Several characters have Type II via the Elixir of Life.
- I Want My Jetpack: It's past 2010, now where are the Pata-Pis?
- Latex Perfection: Christian's mask
- Light Is Not Good: Crane Bahnsteik
- Magical Girl Warriors: the Pata-Pi and eventually the girls.
- The Man Behind the Man: Takashi/Shooting Star is in charge of the Sibyl Team, intentionally sending them into losing battles in order to awaken the Divas. He soon turns out to be taking orders from Washuu Ryuugasaki. And in the end, it turns out that Christian Rosenkreuz himself was an Unwitting Pawn in Crane's Xanatos Roulette.
- Mecha
- Musical Pastiche: Cyberteam's transformation theme was later reused in the Japanese version of Yu-Gi-Oh!, both series share the same composer, Shinkichi Mitsumune
- The Movie
- Older Alter Ego: The Divas are sort of like this for the girls, since they look like adult versions of them. Played straighter when Hibari and Tsubame merge with their Divas.
- Older Than They Look: Crane Bahnsteik, Washuu Ryuugasaki, and Takashi Ryuugasaki.
- One Dialogue, Two Conversations: The Crowning Moment of Funny where the Cyber Team misunderstands Hibari's "uniting" with Densuke as her uniting... in a different way.
- Orekko: Tsugumi, in the Japanese version.
- Suzume goes to the other extreme by using "watakushi"
- Our Homunculi Are Different
- Overly Long Name: The name of Suzume's Pata-Pi, Francesca Leopold Classic Renoir III. Also, the real name of the Sibyl Team's BFG.
- Panty Shot: Numerous.
- Petite Pride: Uzura is an absolutely fanatic of the Delicious Flat Chest.
- The Power of Love: A rare example where both The Hero and the Goldfish Poop Gang draw strength from it.
- Gets name-dropped and invoked in the finale.
- Powered Armor: What the main characters' Pata-Pis eventually become.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad: Jun, Miyama, and Hatoko.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Washuu Ryuugasaki, among others.
- Replacement Goldfish: Takashi, of Crane. Also, the reason why Hibari names her Pata-Pi "Densuke" was in honor of her stillborn little brother.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: All the Pata-Pis.
- Romantic Two-Girl Friendship: Suzume's attitude towards Hibari, borderline with Schoolgirl Lesbians. Hibari and Tsubame's friendship has traces of this too.
- Science Is Bad: Crane believes this.
- Schoolgirl Lesbians: Uzura.
- Shotacon: The infatuation that the Sibyl team feels towards the Black Prince can be seen as this.
- Skinship Grope: Lampshaded at the end of the obligatory hot springs episode, when Kamome declares that they've finally gone through all the necessary cliches.
- Toilet Humor: In episode 6, there's a Running Gag of Suzume making fun of Tsugumi for taking a long time to take a dump
- Teen Genius: Crane used to be one and Takashi, being his clone, is also one.
- Transformation Sequence: For every Cyber Team girl. When they all transform, a shorter version is usually used, except for Hibari, of course. Especially cool when Hibari "unites" with Densuke.
- Transforming Mecha
- Turned Against Their Masters: In the finale, the Pata-pis' love for the girls overrides their obedience to Crane, their creator, and they defy his wishes in order to save the girls.
- Twenty Minutes Into the Future: produced in 1998 and set in 2010.
- Verbal Tic:
- Hatoko likes to say "kurukku" after each phrase, quite appropiate since her name means "pigeon".
- Tsugumi ends her sentences with "dazé".
- Suzume's "chun~" and "de gozaimasu desu wa/that it is".
- Villains Out Shopping: The Quirky Miniboss Squad spends much of their time being normal people, and even end up befriending the protagonists in their off-time.
- What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic: Quite a lot, similar to Neon Genesis Evangelion. For example, there's a MacGuffin called Metatron, the Five-Man Band of girls are referred to as the Anima Mundi, the powered armor suits of Takashi and his gang are all named after Biblical demons (Astaroth, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Lucifer), and when we see Crane in the present day, he has white wings and is strung up on a cross, and resides in a space fortress called Primum Mobile.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Crane, Takashi, and Christian.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Poor Takashi, being cloned/created to look like Crane and failing for a bit, and treated like crap by his "father".
- Made even worse as Christian conditioned him to be this, so he couldn't even find solace in having three gorgeous women absolutely head over heels for him.
- World War I: Crane Bahnsteik's disgust of the bloodshed is what prompted him to escape from Earth in 1918. He also uses it to justify why humanity hasn't changed at all and needs to be destroyed.