Endstone is a fantasy webcomic set in a extremely strange Sword and Sorcery version of the United States of America. Where the "higher animals" are humanoid in shape, and the heroine Kyri is a deer -- really. Where there are combined beauty salon/blacksmithies. Where magical stones can be "rocked" by the talented, the stoners, including Kyri, her estranged husband Jon, and their daughter Colindra ("Cole").
The reason they are estranged is that Jon tried to use one to destroy the world. But there are hints that this might not be a bad thing.
Presented as a comic book.
Starts here.
- Agony Beam
- All of the Other Reindeer
- Anti-Magic: The Endstone's power to disrupt other overstones.
- Artifact of Doom: The Banestone will drive any stoner who possess it to madness, subject them to the whims of an evil "god", and compel them to aggressively pursue the Endstone at any cost. It is said that should the Banestone and Endstone be united, it will bring about The End of the World as We Know It.
- The Atoner: Jon Robert Montaine.
- Attempted Rape: What drives Cole to use the Banestone in order to defend herself.
- Backstory: Pops up often in flashbacks.
- The Bait: Jon attempted to use the Endstone as bait to destroy Drakyl. It didn't go very well.
- Because Destiny Says So
- Big Bad: The God At The Eternity Spire. Actually a scientist who gained the ability to warp reality.
- Big Damn Heroes
- Blade on a Stick
- Bread and Circuses
- Calling the Old Man Out
- Came Back Wrong: The Gravestone can bring back the dead. As undead. They seem perfectly themselves apart from lacking flesh.
- The Cavalry: When all hope seems lost, Lord Quandel brings reinforcements to fight off Jon's army.
- Changed My Mind, Kid
- Children Are Innocent
- Church Militant: Seems to apply to many of the religions. Most notably the nunjas that guarded the Endstone.
- Compelling Voice: The God At The Eternity Spire is able to control anyone who wields the Banestone. With John, he was able to manipulate him by acting as a false friend. With Colindra, he was able to control her through terror.
- Cool Gate
- The Corrupter: The man behind the Banestone is able to force its wielder to commit horrific deeds, no matter their former nature.
- Culture Clash: Jon and Kyri's first meeting.
- Curiosity Is a Crapshoot
- Damsel in Distress
- Dances and Balls: Cole grew up in a court that had many
- The Dark Side
- Dead Guy, Junior: Cole was named for her grandmother.
- Deliberately Monochrome
- Dem Bones
- Dirty Coward
- Dismantled MacGuffin
- Doomed Hometown
- Dramatic Wind
- Drunk on the Dark Side
- Dynamic Entry
- Empathy Doll Shot
- The End of the World as We Know It: What will happen if the Banestone and Endstone unite.
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs
- Evil Gloating
- Evil Laugh
- Evil Tower of Ominousness: The Eternity Spire.
- Fantastic Racism: Humans see the other higher animals, such as "deer", the same way we would see real deer in real life. Even though they are humanoid and have a similar level of intelligence.
- Fantasy Gun Control: Not complete.
- First Kiss
- Fish Out of Temporal Water: Jon and Kyri were trapped out of time for years.
- Flash Back: Lots -- generally full of action and answering some of the mysteries.
- Flower Motifs
- A Friend in Need
- Give Me a Sign
- Gladiator Games
- Glowing Eyes: The angel statue.
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: The wielder of the Banestone.
- Gossipy Hens: About Kyri, when she lived with Jon among humans.
- Grave Robbing: How two men stumbled on Jon's father.
- Half-Human Hybrid: Colindra.
- Happily Married
- Happy Rain
- Hard Head
- Hearing Voices: Anyone who rocks the Banestone.
- Heel Realization
- Heroic Sacrifice: What Kyri attempts in order to stop Jon from bringing about The End of the World as We Know It.
- Home, Sweet Home
- Hour of Power: Stones can only be rocked for a period of time.
- Ignored Epiphany
- I Have Many Names
- "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight
- I'm a Humanitarian: The humans see the other higher animals as potential meals, even though they are humanoid, of comparable intelligence, and can still be seen as something to satisfy "erotic appetites". Even worse, it has been heavily implied that they WERE humans in the previous version of reality.
- In Harm's Way
- In Mysterious Ways: One possible interpretation of the nature goddess's apparent lack of intervention. The God At The Eternity Spire has also been implied to have some limited ability to intervene indirectly
- The Insomniac
- Kick the Dog
- Kill It with Fire
- Last of His Kind
- Little Bit Beastly: The higher animals.
- Loser Son of Loser Dad
- The Lost Woods
- Lotus Eater Machine: Their world is implied to be one of these. The Eternity Spire is actually a reality warping machine that has replaced the "real world" (which is much like our own) with the fantasy style world of Endstone.
- Love At First Sight: Kyri Thunderhead and Jon Montaine. Though it wasn't technically at first sight. See Lotus Eater Machine above.
- MacGuffin: The shards of the Endstone.
- Made a Slave
- Mama Bear
- Meaningful Rename
- Mind Rape: What the God At The Eternity Spire does to Colindra after she opens her mind to him via the Banestone.
- Mineral MacGuffin
- Missing Mom
- Mooks
- Mugging the Monster: A gang of thugs attempt to do this to Colindra. It doesn't go very well.
- Nature Hero
- Never Hurt an Innocent
- Non Combat Stilettos
- Not a Game
- Not Quite Dead: Jon Montaine and Kyri Thunderhead were believed to have perished at the Eternity Spire. But as Pablo Montaine suspects, they were merely imprisoned in time.
- Odd-Shaped Panel
- Oedipus Complex
- Omnicidal Maniac: Anyone who wields the Banestone.
- Our Dragons Are Different
- Parental Abandonment
- Parental Substitute
- Physical God: The God At The Eternity Spire. Actually a scientist with the power to warp reality.
- Post Dramatic Stress Disorder
- Power Glows
- Reality Warping Is Not a Toy
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Anyone who rocks the Banestone.
- Revenge: What Jon Montaine sought against Drakyl.
- Schizo-Tech
- Sealed Evil in a Can: The God At The Eternity Spire is trapped in another plane of existence that overlooks normal reality, preventing him from using his reality warping powers..
- Sex Slave
- Shut UP, Hannibal
- So Proud of You
- Stripperiffic: Playing with it. Because the years have not been kind to Matilda.
- Take My Hand
- Tell Me About My Father
- That Man Is Dead: What tends to happen to wielders of the Banestone.
- Threshold Guardians
- Throwing Your Sword Always Works
- Time Stands Still: One of the Banestone's powers.
- Torches and Pitchforks
- Uncanny Family Resemblance
- Unstoppable Rage
- Vampiric Draining
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: The Dragonstone allows its wielder to transform into a dragon.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy
- We Need a Distraction
- What Does She See in Him?
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: What the God At The Eternity Spire showed Jon when he touched the Banestone:
"Gaze into the world as it should be Jon." |
- Of course, he then uses his new found power to lay waste to the land. Like much of Endstone, it then moves out of this trope and into Crazy Awesome.
- Where It All Began
- Wicked Witch
- Witch Hunt
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: The nature of the Banestone.
- You Are Too Late
- Zerg Rush