< Deadpool
Aside from moi, my series is a home for lesser known, but still pretty awesome people. Not as awesome as me, of course, but honestly, who is?
Althea / Blind 'Al' Alfred
- The Atoner: Seems like she pushed me in the right direction because she wanted to atone for bad things she did in her past.
- Cool Old Lady
- Dark and Troubled Past: See above.
- Handicapped Badass: "Blind" isn't just a nickname.
- Laxative Prank: Oh, I remember the time she pulled that on me...
- Mysterious Past: Something-something British Intelligence, something-something WWII, something-something a bright young American lad...
- Parental Substitute
- Sole Survivor: I got paid to kill her in Zaire, but I decided to kill everyone but her.
- Stockholm Syndrome: She didn't even want to leave when I finally let her go. Not that I asked her.
Jack Hammer / Weasel
- Extreme Doormat: Sometimes even I wonder why he keeps coming back.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Geek Physiques
- Nerd Glasses
- Punny Name
- The Starscream: Usually I would off him, but he's just too useful.
- With Friends Like These...: Don't let his geeky appearance fool you, over the years he's screwed me over just as much as I screwed him.
Deadpool Corp
Tropes applying to the whole group :
- Alternate Self: a whole team of alternate me!
- The Chosen One: yeah, the Contemplator choosed us to save the Universe. Finally, someone recognize our value...
Lady Deadpool
- Ms. Fanservice: at least when she keeps her mask on.
- Or not...
- Screw Yourself: I kinda tried that with her we first met. But it was weird, even for us, and I really don't want to talk about it...
- Tomboyish Ponytail
- Laser Blade: his favourite weapon.
- Team Pet
- The Unintelligible: well, he is a dog, what did you expect ?