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Entry Pimp

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    /wiki/Entry Pimpwork
    Go on. You know you want to.

    An editor has come across a notion that they feel is universal. They make an entry about the notion, then set out to zap it into as many other entries as possible with varying degrees of description.

    This also happens to tropers who know their favorite stories forwards and back: every trope they read reminds them of an example from that story and they simply must share it with the world.

    This isn't necessarily a bad thing, as quite a few people get exposed to good shows along the way. And new Tropes can be spread quickly this way. But remember that Entry Pimping can sometimes produce an example that is not accurate to the trope.

    It is a thing that humans do. The Wiki understands this and is forgiving. Just don't overdo it.

    Although if you really can't help yourself, all hope is not lost, as fortunately, there is a place on this wiki where your instincts can be put to good use. Some pages have fewer or more examples than pages linking back to it, and some pages don't have very many pages linking to them; both of these types of pages dearly need your skills put to use in their favor.

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