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"Listen... you're probably figuring out by now that we Psychlos are not very smart. In fact, the only reason we're able to take over any galaxies at all is that we fart nuclear bombs out of our anuses!"

Gas. Flatulence. Cutting the cheese. Breaking wind. Bottom burps. Barking spiders. Stepped-on ducks. Whizpops. In other words? FARTS.

In real life, the powers of flatulence are largely limited to clearing a room. And perhaps serving as an impromptu blowtorch, if you're really, really dumb. It's different in cartoons, though. There, the lowly flatus is often elevated to the status of Weapon of Gas Destruction:

  • It's... expelled with such force, it can serve as a source of propulsion in times of need.
  • Its methane content is greatly exaggerated. While it's true that intestinal gas is flammable, the puff of flame you'll get is... somewhat underwhelming, shall we say. In cartoonland, however, lighting the proverbial match may just make the whole room go "Boom."
  • Its stench is so great, it's corrosive.

Largely limited to shows or video games geared at kids, probably because "adults" pretend to have a selective lower tolerance for Toilet Humor. Unless the show in question is already a Dead Baby Comedy to begin with.

This trope has little to do with the Real Life petard, a siege explosive named after the French word for 'farting'.

An extension of Ass Kicks You, as well as an extension of Toilet Humour. Also see Ass Shove.

Examples of Fartillery include:

Anime and Manga

  • The evil mice on Black Cat Detective. Some of them had the ability to knock cats unconscious with their deadly emissions, warranting the use of space-helmets.
  • Kinnikuman had this as his means of flight. He also farts on his opponent at the end of an incomplete Muscle Spark. Not nearly as damaging as a complete one, but much more humiliating. He escaped Black Hole's alternate universe prison by using his farts as a "white hole" counter-attack.
  • Domo-Kun uses farts as a method of propulsion.
  • When Naruto was fighting Kiba in the Chuunin exams, he (accidentally) let one of these out. Which turned out to be a great tactical move, since Kiba's sense of smell was heightened at the time. Some of the licensed video games take it further, and give this to Naruto as a special move.
  • This is the center of Gasser's martial art style in Bobobo-Bo Bo-bobo. Which is taken completely seriously, as Gasser shares with Beauty the Only Sane Man position (more so in the first episodes).
  • Himawari! features Momota, a cute animal sidekick who frequently attacks with his gas. As well, at one point, as using his backside as a watermelon-seed machine gun.
  • One Chimera Anima of Tokyo Mew Mew was a large kappa, who stunned the Mew Mews with a fart. Fortunately, Pudding happened to have a cold at the time.
  • In One Piece, Franky's "Coup de Boo" proves that Eiichiro Oda does nothing half-assed (no pun intended). Up to and including his fart jokes.
    • There is also the Skunk One from the second Movie, although he could be considered a user of artificial fartillery, since he has a bag of gas on his back, which he uses to propel himself in the air and to weaken his opponents (It makes a characteristic sound, when it emits gas).
  • Keroro Gunsou: Tamama has farts vastly more potent then a normal Keronian, which he is quite proud of, and uses them as an attack on a few occasions. He also can use them to increase his swimming speed.
  • Though it's not an intentional attack, Horo Horo's farts in Shaman King are truly devastating.
  • Ninin ga Shinobuden has Onsokumaru wiping out a room full of Ninja with a fart in episode 5.
  • In the Dragon Ball episode "Smells Like Trouble", Krillin defeats Bacterian with this move. In fact, Bacterian's entire style was based around his horrible stench. Krillin's final use of it was payback. The only reason Krillin wins the fight is because Goku reminds him that he doesn't have a nose, and is therefore imagining the smell.
    • It also happened twice in Dragonball Z. In one episode Roshi accidentally farts, knocking out a dragon which had been threatening his group. There is also a scene in which gas venting from a port-o-potty occupied by Super Buu knocks Mr. Satan out.
  • Gokudo's farts are smelly enough to empty a bar. This later becomes a Chekhov's Skill, when he has to wake his companions from a sleep spell.
  • The Jiggle Butt Gang from Rave Master knock out an entire casino with their ultimate technique.
  • Nezumi-Otoko uses this as a special ability in GeGeGe no Kitaro.
  • Kaiketsu Zorori: Ishishi and Noshishi have strong gas, and Zorori uses this when needed, to power machines and spacecraft. (That's not to say that Zorori's farts can't power spacecraft too, though.)

Comic Books

  • Peräsmies is a Finnish superhero parody comic. The title hero is a hobo who developed super-powered flatulence after eating irradiated pea soup; he flies by breaking wind, and knocks criminals out by farting on them. The name of the character is a combination of "Teräsmies" (Superman's Finnish name) and "perä" (rear end).
  • In one of Lobo's stories, he resolves an epic duel with his daughter by eating a can of beans (an obvious Popeye spoof) and setting his fart on fire to create a nuclear explosion.

The Sun: That was a corker!

  • A similar thing happens in Gorsky and Butch. In a scene that is a direct spoof of Vasquez and Gorman's death from Aliens. Except here they use canned beans and a lighter. That, and the aliens are replaced by sheep as a result of an untranslatable Visual Pun.
  • The titular Johnny Fartpants from Viz uses farts to various effect and can alter the effect by eating different things i.e. a tranqualizer fart made by eating 200 paracetamol or an electric fart to power a life support machine by drinking battery acid.
  • In one issue of The Darkness, a darkling defeats a Mook during an underwater fight by farting into his air hose.
  • The Harrowers from the Hellraiser comics, and shortly-lived Spin-Off, has Ovid. A cherub who serves the goddess of life and chaos. One of his powers is anti-demon farts.
  • In the Swedish comic Krystmarodören (about an anarchic Anti-Hero with super-crapping powers...) the eponymous hero is tricked into a fight with more upstanding hero Balkongståarn, a half-dressed man with a hover-balcony. After using his power to, erh, clogging the vents on Balkonståarn's vehicle, the guy snarfs down a can of baked beans, singing Popeye's theme tune, and averts crashing by some massive farting.
  • In The Beano comic strip Super-Hero School this is Stink bomb's superpower. He uses his farts to beat the badguys.
  • In Savage Dragon, an entire team of bad guys had with body function related powers. One of them was called Backdraft. Do the math.


  • In the movie Beavis and Butthead do America, there's a scene where the two main characters meet their fathers in the middle of the desert. After having a dinner of canned beans by campfire, Butthead's dad turns around and proceeds to fart into the flames, causing an explosion equivalent to a nuclear explosion.
    • B&B also utilize burps and farts as (non-lethal) weaponry in their video game.
  • In the opening of the first Shrek movie, Shrek farts in the water, and a fish floats up. Ogre astrology and mythology includes "Bloodnut the Flatulent", whose constellation includes hunters fleeing his stench. Also, when reaching the brimstone-smelling dragon lair...

Donkey: Man, you gotta warn somebody before you crack one like that. My mouth was open and everything.
Shrek: Donkey, if that was me, you'd be dead.

  • In their second movie, Shrek and Fiona fart into their hotspring to make it bubble like a spa.
  • Similarly, a promo for The Lion King 1 1/2 has Pumbaa do the same. Timon and Simba were... understandably disgusted.
    • Of course, Pumbaa's backstory establishes that he... well, smells... and is why he was cast out of warthog society. And, of course, it is used to scare away the hyena trio toward the end of the movie.
    • In The Lion King 2, Timon intentionally uses Pumbaa's...emissions as a threat against Zira's Amazon Brigade. They run away fast.
  • Kenny dies from having his heart replaced with a baked potato when he's in the hospital for lighting his fart explosively in the beginning of South Park Bigger, Longer, Uncut. Unlike earlier, the death sticks, and kick-starts the plot. In other words, he was hoist by his own petard.
  • The animated movie Robots has a scene where everyone in Aunt Fannie's house is making fart noises with their armpits (heard only during a stationary outdoor shot). Aunt Fannie one-ups them all with a real one that shakes the world and actually kills a robot lamp post outside, whose dying words were: "Lady... please... see a doctor... ungh."
  • Despicable Me: "I said DART Gun!"
    • In Despicable Me 2, they're used to deliver a 21-gun salute.
  • Mystery Men features the Spleen, whose superpower is superpowered flatulence. The origin comes from the curse of a gypsy woman. (A deliberate You Fail Biology Forever, as even curse-enhanced farts have nothing to do with the spleen.)

"One day, while walking with some friends, I accidentally cut the cheese. Well, in my adolescent awkwardness, I blamed it on an old gypsy woman who happened to be passing by. Big mistake! The gypsy woman placed a curse upon my head. Because I smelt it, she decreed I would forevermore be he who dealt it!"

    • And, naturally enough, he is virtually the only team member whose power is both effective and can be used on demand....
  • In the film Zoom one of the potential candidates for the team is "Jupiter the Gas Giant". He doesn't quite make the cut.
  • Windy Winston from The Garbage Pail Kids Movie, who uses his gas while fighting, or to just gross people out.
  • This pretty much the raison d'être of the evergreen children's film Thunderpants.
  • In Starship Troopers, the alien army has a literal fartillery, capable of taking down a large spaceship. It's less farting and more projectile... a polite word escapes me... gobbets of bio-plasma.
  • In the third Tremors film, the Shriekers metamorphose into "Assblasters", creatures capable of getting airborne by igniting their own farts.
  • In Dumb and Dumber, Jim Carrey's character lights his fart (in a daydream), which makes him the hit of the party.
  • The titular character in Theodore Rex interrogates someone this way. Surprisingly, it doesn't work.
  • And in the second Scooby Doo movie, Shaggy lit one of Scooby's farts to generate a flamethrower effect against The Miner Fourty'Niner.
  • In the 1996 remake of The Nutty Professor, there is a dream sequence in which Sherman has a nightmare about being a giant and destroying the city with a fart that accidentally catches fire.
  • In the 2010 version of the Green Hornet, Kato gives Britt a gun that, in his words, "shoots farts at people". Didn't help that the gas was GREEN, either.
  • The "I wish I could forget watching it" 1985 Israeli movie "Kompot Na'alyim" (Sweet Shoes soup) - aside from being a crime against the cinematic arts - had at its core this "idea". From IMDB: 'When Igor immigrates from Russia to Israel, he is recruited into the mandatory Israeli army reserve service. When his commanders learn the army food causes him to have very noisy farts, they order him to utilise this to defuse mines.' face-palm.
  • Major Payne knocks out one of his JROTC recruits with a fart after he tries to pull a Laxative Prank.


  • In Artemis Fowl, the Dwarves possesses a wide range of gastrointestinally-based superpowers. Including superfarts. At one point, Badass Battle Butler Butler (That's his name) is Blown Across the Room by one of these, much to his chagrin. Artemis himself occasionally refers to the rear end of a dwarf as "a wide-bore weapon".
  • The BFG. by Roald Dahl has a drink with bubbles that sink. And make you "fly".
  • Errol the Dragon from Discworld is a rocket-flight version—justified in that he specifically eats things in order to manufacture rocket fuel in his chemical-distillery insides.
    • Lunar Dragons, as seen in The Last Hero, flame from... that end. This is largely because they live on a low-gravity environment, and a weapon that stops you in midflight is worthless.
      • Errol has rearranged his innards to flame like a Lunar Dragon's. Word of God says that Errol is a throwback to the lunar dragons.
  • Hidden Talents by David Lubar has a kid nicknamed Hindenburg for his tendency to, well... He even manages to blow open a closet door.
  • The (aptly-named) Gasman, a.k.a. Gazzy from Maximum Ride. Not only can they incapacitate foes with their smell, they're toxic green.
  • In the war novel SS General by Sven Hassel, Porta has a sudden attack of deafeningly-loud farts while they're trying to sneak through the Russian lines.

"Well, just try and control it!" I snapped. "It's like a bloody cannon going off!"
"Stick a cork up your bum," suggested Tiny.
"Germany's secret weapon," I said sourly. "The human champagne bottle... turns his back on the enemy and wipes out whole regiments at a fart!"

  • The Day My Bum (or Butt) Went Psycho, and the sequels. Farts, in this, are used by the bums not only as weapons, but also for flight.
  • In the Courts of the Crimson Kings by S.M. Stirling. Do the methane-powered living rifles of the Martians count?
  • The children's book series Walter the Farting Dog, which is Exactly What It Says on the Tin
  • There is a traditional Japanese children's fable whose title, when translated to English, is The Farting Wife. In it, a man marries a beautiful woman who is his dream girl, but her farts are so enormous they're capable blowing people and things away.
  • In the Harry Potter book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, this is what a Fire Crab does, despite its name its actually a turtle. The video game latter shows how it does it.
  • Not actually a weapon, because it was most dangerous to those producing it: Philip Wylie's The End of the Dream has a sequence when negligence about the chemistry of a new precooked food made it give those who ate it high-explosive flatulence. This was discovered when one gentleman, after a hearty meal, broke wind while his back was to the fireplace, and became splattered all over the room's walls. He was just the first such victim....

Live-Action TV

  • The Power of Kroll is the only Doctor Who story centred entirely around farts (methane production from a giant alien creature).
    • The Slitheen have really smelly farts. This isn't much use to them (it has to do with "gas exchange"), but it is useful to the Doctor, who realizes what species they are from the way their farts smell.
    • In the charity spoof episode "Doctor Who and the Curse of Fatal Death", the Doctor and his companion are exploring the ruins of the planet Tersurus, which was inhabited by a now-vanished race called the Tersurons, the most kindly and peaceful race in the universe. They were shunned by all because they used flatulence as their means of communication.

"So what happened to them?"
"They discovered fire."

  • Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide has the dreaded Timmy Toot-Toot, who actually refers to his brain-blasting farts as his gift. On one occasion, an attempt to harness them as an alternative fuel source backfired, and forced the school to evacuate.
  • In The Young Ones episode "Cash", Mike accidentally ignites one of Vivien's farts, causing an explosion that demolishes the house.
  • Farscape plays with this by having Rygel fart helium, but only when he's nervous.
    • Or angry!
    • Played for laughs in the episode John Quixote where the game character Rigel plays can shoot flame from his rear end.
  • The supervillain Geyser Girl from Amazing Extraordinary Friends has farts capable of knocking people unconscious.
  • In an Angel episode "Blood Money", Cordelia has a vision of a great fire-breathing monster. It's referred to in Getting Crap Past the Radar fashion; Gunn and Wesley attempt to sneak up on it from behind, and flames appear, coming from the (offscreen) giant monster. Gunn laments "I thought you said it breathed fire!"
  • The Le Corbussier et Papin sketches in The Smell of Reeves and Mortimer. Literally in one of sketches, as rapid fart-firing knocks a cyclist off his bike and into a lake; metaphorical in others.
  • Happens in a case of 1000 Ways to Die, named Gas-Holed. An ass-man proctologist forgets to tell a stripper with a nice ass to not eat anything before operating on her; she eats a HUGE chilli dog and later lets out a big fart during the surgery... accidentally blowing up the cauterizer and burning the Dirty Old Man doc's face and lungs.

Newspaper Comics

  • Subverted in a Photo Comic called "Fartman" in the March 1985 issue of the National Lampoon magazine. The title character's Fartillery covers all of the above categories, and is quite effective. However, he refuses to actually use it, as it's too embarrassing.

Oral Tradition, Folklore, Myths and Legends

  • General Pumpkin of Korean Folklore was both Blessed and cursed by this ability.
  • There have also been serious or not so serious speculation on whether the milky way was formed from the gas of an Ancient Astronaut released into space.
  • In many stories, Kappa have incredibly powerful flatulence, some say they even possess two anuses, and the trait even led to an old saying about something having less importance then a Kappa's fart. Conversely this was also used against them, and there is more then one piece of ancient art with a human using Fartillery on the Kappa instead. One such example can be found here.
  • The little-known bonnacon is a mythological beast from Asia with a head like a bull, but with horns that curl in towards each other. As these horns are useless for defense, the bonnacon typically attacks by running away from its pursuers while letting out a gigantic fart covering as much as two acres that burns anything it touches.
  • A common explaination in mythology for skunks stench. Some legends even say they can kill with it.

Professional Wrestling

  • During her term in Divas of Doom, certain someone had this going for her, much to the dismay of some of the other divas, and even a referee was caught off-guard.

Puppet Shows

  • When The Funday Pawpet Show started in '99, one of the regular features was the "Poot Board" on which it was recorded how many times and which puppetteer ripped one loose over the course of the four hour show. Generally Yappy and JR are the Poot Kings.

Video Games

  • Wario, in most of his recent incarnations, has some variety of gas-based power. In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, it's his B Down special attack; he can also create dangerous gas clouds in Super Mario Strikers.
    • Taken over the top in the initial trailer where the fart creates a cloud you'd commonly associate with an A-Bomb... people pretty much speculated that this was his Final Smash, but surprisingly, it wasn't.
      • Though interestingly, if he DOES do the fully-charged version of the fart DURING his Final Smash transformation, it is one of the most powerful attacks in the game, able to kill virtually anything in one hit (including himself).
  • The Hare species from Monster Rancher frequently has "Gas" as one of its special attacks. While it doesn't do much damage, it does decrease Guts quite a bit. I'm fairly certain they're not the only species to have such an attack—while not explicitly stated to be a "gas attack" (groan), the Whirlwind move done by the Garu species does look a little... suspicious.
    • It's also employed by Apes, which only appear in some of the games. As well as being used by Hare in the anime, though cut from the American dub, in which is was far more powerful.
  • The web-based Flash game Puzzle Farter—well, come on, the title pretty much says it all, doesn't it? This one has the "rocket propulsion" brand of flatulence.
  • Pey'j in Beyond Good and Evil has a pair of Jet-Boots than run on—well, I'll let him explain:

Pey'j: They run on home-made bio-carburant. Here's the pocket of pressurized methane... (points to seat of pants) To fire 'em up, just contract your abdominal muscles!

  • Boogerman. The titular character fights monsters with an arsenal of bodily functions, which of course includes long-range fartillery. After collecting the 'Chili Pepper' powerup, he can also use his flaming flatulence to reach new heights!
  • Earthquake on Samurai Shodown has a fart attack as his special move...
    • Namely, it's a grapple. Step one, grab victim's head. Step two, turn so rear is near victim's head. Step three ... Step four, PROFIT (and giggle knowingly). Interestingly, in the second game, he (along with the smaller ninjas Hanzo and Galford) has a duplication technique. For the others, slashing the wrong ninja leaves either a fire (Hanzo) or electricity (Galford) bomb. Earthquake's leaves ... let's call it 'gas'.
    • The voice that announces the character at the start of the fight has a thick Japanese accent. It literally pronounces the name as "Ass-quake."
      • Actually, it sounds more like "Aaarse-quake".
  • In some of the Tekken games, Kuma (and, by extension, Panda) had the uber-powerful 'Bear Fart' attack. Next-to-zero range and long windup, but if it DOES hit, it's practically an instant knockout. Considering that that means it's potent enough to knock down a one-and-a-half-ton combat robot (Jack), that may just be THE most lethal fart around.
    • Likewise Gon has the less devastating, but still potent "Gon with the Wind"
    • Kuma retains the 'Bear Fart' attack as one of his supers in Street Fighter X Tekken, with the only major difference is that it is not an instant knockout like it is in the Tekken games. Although Guile (the first Street Fighter character to be..."introduced" to the attack) might say otherwise...
  • The Bile Demons of Dungeon Keeper fart deadly poison gas as their main attack.
  • In the Monster Hunter games, there is a monster that uses gas that makes you unable to eat anything. Nasty, as nearly every healing item can't be used while in this state.
  • In Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus, Abe can let out a particularly nasty bit of flatuence when he drinks Soulstorm Brew; these farts can be possessed via chanting, moved to a target location and detonated. If left unpossessed, they'll detonate after a few seconds anyway.
  • Sudeki has the Siege Ogre, whose farts are so deadly they can poison you.
  • In Mortal Kombat: Deception, Bo'Rai Cho has this as a fartality.
  • The ape Chaos from Primal Rage has a move called Fart of Fury.
  • Fo Fai from Battle Arena Toshinden has a secret move that does exactly this. It's not All There in the Manual.
    • Likewise with the monkey Bay-Hou, his replacement in Toshinden 3.
    • "A" secret move? 2 actually. The back-up-front semi-circle command produces a teeny tiny("only" the size of his head) fart with a sound similar to his name(fo). The special button-press move(whose command is revealed after you defeat Gaia) produces the same sound effect, accompanied by a gigantic blasty sound, with a long stream of fiery balls the size of Fo himself.
  • In Rampage Through Time, Harley the warthog's special power is called Boar Butt Blast.
  • Olaf in The Lost Vikings 2 uses farts to mini-jump or to elevate himself while gliding. Not to mention destroying the brick floors.
  • One of the attacks used by Orange in Gunstar Heroes.
  • Busuzima from Bloody Roar has a particularly vile throw that incorporates one of these.
  • In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, Skuntank (a skunk Pokémon) can learn Flamethrower. I'm reasonably certain it doesn't come out of his mouth.
    • How else do you think the "Detonate" ability would work for it.
      • No such "ability" exists. It only has Stench and Aftermath. However, it DOES learn Explosion...
      • Subverted. It sprays from the tip of its tail and the flamethrower and its musk is highly explosive. Stunky on the otherhand...
    • Chimchar, the fire starter from the same game, is an ape with a flaming backside. Its Pokedex entry even indicates that it's "fueled by gas produced in its belly".
    • Skuntank from Team Skull in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky teams up with Koffing to do a "stinky gas attack". Skuntank, of course, turns around to do this...
    • Skuntank's cry sounds, quite obviously, pretty much like a fart. Same goes for its pre-evolution Stunky. Just a coincidence?
  • In the now defunct outside Korea MMORPG Dragongem, the thief class can stun enemies with their gas.
  • Likewise the thieves in Dragonica's second Alpha could use a fart attack to poison them. However it seems, for beta, it has been removed from the class, and given to the Battle Mage.
  • A species of flying bugs in Final Fantasy VIII use the aptly named "Fart" skill, to berserk opponents.
    • The Earth Eater Bonus Boss from Final Fantasy X looks like it's farting the Flare spell, although it's actually bouncing it off its own auto-reflect. However, it can only do this while its behind is pointing at you.
  • After losing a battle, O'Chunks from Super Paper Mario will blast off using fart propulsion.
    • There's also a common enemy, Cherbil, which somewhat resembles a... well, just look at it. It attacks by spraying a gas that causes various status effects from between its... cheeks. The in-game tattle information even alludes to this:

"Some say the gas come from their mouths. Some say it comes from elsewhere...... Oh, dear..."

  • In the custom built fighting game MUGEN, Peter Griffin uses farts as a flamethrower (known as the Anal Torch).
    • The goblin character Menelikke does the same in his super. There's also the giantess Delilah who, in one of her alternate versions, has a full screen gas attack.
    • And there's also Gustavo, whose only attacks are... well, farts.
    • One version of Ice Man accidentally farts as his taunt. Those caught in the cloud will take damage and be stunned.
    • Franko Pedalowski by Most Mysterious has a fart as a super. The level 3 version of it has him shitting A HUGE TV
  • In Battle Chess II: Chinese Chess, one of the pieces (I believe it is the minister) attacks by turning around, bending over and blasting thier opponent away.
  • The Expansion Pack and Sequel Demo of the freeware fighter Secret of the 8 Stones is based entirely around this. Well, and Fetish Fuel
  • This is one of the most common combat options in South Park: The Stick of Truth and South Park: The Fractured But Whole]]. (What, did you expect otherwise from South Park games??)
  • In Shrek SuperSlam, a fighting game based around the Shrek series, the title character has a move called "Green Storm", which is a huge fart.
  • Magicians Quest Mysterious Times has the weirdest application of "Farts as a weapon", ever. In addition to just causing mischief, you can use the "Flatulence" spell to make ghosts pass gas... and in the process, launch into the air like a rocket, getting rid of them until you leave the screen.
  • In GU Fighter, a mugen-like system based around forum members, a few attack this way. One has sprite's based off of Tekken Gon and attacks with a green cloud. The second is based off of Fernandeath and attacks by farting out a series of black spheres. Finally is one based on Tails who has both a projectile and instant death super.
  • In Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, one of Hakushon Daimaou's supers ends in a fart.
  • The Rat King and his followers in Little King's Story attack this way. Potentially the first borderline Eldritch Abomination to have a fart attack.
  • The Samnites in the LucasArts strategy game Gladius can learn a skill called, appropriately enough, "Befoul Area". Becomes a Game Breaker when paired with the Executioner's Sword, which instantly kills a damaged enemy—resulting in a unit that can kill multiple enemies by farting on them. Not so silent... but deadly!
  • The first videogame example, way back in 1985. Po-Chin in Yie Ar Kung-Fu 2 is known as the Poison Gas Warrior. There's still argument on whether they're really farts or not, but the sprites certainly look like it.
    • It should be noted that the game was on multiple computer systems and consoles. In the most detailed he simply breaths fire, which goes against his name, and the fact he turns around and bends over in the other versions. Make of that what you will.
  • Moguralian β attemtps to do this in Undercover Cops when he's about to die.
  • Two examples in the Prinny series. In the first game, the boss Gourmet Ogre uses one as an attack. In the sequel one of the game's powerups let's you do a gas assisted jump to float.
    • In Disgaea 4: A Promise Unforgotten, the Dragon's first skill has it get sent into a sneezing fit by a stray feather that predictably ends with the target getting roasted, only the flames don't come from the dragon's mouth (The attack being called "Break Wind" kind of gives it away, though).
  • In a long forgotten game known as Slaughter Sport, you fight a gargoyle name "Guano" who has a said ability...
    • It's actually the sequel to an even less known PC game called Tongue of the Fat Man, also known as Mondo's Fight Palace. In it, the Behemoth has a similar attack. Though due to range issues it's far less useful then Guano's.
  • In Stubbs the Zombie, one of Stubbs' first special attacks he gets is that of an area of effect fart attack that stuns any enemies surrounding him as they gag on the fumes.
  • Apparently, this is one of the orcs' primary attacks in the upcoming game Orc Attack. See for yourself.
  • In Live a Live, both Pogo and Gouri have a gas attack.
  • Gas coming from pants is a powerup in Backyard Sports: Rookie Rush.
  • In the action-adventure game Bonetown, almost every special attack is fart-based.
  • In Vay, the fairy Sirufa is subject to a curse of "seismic flatulence" which the protagonists exploit as a means of travel. However, if each party member is not equipped with a Filtration Mask, the noxious winds kill them all.
  • Kato & Ken in the TurboGrafx-16 game Kato-chan Ken-chan use farting as a weapon. The US Bowdlerization JJ & Jeff replaced this with a spray can.
  • Stacking features the repeated appearences of Meriwether Malodor, a man know for incredible flatulence. In addition to using his gases on their own worth, late game puzzles involve using them to blow up obstacles by lighting them. His fiance, Felicity Fowler, apparently has *flowery* flatulence that can overpower even Meriwether.
  • Bug!! has a gas mask-wearing stink bug in the swamp level that turns around when Bug gets near, and then farts in Bug's face! It then apologizes to Bug for doing so, saying that it just ate.
  • In Fable 3, while it isn't used as an attack, your character's flatulence is remarkably strong. When you do the fart interaction, there's a brief part of the animation where it appears to blow the NPC away slightly and the animation ends with the other character passing out from the smell.
  • In Ōkami, Amaterasu has an attack that isn't really flatulence, but rather close to it.
    • There's an enemy in the series called Clay Soldier, who will attack by turning around and blasting you with a fart.
      • They share a moveset with one of the masked enemies in the North, who also uses it.
  • Woolseyism (and censorship) turned Dalton's battle-ending move in Chrono Trigger into a belch, but in the original Japanese, he's farting.
  • In Red Faction: Armaggedon, after completing the game, you can get a weapon called Mr. Toots, a cute toy Unicorn... that farts lethal rainbow-colored beams of horrible death! Here.
  • One of the bosses of Mini Ninjas attacks by fanning clouds of farts towards the players.
  • Tattoo Assassins; literally every fighter in this third-rate Mortal Kombat ripoff has a Fatality like this.

Web Comics

  • In The Adventures of Dr. McNinja, one of the myriad improbable opponents that Dr. McNinja goes up against is a man whose abs are so incredibly developed that they've transformed into a six-pack jetpack powered by flatulence.
  • The Dragonball Z parody Buttlord GT centers around Kevin and his son Glutes, both of whom excel in energy attacks expelled from the rectum.
  • Pv P features a troll by the name of Skull whose farts are sufficiently noxious to clear rooms, kill plants, and induce hallucinations.
  • Baby Man of Axe Cop jets around with his.
  • In The Order of the Stick it has yet to be seen "on screen", but this dialogue implies that the Monster in the Darkness's farts are quite powerful:

MitD: That wasn't me this time! They didn't even serve baked beans today!
O-Chul: No, friend. I think that earth-shattering sound did not originate in your bowels, for once.

  • Dave Johnson's "Flatulene" uses this as its central premise, a heroine with a "brimstone butt". Read the origin story here (Warning: NSFW)

Web Original

Western Animation

  • Billy from The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, in a childhood flashback by his father, uses his flatulence as propulsion to win fastest baby races, and somehow was certified as a genius because to this.
  • In the first South Park episode, Cartman's Farts on Fire were needed to summon the aliens. In a more recent episode, Cartman injected apple juice into his veins to worsen the frequency and potency of his farts as a weapon against a Muslim couple he was demanding information from.
  • In the episode of The Powerpuff Girls in which they premiere, the Rowdyruff Boys create a toxic cloud of gas to stop the Powerpuffs.

"Good thing we had those burritos for lunch!"

  • On one episode of Dexters Laboratory, Dexter eats a huge burrito and gets a stomach ache. Thinking he's about to explode, he goes to say goodbye to his parents. His dad tells him to "let 'er rip"—and he does, with such force that the TV behind him is totally demolished. Dexter's parents are aghast.
    • Not only that, but the pullout shots indicate that the fart is so loud, the entire universe hears it. The episode irises out on Dexter's butt, just as another literally Earth-shattering stinker is emitted.
  • Samurai Jack has the episode "Jack and the Farting Dragon." Need we say more?
  • Family Guy has a gag where the Big Bang was the result of God lighting his fart in celebration of beating his roommate at arm wrestling.
    • In the Viewer Mail episode, Peter has Chris use his pyrokinesis powers to light a fart, creating a flamethrower-like stream from his butt.
  • The episode "Silent But Dino" from Kung Fu Dino Posse centers around Chow having foul gas after eating food the Big Bad secretly delivered to him. The bad guy later uses all his flatulence to create a giant methane monster.
    • And towards the end of the same episode, Chow is forced to wear a diaper that gets rid of the stench of his gas, but turns it into "environmentally healthy" flames, which come in handy when he has to "fly" and fight the bad guy's minions.
  • In Roughnecks, the short-lived spinoff of Starship Troopers the alien Bugs deploy literal Fartillery. And no, it wasn't a joke.
  • One episode of Beast Wars ended with Rhinox accidentally destroying the Predacon base this way.
  • Johnny Test: Johnny X's signature Flaming Power Poots.
  • One episode of The Ripping Friends featured evil dictator Citracett magically gaining Fartillery-based powers and calling himself "Stinkybutt the Foul".
  • In the Ben 10 episode "Don't Drink the Water", the younger Ben uses his gas as "Stinkyfly" to defeat some giant plants.
  • In Mucha Lucha, The Flea had this as his signature move.
  • In Skunk Fu!!, the title character Skunk, who is a skunk, expels green gas from his butt, sometimes to save the day. However, skunks actually spray a bad smelling chemical rather than really smelly air.
  • In Tiny Toon Adventures, Fifi La Fume has a similarly off stench mechanism—she slaps her tail on the ground repeatedly, fanning the otherwise low-mobility gas around the vicinity.
    • Subverted, as it comes from her tail.
  • In Grossology, all of the villain Fartor's powers (and schemes) are based around farting. Including a farting Humongous Mecha!
    • Basso Profundo, another villain, uses super-powerful burps.
  • In Chowder, the title character often farts. Occasionally, they're so potent, they knock people unconscious and in at least one instance actually flew by propelling himself with a giant fart.
  • In Jimmy Neutron, Carl's N-Men alias is Belch Boy. His superpower is basically Black Canary's, only with burps. Libby also gets this power in "League of Villains" when they all end up with the wrong powers.
  • In the Jackie Chan Adventures episode "Relics of Demons Past", the writers give Jade a belching habit for the sole purpose of infusing her with Wind Demon Chi and making her burps conjure up nasty windstorms. After the episode, it's never brought up again.
  • Similar to the Jimmy Neutron example, in one episode of Phineas and Ferb the group decides to make a superhero cartoon of themselves. When asked what super power he'd like, Bufford gives a deep speech on the psychological ramifications of a persons thoughts on superpowers. And then immediately chooses Belchman.
  • In The Problem Solverz episode "Awesome Banditz", Alfe forces Roba to eat beans so he can fart and give the racing elevator a speed boost.
  • In the "Prank Master" episode of Fanboy and Chum Chum, Chum Chum's underwear "explodes" on Yo.
  • In American Dragon: Jake Long, Jake sometimes uses his dragon powers to fart fire.
  • In Reboot, one episode featured a video game that was clearly a parody of Pokemon. Bob, changed into a dragonlike creature, is ordered to use his "Nuclear Bottom Burp" attack.
  • In the American Dad episode "Fartbreak Hotel", Roger doesn't want to eat the dinner Francine made, because it has okra, which gives him "really bad gas". Seeing as Francine is having, shall we say, anger management issues at the time, Stan pleads with him to stop complaining and eat it. He does, and it turns out that "really bad gas" for him is the equivalent of tear gas, requiring the Smith family to evacuate the house until it clears.

Real Life

  • Le Pétomane, a French performer, made his career out of breaking wind. Even performed at the Moulin Rouge, although did not appear in the film. Could imitate musical instruments, blow out candles, and with the help of an ocarina and a rubber tube, play La Marseillaise.
  • Jeff Foxworthy's "Courtesy Sniffs" bit.

"I had to throw that shirt away, you know that?"

  • George Carlin's solution to the terrorist problem? The Flatulent Airborne Reaction Team, or F.A.R.T. Three guesses as to what kind of weapons they used.
  • Colonoscopy. Afterwards, you have to fart to clear the inserted air out of your system. The nurses encourage this. Any embarrassment is erased by the lingering muscle relaxants in your system.
    • Gastric bypass surgery. To make sure that they don't nick your intestines (causing peritonitis) and not notice, they inflate them with nitrous oxide. Once you got out of surgery, you're farting laughing gas.
  • Fart flies.
  • Howard Stern doesn't dress as Fartman anymore, but he recreated his alter-ego for the first few minutes of his movie Private Parts.
  • http://archive.student.bmj.com/issues/02/05/education/139.php:

"This night was the result of careful preparation with large amounts of curry and beer providing excellent substrate, I was informed. Unimpressed at the thought of any further delay to my latest (video taped) instalment of Eastenders, I was assured that I was "in for a real treat."Balanced on the edge of the sofa, my three flatmates carefully leaned back and lifted their legs up in the air. Then each excitedly lit a match and held it to the seat of their trousers. We were still all in the dark, and, after a protracted countdown, I witnessed the greatest firework display I'd ever seen. Jets of blue flame (bigger and bluer than the flame on your grandmother's brandy soaked Christmas pudding) emanated from each of them in a perfectly synchronised performance."

  • In his biography, Andre the Giant is mentioned as having cleared many a restaurant of pesky autograph hunters (the obnoxious kind who won't leave a celebrity alone once identified) with flatulence. Where does a gassy 7' tall, 500-pound gorilla sit? Anywhere he wants to.
  • The Swedish word for "speed" is "Fart." Make of that what you will.
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