Famous Last Words/Fan Works/Daring Do

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Examples of Famous Last Words in Daring Do include:

Core 16

  • Daring Do and the Griffon's Goblet
    • "I ate what?" Black Wing, Copperbeak's predecessor, in the flashback
  • Daring Do and the Wooden Mask
  • Daring Do and the Platinum Crown
    • "I'm less concerned about the flowers and more concerned about-- AAAAAA!" Ruby Vest
    • "Equestria... my rightful... realm..." Hammerhoof
  • Daring Do and the Trident of the Sea Ponies
    • "You have to stop him, Miss Do." Shūbidū
  • Daring Do and the Temple of Nightmare Moon
    • "I guess... the sword isn't.. mightier... than the pen..." Commander Moonbarker
    • "Come on, Daring! We've a long way yet!" Hoops Blazer
    • "Tell... Okpono... I'm... sorry..." Deborus Mane Nagridge, although the "sorry" is Daring's guess from context.
    • "Please, you and I both know you don't have the..." Ahuizotl. He got better
  • Daring Do and the Shrine of the Silver Monkey
    • "IT'S LIKE DELICIOUS POISON!!!" Commandant Rex. As far as we know.
    • "Please... find... someone... better... for... " Inferno.
  • Daring Do and the Staff of Star Swirl the Bearded
  • Daring Do and the Ring of the Marengeti
    • "I'll get you yet!" Ahuizotl
    • "It's called 'giving Discord his due'." Hammer Star, when asked why he had something good to say about Nagridge

Young Daring Do

  • Daring Do and the Ballad of Chickerufus
    • "I'll have the fire going when you return." Zapapple Tock
  • Daring Do and the Return of the Fire of Friendship
    • "The changeling is-" Lady Blue Blood
    • "Just... you wait... Equestria... will be ours... someday..." King Mayhem

Other Expanded Universe

  • Daring Do and the Ruby of the Blank Village
    • "It's just my cutie mark. It shows what I'm good at." Orion Gemstone
    • "What are you--" Medley Twister
    • "MITTA! HELP ME! MITTA!" Ruby, in the flashback
    • "Do what you will with me. We all deserve far worse." Mitta, in the flashback
    • "Oh happy flint knife." Starlet, in the flashback
    • "It's hopeless. The plague will spread again, and ponykind will perish." Grey Hoof, in the flashback
    • "NO FREAKS!!" Nightmare Starlet
  • Daring Do and the Skull of Ages
    • "Die, blasphemer!" High Priest Whitefrock
    • "Like I said, it's suicide. You can't beat me, you're like a spider monkey taking on a mountain gorilla". Marshal Goldstar
    • "Impossible. The cosmos is mine to command". Darkling Brighteye
  • Daring Do and the Obsidian Sentinel
    • "Wait here, I'll be right back." Earth Song in Star Shimmer's flashback, or so she thought.
  • Daring Do and the Amber of the Smooze
    • "It's... Beautiful!" Charity the Deserter