Death Note/Funny

- The Yotsuba members, staring at a dozen "ridiculously cute" model girls, with How-the-fuck-did-we-get-there look on their faces.
Shimura Suguru: Oi, I think we are starting to go of a tangent here... |
- I think the dub had the line as something like "Is it me or is this starting to get really weird?"
- Not to mention that, while the Yotsuba group are trying to keep serious, the camera pans down to show them wearing fluffy pink slippers.
- Aizawa, getting more and more annoyed by Misa's childishness. You can see the pain on his face, as he barely stops himself from snapping. Then he snaps.
- In one episode, Near is explaining his deduction of Kira's sinister plan. He then moves a superhero action figure through air. "Whooooosh."
- Another one involving Near, after he's been informed of Misa's and Takada's confrontation:
Near: What this proves is... *dramatic pause* ... Light Yagami is a lady-killer. |
- And note that this line comes from Near of all people.
- "Since you're the deputy chief of police, it would be pointless to tell you not to contact the police."
- Spy Speak between L and Matsuda:
L: So, you by yourself? |
- "Do you really want to help? Get me some coffee."
- "I'll take a potato chip...AND EAT IT!"
- Made even better when Soichirou sees WHAT Light is reading (porn... as a part of Light's plan, yeah). "I cannot believe my son is reading THAT kind of magazines..." Somehow, that cracked me up so much.
- Even more hilarious in the Latin-American dub, thanks to the absolutely deadpan delivery by Soichiro's LA-VA.
- Who also happened to be dub!Gandalf, of all people, making the scene even funnier if that's even possible.
- Even more hilarious in the Latin-American dub, thanks to the absolutely deadpan delivery by Soichiro's LA-VA.
- Made even better when Soichirou sees WHAT Light is reading (porn... as a part of Light's plan, yeah). "I cannot believe my son is reading THAT kind of magazines..." Somehow, that cracked me up so much.
- Light is looking at adult-oriented magazines. Ryuk is behind him. "Wait, I was supposed to be searching for cameras..." Most of Light and Ryuk's interactions with one another are either funny, oddly sweet, or a combination of both. Two others that immediately come to mind is them teasing one another about their respective popularity with the ladies, and the scene where Ryuk, body all contorted, literally eats an apple from Light's hand.
- In the manga, Ryuk wants to play Mario Kart.
- L steals Misa's cell phone, Light attempts to call Misa while standing a few feet away from L. Hilarity Ensues.
- Misa's "date" with the handcuffed Light and L, devolving into a huge fight between Light and L that's half them hitting each other and half their being dragged around by the handcuffs from the force of their own blows. "Last chance for cake!"
- How that fight started-L is complaining that he's depressed and unmotivated with the Kira case now that it looks like Light isn't Kira and then the following Ensues: Light gets L's attention, L turns around, Light punches him hard in the face.
Light: Ryuuzaki... |
- Of course this is followed up by L kicking Light across the room, apparently forgetting or not caring that they are handcuffed together. [1]
- There also L's line "You know, I'm much stronger then I look" after taking another hit from Light. The English version has it sort of an annoyed tone to it that you can't help but chuckle at.
- Not to mention the little "Make up" dance with Misa afterward. Never has a mono "Yay" been funnier.
- This exchange:
Misa: No way! I couldn't live in a world without Light! |
- Another funny bit from Death Note in episode 29(dub):
Mello: The uh...the notebook just flew. |
- Also, most of the scenes from that episode involving Sidoh qualify.
- The scene's also pretty funny in the manga, where you can see Sidoh providing his own sound effects. "Whoosh. Flop."
- This scene from the live action Death Note: The Last Name.
- There's also the first time that Aizawa goes through security at the new HQ. He keeps setting off the metal detector and eventually just takes his pants off.
- Does Another Notecount? if so I'd like to nominate;
- A) The first page when Mello decides he can't keep up a narrative tone.
- B) "I am a corpse".
- C) And the entire jam scene.
- The coffee scene as well.
"This tastes like dirt." |
- This conversation with Naomi and Rue makes me laugh all the time.
"I am an agressive top. I have never once been submissive even to a traffic light." |
- The Stoic Mogi's stint as "Mochi," Misa's genki, Large Ham manager.
- Hey, you stole- Oh well. It also counts as a Crowning Moment of Awesome, which is sadly his only one. :(
- Matsuda's computer-disguised voice in Episode 22. It's the big responsibility he's been looking for, and he sounds like an '80s chipmunk.
- Whee....plonk.
- To those who didn't watch the video, it's Sidoh snatching the Death Note out of Mello's hands, and plopping it on Syder's head. Mello's reaction to the note seemily flying out of his hands is priceless.
- That scene is excellent in the manga version as well.
- Misa glomping Ryuk. Seriously, the girl just glomped a GOD OF DEATH. Completely unexpected, and absolutely hillarious.
- Made funnier when Ryuk makes her phase right through him, and says, basically "I'm shy around girls."
- Speaking of Misa glomping people, Light's reaction to her random flying glomp? "I've never been so tempted to hit a woman."
- The "I'd like you to take out the part that says 'you're free to kill L'" scene.
- Even better, he said: "Good... but unless you take out that part about "you're free to kill L"... I will die."
- Light in the 'please confine me' obvious bullshitting scene "Another me could be out killing people while I sleep!"
- L's inner monologue, which basically amounts to "Are you seriously expecting me to buy this crap?" makes it even better.
- This is probably unintentional, but I always found it amusing when L died in episode 25, and everyone in the room started screaming from the top of their lungs, jerking, and groaning, as if Kira would have started killing them, only to stop a few seconds later, surprised to be alive.
- This tidbit from episode 34 while the task force is listening in on a conversation between Light and Takada:
Matsuda: Oh boy, Light's in trouble now! |
Matsuda: Ohh, he's busted! Light's in the doghouse! |
- In one of the episodes during the Yotsuba arc, L imitates one of Misa's commercials.
- Matsuda was spying on Yotsuba when he was discovered and quickly pretends to be Misa's agent, hoping to get her a gig with them. They don't quite buy it and refuse to let him leave. Meanwhile, the taskforce wonders where Matsuda is, but don't want to reveal everything, in case he's in trouble. L calls Matsuda's cell, and..."Heeey, Matsuiii! Wanna go out drinkin'?!"
- The taskforce told Near they were done taking orders from him and were going to look for Light. Near makes what can only be described as a O_O face before looking away and reverting to his usual expression.
- L's "disguise" in the live-action movies. Leave it to L to be the one thing in Death Note that makes you laugh.
- Also, virtually every conversation between L and Misa in the manga usually qualifies.
- After Light loses his memories of the Death Note, there is a scene where he sits for a while, staring off into space, wondering if he'd kill criminals if he had the power and if he could have done it without having memory of it. Then:
L: What's wrong? You've been staring at me for the last two minutes. Wait, let me guess, you must be annoyed because I'm the only one eating cake at the moment, am I right? |
- They're all worrying about how Eraldo Coil is trying to find L. L explains that he's really the world's three greatest detectives, using different names in case a situation like this arises. Then he randomly hands Mogi a strawberry and says in a serious tone, "I'll give you this strawberry if you keep it a secret, okay?"
- What really made this one for me was Mogi slipping the strawberry into his pocket.
- As seen on the You Kill It, You Bought It page...
Light: Now that Santa is gone, I can become Santa and create a new world! |
- In another of the Omake Ryuk wants the Advance XP for Christmas—the silver one.
- In another one, just when L couldn't get any weirder, he is transported around town, by Watari, in a baby carriage.
- In another of the Omake Ryuk wants the Advance XP for Christmas—the silver one.
- Misa getting tortured under L's orders was not funny, but it gets a hilarious Call Back when Misa volunteers to infiltrate Yotsuba.
Misa: I won't say anything even if they torture me! |
- The torture scene DID have a funny moment though.
L: I'm a pervert? or |
- This scene shortly after Mello detonates his hideout:
Aizawa: Matsuda! Are you OK?! |
- Already on the Awesome page, but it deserves a mention here too: Near avoiding capture by diverting everyone with a shower of money.
- The overblown three-minute death scene in L: Change the World.
- Kind of minor, but in the very first episode, Light is outlining his evil plan to Ryuk and learning about the Death Note when his mom interrupts their conversation. She takes one look inside Light's room, which has been dramatically dark all throughout the scene, and cries out, "Why is it so dark in here? You're going to ruin your eyes!" Even better, Light sets the apples she gave him down onto the desk, and Ryuk curiously takes a bite when they pick their conversation back up:
Ryuk: Yum! |
- In Episode 25 in the scene where Light finds L on the roof while a heavy rainstorm is going on, the facial expression that L has when he motions a second time for Light to speak louder is hilarious.
- Misa's and Kiyomi's dinner together.
- Matt's death. So hilariously anticlimatic and just after he told Takada's bodyguards that they won't shoot him.
- Not sure if anyone mentioned it yet, but the scene during Misa and Light's (and L's) "date" gave us this little gem:
- Matsuda. Poor, poor Matsuda. Everyone calls him an idiot, especially L and Light.
"I can hear you, ya know." |
- After Light assures Takada his seeing Misa doesn't mean anything and "you're the only one for me":
Takada: If you're lying you're going to pay. I'll tell Kira, you know. |
- In Change the Wor Ld, the children L is protecting ask him to stand up straight. Which he does. Slowly. And you can hear the bones in his spine cracking a bit.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: Mello's birthday, December 13, is National Cocoa Day in America.
- When Misa's original manager comes by to scold Misa and make her go to work. Misa (the second Kira) is terrified of her and even L and Kira seem a bit unnerved by the scary lady.
- What, no love for the scene in Another Note where they are talking about the locked doors?
- From that scene in Light's bedroom where he's being all manipulative with Misa and Rem. Just... the expression Light gets when his manipulating Rem to kill L actually works (something along the lines of Oh Crap, My God, What Have I Done? with Puppy Dog Eyes) I guess Wanting Is Better Than Having...
- In the manga, the entire exchange when Light is calling up Takada when she is needed after ignoring her for years and the very self-assured, arrogant expressions he gets when he knows his manipulations are working.
- Hell, Light's smirking in general have spawned plenty of parodies.