Fated (fanfic)
Fated is a Buffy the Vampire Slayer fanfic by Meshakhad. It is a rewrite of the series possibly described as "What Joss might have done". It alters events in the middle of Season Two, resulting in Buffy living with Angel after being kicked out of her house, as well as Spike and Drusilla leaving Sunnydale in defeat.
Fated uses an episodic format similar to the series, with each episode containing five chapters (a teaser and four acts).
Tropes used in Fated (fanfic) include:
- Black Eyes of Evil: The cultists in "Domestic Strife" have them.
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Act Two of "Innocence", where Buffy tells her friends why she chose them over her own mother.
- Canon Discontinuity: Any backstory from the show revealed after "Ted" is ignored.
- Curb Stomp Battle: The climactic battle of "Innocence" lasts maybe thirty seconds, with Spike's minions wiped out along with the Judge.
- Deadpan Snarker: The Judge gets some of this.
- Deconstruction: Fated tries to deconstruct the Buffy/Angel romance while keeping it intact.
- Humiliation Conga: The end of "Innocence". Topping off the previous Curb Stomp Battle, Spike wrecks his car when he tries to ram the "Welcome To Los Angeles" sign.
- If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...: Giles warns Angel.
- Oh Crap: Spike has one when he sees the BLOODY ROCKET LAUNCHER.
- Running Gag: Jenny's ineptitude with weapons of any sort.