Famous Last Words/Other Media

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Examples of Famous Last Words in Other Media include:

Theme Parks


  • A long series of jokes:
    • Tarzan's last words: "Who greased the liana!?"
    • The electrician's last words: "Yes, I'm sure I switched the main breaker."
    • The cardinal's last words: "Matches? I thought you had them."
    • The general's last words: "Watch where you're pointing that bow and arrow, you'll have someone's eye out in a minute."
    • The biologist's last words: "Only experts can tell the difference between the harmless legless lizard that I'm holding in my hands and the similar-looking horned viper..."
    • The classic redneck's last words: "Hey y'all, watch this!"
      • Another version is, "Hold muh beer n' watch this!"