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Doctor Who Magazine/Characters

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Characters across the Doctor Who Magazine's various comics stories.

Destrii (Destriianatos) (Eighth Doctor)

The Eighth Doctor's final Doctor Who Magazine companion, an alien princess who escaped her hellhole homeworld to see the universe. Got hit by an Aborted Arc, courtesy of the TV series's return.

  • Abusive Parents - Tortured by her mother, both physically and emotionally.
  • Aliens Steal Cable - How she became a fangirl.
  • Amazonian Beauty
  • Anti-Hero: Type V. Gets a better as time goes by, roughly a Type III be her final appearence.
  • Ascended Fanboy - Interestingly one of two the Doctor knew at the same time. (The narrative uses this thematically.) Destrii fangirls 1960s and 70s sci-fi and westerns.
  • Body Snatcher - Destrii tricks the Doctor's companion Izzy into swapping bodies with her to avoid capture by her people. It gets reversed.
  • Dark Action Girl
  • Even Evil Has Standards - Her final and very ugly break with her uncle Jodafra comes when she discovers that he's planning to feed a bunch of little kids to a monster in exchange for power - hurting children hits rather too close to home for her.
  • Fish Person
  • Hot Amazon: Some of the soldiers in Bad Blood seem rather allured by her combat skills.
  • Innocent Bigot: Her inexperience with Earth minorities coupled with her over-exposure to twentieth-century Western pop culture leads her to tease an Asian cook on his resemblance to Chinese stereotype Hop Sing from Bonanza. Due to exposure to the Cybermen's emotion aggravation device he tries to kill her, leaving a baffled Destrii to wonder why he hates Bonanza so much.
  • Only One Name
  • Rebellious Princess
  • Royally Screwed-Up - Destrii and her family. Dear God, Destrii and her family.
  • Self-Made Orphan - Kills her mother. After looking at Destrii's childhood, you can see why.
  • Totally Radical: Late 1990's-early 2000's variety, at least in her earlier appearances. Justified as she was raised on a selected batch of pop culture by her manipulative uncle.
  • Wild Card

Frobisher (Sixth and Seventh Doctors)

A shapeshifter who prefers to take the form of a penguin. Has a daytime job as a private eye. Also appears in the Big Finish Doctor Who audios, where he is voiced by Robert Jezek. Not to be confused with the character from Torchwood: Children of Earth.

  • The Bartender - Sometime after parting ways with the Doctor, Frobisher retires from adventure and settles into this role at his bar, "Bish's."
  • Breakout Character: Originally a comic book creation, Frobisher has had multiple feature length appearences in both Big Finish Audios and the novels.
  • Comic Book Fantasy Casting - Frobisher's bartender look is modeled on James Gandolfini.
  • Everything's Better with Penguins
  • First-Person Smartass - He fancies himself a Sam Spade-style private eye, so his inner monologue is appropriately snarky.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold
  • The Lancer: His ego and arrogance contrast to the Doctor, which is no small feat given that this is Colin Baker we're talking about. Was specifically used in "The Holy Terror" as Rob Shearman felt he could meddle with the planet's culture in ways the Doctor would never even consider.
  • Shapeshifter Mode Lock - Frobisher got stuck in penguin form for a while. Even after it got sorted out, it's still his preferred form.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting

Kroton (Eighth Doctor)

A Cyberman who spontaneously regained the capacity to experience emotion, but not his memories of his previous life. Originally introduced in solo back-up strips in the Eighties, in which he wandered the universe trying to do good despite everybody's terror of him. Later reintroduced during the Eighth Doctor comics, in which he became a full-scale companion and a major player in one of the comics' arcs. (No connection to the tellurium-themed bad guys.)

Majenta Pryce (Tenth Doctor)

The Tenth Doctor's final Doctor Who Magazine companion, joining while the TV series was on sabbatical and leaving (or rather, the Tenth Doctor's DWM adventures ended) right before it returned with "The Eleventh Hour". Originally introduced as a minor villain, "Madge" later joined up with the Doctor against his will, since she blames him for her amnesia and expects a cure.

Sharon (Fourth Doctor)

First non-white companion, albeit not on television.

Isabelle "Izzy" Sinclair (Eighth Doctor)

Also appeared in a Big Finish Doctor Who audio, voiced by Jemima Rooper. A young "fan-geekoid" (as Destrii puts it) usually thought of as the first gay female companion, though Word of Gay (semi-official in the final instance) had already established the Doctor's previous companions Ace, Bernice Summerfield and Sam Jones as bi.

  • Ascended Fanboy Ascended Fangirl
  • Action Girl: Very much so after the body swap, as she has no qualms going hand to hand with a demonic super strong energy creatue. Was never one to avoid danger before, though she was more of a Plucky Girl to begin with.
  • Adrenaline Makeover: Started off as a shy Geek who used travelling with the Doctor as a way of dodging her adoption issues, with kind of androgynous, frumpy features and clothing. Later morphed into a confidant Amazonian Action Girl (Wether a fish or a mammal) who had no qualms punching monsters.
  • Amazonian Beauty: Possibly the most bizarre example of this trope you can find. Had a normal physique for most of her stint, but when Destrii is discovered to be still alive and using her body it turns out that she's been subjecting it to a serious exercise regime.
  • Changeling Fantasy: Subverted. Izzy fantasises about having special parents, but eventually realises how much she cares about her adopted parents and goes home to them. Her real parents' identities are never revealed.
  • Comic Book Fantasy Casting: according to Word of God, based initially on Louise Wener of Britpop band Sleeper, and later on the actor Luisa Bradshaw-White.
  • Gayngst: To a limited degree.
  • Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!!: In a moment of self pity she wangsts to real life artist Frida Kahlo about the loss of her old body, telling her she has no chance of understanding what she's going through. However, having been the victim of crippling physical injuries herself, Frida angrily tells her that despite the trauma she didn't let her expreiences break her and that she's not the only person to suffer such a trauma.
  • Parental Abandonment
  • Invisible to Gaydar: Although allusions to Izzy's homosexuality are made throughout the strip, it's never unambiguously confirmed until her final story.
  • Tomboyish Name
  • Took a Level in Badass: Being turned into a super strong, lightning fast human fish hybrid probably had something to do with it.

Fey Truscott-Sade (Eighth Doctor)

A kind of on- and off-again companion to the Eighth Doctor who he had allied with previously. A secret agent for the British Crown in the 1930s and 40s.


A creation of the Matrix Lords of Gallifrey, those Time Lords whose minds survive in the Matrix, serving as their agent in the wider universe. A sometime ally of the Fifth and Eighth Doctors, who through his adventures with them discovers he's slowly developing free will. Appears in the Big Finish Doctor Who audios, where he's voiced by Mark Donovan.

Abslom Daak (a.k.a Abslom Daak - Dalek Killer)

Abslom Daak was a thuggish Human criminal from the mid-26th century. Eventually he was convicted and given the choice between vaporisation or exile as a Dalek Killer. He chose the latter. During this, his only true love was killed by a Dalek survivor that Daak had overlooked, leaving Daak grief-stricken and vowing to exterminate every Dalek in the galaxy. Made his first appearance in a back-up comic strip in 1980. He met the Fourth and Seventh Doctors and also Bernice Summerfield a couple of times (he lived during the same 26th century time period as her).

Abslom Daak (to a Dalek): Okay, Chuckles, take a look at this chainsword. Notice those nice whirring teeth... and imagine them ripping through your little tin body!

The Eighth Doctor Comics Master (Eighth Doctor)

The version of the Master who appeared in a lengthy plot arc in the Eighth Doctor Comics. This Master was one of the most coolly manipulative and patient versions seen so far, simultaneously juggling a grand plan to achieve divine power with a pettier plan to morally humiliate the Doctor and turn his favourite species into the kind of culture he's spent his life fighting.

Beep The Meep

An adorably cute alien fluffball who is actually a murderously psychotic Galactic Conqueror. Introduced in the Fourth Doctor comic story "The Star Beast", a parody of cute Alien Among Us narratives in which he crashed on contemporary Earth while fleeing justice and tried to pull a Wounded Gazelle Gambit. Made several later appearances as a comedy villain.

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