Fountain of Memes
"I'm no stranger to memetic epidemiology." —Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory
"I am hilarious and you will quote everything I say." —Nappa, Dragon Ball Abridged
You know this person. We all do. Ohhh yes. Even though you haven't even watched the show, even if you have no idea which video game they're from, you know them and have every one of their lines memorized. Their every word has a place in lulzy eternity.
This person—nay, this god(dess) of popular culture, can come in many forms, but regardless of form, He or She is known as a Fountain of Memes.
Be it due to Narm Charm, Large Ham-ness, or simply due to their own glorious Badassery, every line this sacred being spouts is an instant Memetic Mutation, to be repeated by the Internet-savvy throughout the ages.
For more information regarding these characters' holy exploits, see Memetic Badass, Memetic Sex God, and similar pages. See also YouTube Poop for practical applications of their blessed dictions.
When in doubt about examples, keep in mind the Rule of Three. There's no specific cutoff point for awesomeness, but three Memetic Mutations is generally a good baseline. It is also recommended, though not required, that you give us a sample of the character's works, so we too may revel in their awesomeness.
The name is a pun on the Fountain of Dreams from the Kirby series.
Compare Reference Overdosed.
- Large Hams
- Animals, especially cats. Goes double when they're in unusual poses or have weird face expressions.
- Engrish
- Narm
- Any Ear Worm, especially if it has lyrics are random and make no sense and if the song is sung with a chipmunk voice.
- Catch Phrases and Verbal Tics
- A sentence of a curse and cuss word in found in a place where it normally isn't found.
- Say My Name can also often fall for this.
- Isaiah Mustafa, better known as The Man Your Man Could Smell Like.
- The Most Interesting Man in the World (of the Dos Equis commercials)
- Vince Offer, A.K.A. the ShamWow/SlapChop guy. "You're gonna' love my nuts!"
- Among certain generations in Canada, quotes from the Canadian Heritage Moments are burned into the mind.
Anime and Manga
- Kamina of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Nearly everything he says is a meme. And putting his epic sunglasses on anyone (or anything) makes them instantly badass. WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK HE IS?!
- Hell, he's even a Fountain of Memes in-verse. His Team Gurren symbol, his Catch Phrases, his glasses, his speeches, his very methods of speaking and posing are all adopted by the human species as the very pinnacle of manliness, to the point that they named the first city on the surface Kamina City.
- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure has Dio Brando and his infamous Finishing Move:
- Osaka from Azumanga Daioh. So many scenes featuring her have become memetic; there are at least three YTMND memes involving her. And then there's the Macintosh ad parody from AMV Hell. And none of those are even actual lines of dialog; though she's got a fair number of those as well, she's far more well-known for her Crowning Moments of Funny, up to and including her knife-Yukari scene.
- Jan Fuckin' Valentine.
- Tsuruya, nyoro~n.... :3
- Haruhi herself too.
- Everyone in Code Geass.
- Dragon Ball Z. Vegeta. Seriously, practically ANYTHING Dub!Vegeta says, there is a meme for it, to over 9000 levels. Indeed, one person created an entire YouTube account solely to organise all of Vegeta's meme-worthy moments, and there are well over a thousand of the things. Can't be bothered to Archive Binge? Well SAD FOR YOOOOOOUUUUUUUU!!
- The freakin' Goddess of Memes, Suiseiseki -- NO! Her name is DESU! Shame on you, desu~!
- Aizen from Bleach, nearly everything he says has meme potential.
- Anything Uchiha related in Naruto, most notably any Not So Stoic facial expression done by Sasuke or Itachi.
- HONHONHONHON~ Prease do not forget the VUNDERBAR Hetalia (especially the Dub, da?), you nutburgers. It is just a SHITSTORM of memes. And that is not a euphemism for anything.
- The Christmas "Bloodbath" of 2010 spawned over 28 new memes in the fandom alone. Now with its own page.
- Death Note has Light Yagami, who will be the GOD OF THE NEW WORLD as he takes a potato chip AND EATS IT!!! He KNEW IT! All according to keikaku. (Translator's note: keikaku means plan)
- Just about anything from Neon Genesis Evangelion, but especially Gendo. Kaworu is also popular for memes.
- Kyubey of Puella Magi Madoka Magica, due to his narrow range of facial expressions, cute and fuzzy appearance, stalkerish behavior, and downright creepiness. Memes range from posting ASCII Art of his face wherever possible to anthropomorphizing him as a nubile young girl or Bishounen with cat ears to depicting him pestering Magical Girls from other canons to finding new and creative ways to kill him and depicting him molesting the protagonist. In fact, the memes seem to be engaged in a power struggle.
- Cilan from Pokémon has been spouting these like crazy: He whips his Stunfisk back and forth; he's a rapist; he eats his Pokemon; "It's Tasting Time" and "It's Lunch Time;" he's FABULOUS~; screams like a girl...
- The mochi comics in Hetalia Axis Powers. Especially anything said by America-mochi. "It's okey, I'm American!"
Comic Books
- I'm the Goddamn Batman and I can breathe in space. Oh, and my parents are DEEAAAAAAD!!!
- Anything done by Frank Miller.
- Anything done by Jack Chick.
- The Doomguy. Who's a man and a half!?!
"Who's the man? I'm the man! I'm a bad man! How bad? Real bad! I'm 12.0 on a 10.0 scale of badness!" |
- Then there's me, Deadpool, naturally. There's just too much to list here. Also of note is my inclusion in Marvel vs. Capcom 3. See this section on that page's YMMV tab? Approximately 75% of those phrases were uttered during the first peek at the game.
- Furmanisms. Can they do no less?
Fan Works
- The incomparable Enoby Draknes Dimenta Rave Way (Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way), "goff" protagonist of My Immortal.
- Half Life: Full Life Consequences, which can't be elaborated on because YOU ARE HEADCRAB ZOMBIE.
- Doom: Repercussions of Evil probably manages to win by sheer density, considering it is a 211 word fic that is such a meme juggernaut it even manages to be a Trope Namer. Unfortunately, you are the demons. And Then John Was a Zombie.
- The Warrior Cats trollfic Starkit's Prophecy.
- Samuel L. Muthafuckin' Jackson. If he's in it, he'll not only create a few memes but also a Memetic Badass in the process. And that certain scene in Pulp Fiction is a meme from start to finish.
- Said scene (starting from about 4:30) really deserves to be expanded upon—there are five memes[1] in 58 seconds.
- He also needs to know where his super suit is, because he needs it for the greater good!
- Leonidas' "THIS! IS! SPARTAAAA!" and "Tonight we dine in HELL!", the former being a (former) Trope Namer.
- Tony Montana: "Say Hello to My Little Friend!"
- Dr. Evil of Austin Powers could buy this trope if he had *pinky raise*... one miiiillion dollars!
- Seriously, someone throw him a frickn' bone here!
- Bruce Campbell has spawned more than a few. Notably, "This Is My Boomstick!" is a classic meme of geekdom that existed even before the internet.
- Humphrey Bogart, especially in Casablanca. Indeed, lines like "Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine." and "Here's lookin' at you kid." are so iconic most people who've heard of them have no idea of any context.
- Star Wars. Oh God, Star Wars... Darth Vader in particular is a Meme Lord, while Yoda in memes speaks as well.
- And then, Yoda's style of speaking is even more of a meme in itself than any of his many memetic lines...
- Kirk Lazarus, LEAD FARMER, MOTHERFUCKER! (Never go full retard.)
- Les Grossman who asks you to take a step back, and literally fuck your own face, or he'll fuck you up!
- R. Lee Ermey has spawned many, many memes, as various characters and as himself.
- Mel Brooks has made a career out of memes, with nearly all of his films containing at least a handful.
- Jim Carrey is another who has made a career full of memes.
- The Joker in The Dark Knight, as played by Heath Ledger, to the point that literally every line he says in that film is a meme. Every. Line. Hell, Heath Ledger's entire script in that movie was one big meme.
- Considering that the Nolan-verse Joker has been theorized to be a personification of lulz itself, this may not be so surprising.
- Monty Python films are filled to the brim with memes of all kinds, with Monty Python and the Holy Grail in particular quoted and repeated so frequently that it has become a meme itself to mock people who quote it.
- The Blues Brothers. It's 106 miles to Chicago...
- Mae "Is that a pistol in your pocket Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?" West. Both as a character and herself.
- Apparently, Betty White is the current meme-of-the-week for the internet. No one's quite sure why.
- The Princess Bride is so meme-worthy that it named five different tropes.
- Better to say that Inigo Montoya named those tropes.
- For you, the day Bison graced TV Tropes with his presence was the most important day of your life... But for Me It Was Tuesday.
- Did Bison keep producing memes in the cartoon that followed? YESSSS!! YESSSS!!
- Of Course!
- The meme power of Office Space was so large it created brand new consumer demand.
- Agent Sands from Once Upon a Time In Mexico. In fact, it's probably easier to list a Johnny Depp role that isn't one of these.
- Brian Blessed can create memes FROM HIS SHEER PRESENCE!
- uh-Christopher. uh-Walken. He's un-FUCKING-believable!
- Arnold Schwarzenegger. 160 Greatest Quotes.
- As I Lay Dying vocalist Tim Lambesis even made a full-blown side project dedicated to this.
- The Big Lebowski. Every single line of that movie is a meme.
- Plan 9 from Outer Space. Because all you of Earth... are idiots!
- The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra
- Manos: The Hands of Fate, especially TorGo.
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Even long before the Internet, thanks to the Audience Participation. "It's just a jump to the left..."
- Sixty percent of the time, Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy creates memes every time.
- The Aliens mostly come at night. Mostly.
- Mean Girls. On Deviant ART, Facebook and Tumblr (especially Tumblr), there is not a single line that is not memetastic.
- The Room, due to epic, unrelenting levels of Narm.
- The Narmtastic remake of The Wicker Man
- The dramatic finale of Silver Streak, the eponymous train crashing through the walls of the terminal, was repeated ad-nauseum by other movies including Airplane!
- Bonecrusher hates that he wasn't on this list.
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 — Hundreds, if not thousands, of Facebook pages were created overnight.
- Zoolander: Let's just say this movie is "very quotable" and leave it at that.
- "Blue Steel" has probably gotten more pop-culture nods than any other joke in the movie.
- "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!"
- "What is this, a center for ANTS!?!"
- "Well you can dere-LICT my balls!"
- "You think I don't know what a eugoogoly is?"
- "Hansel is so hot right now!"
- Nobody mentioned Napoleon Dynamite? GOSH!
- Your Meme goes to college!
- What, no Nicholas Cage? I could make this entry on JUST The Wicker Man remake, but there so so so so SO many more.
- The answer to The Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is...42.
Live-Action TV
- Star Trek: The Original Series gave us Captain Kirk, Mister Spock and "I'm a doctor, not a..." Doctor McCoy.
- Dwight Schrute, Assistant (to the) Regional Manager.
- Firefly. All of it.
- Andy Samberg and The Lonely Island. Hell, SNL in general.
- Whose Line Is It Anyway??
- Glee has Brittany, the cheerleader in desperate need of a brain transplant saying at least one meme-inducing one-liner per episode.
- How I Met Your Mother: Barney Stinson continually spouts lines that are legen... wait for it, and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the next part is DARY.
- Papa Lazarou only appeared on three episodes of The League of Gentlemen, and he has reached this status. Isn't that right, DAAAAAAAAAAVE?
- Monty Python's Flying Circus is to this day copied, quoted and imitated extensively, its meme power only increasing over the years. By far the most popular are The Spanish Inquisition, The Dead Parrot, and The Ministry of Silly Walks.
- The Ultimate Warrior. Just about any sentence that comes out of his mouth (provided you can understand it)
- Doctor Who has the one, the only, the Doctor, who offers people jelly babies while wearing a vegetable, will Reverse the Polarity of the neutron flow and declare it "Fantastic!", and while bow ties and enormous scarfs are cool, pears are absolutely rubbish. And do shut up, K9.
- The Big Bang Theory: Sheldon Cooper.
- Conan O'Brien thinks this trope LOOKS GOOOOD!
- Lady Gaga. Has she had a single that wasn't subject to rampant acapella covers / font-related parodies / math jokes?
- David Bowie. The Area, anyone? When he's not trying to take over the world, that is. Maybe it's just that sexy central London accent.
- Jessica Simpson: Most famously, "Is this chicken or fish?"
- Yo, Taylor, I'm really happy for you and Imma let you finish, but Kanye West had the best memes of all time!
- "Weird Al" Yankovic - not as memetastic as others, but it's called the Weird Al Effect for a reason.
- Michael Jackson. I don't think he could open his mouth without reciting a meme. ("Woo!", "Ah-HEE-hee-hee!", "Shimonuh!")
- Rebecca Black. FUNFUNFUNFUN
Professional Wrestling
- Former professional wrestler Batista became this in the eyes of Smart Marks following his Badass Decay.
Recorded and Stand Up Comedy
- Steve Martin.
- Russell Peters.
- Jeff Dunham.
- Ron White. "You can't fix stupid."
- Eddie Murphy.
- Jeff Foxworthy
- Maz Jibrani
- Rodney Dangerfield.
- Eddie Izzard.
- Dave Chappelle
- In Soviet Russia, meme make you!
- Jim Gaffigan.
- Ross Noble.
- Brian Regan. "You too!"
- The 2010 San Francisco Giants produced all kinds of memes as they slowly made their way to and won the World Series.
- Many of the victories were so close and nerve-shatteringly drawn-out that Kruk and Kuip likened watching The Giants play to torture. It later gives birth to the phrase "torture to rapture" when the team wins the World Series.
- Timmy "The Freak" Lincecum with his unorthodox pitching motion and long hair.
- Buster Posey's powerful throwing led many announcers to mention his rifle of an arm.
- Aubrey Huff wore a rhinestone-studded rally thong to boost team morale.
- Pat Burrell and his, er, off-field exploits.
- Brian Wilson became the team's Memetic Badass and an individual Fountain of Memes in his own right. Fear The Beard.
- The great-grandaddy of sports meme generation has to be Yogi Berra, who gave us such gems as "It ain't over until it's over", "Nobody goes there any more, it's too crowded", and "When you come to a fork in the road, take it." Also, "It ain't over until the fat lady sings." And, famously, "I never said most of the things I said."
- Ilya Bryzgalov of the Philadelphia Flyers seems to be on his way to this after his appearances in NHL 24/7. "The solar's so humongous big" and his meditations on the similarities between his Siberian Husky and a hot blonde in particular are experiencing Memetic Mutation.
Tabletop Games
- Warhammer 40,000 is the God-Emperor of memes for tabletop games, head and heavily armored shoulders above all the rest. In general da Orks are the most memetic, being made fer fightin' an' winnin', with the Imperial Guard probably second, endless jokes arising about their squishyness and collosal titanium balls.
Video Games
- Captain Falcon says "HYESZ!" to being shown some moves. "FALCAWN PAWNCH!"
- Super Smash Bros. in general is a meme fountain.
- The Legend of Zelda CDI Games are basically Fountain of Memes: The Game. The cutscene animation is so nightmarishly bad and the lines are so narmful that the cutscenes are basically 20 minutes of prime meme bait scattered throughout all three games. You must conquer each. Which is why they make perfect YouTube Poop material.
- Demon Lord Ghirahim feels Furious! Outraged! Sick with anger! that it took him this long to get mentioned... but having been mentioned at all positively fills his heart with rainbows!
- Mario in the CD-i Hotel Mario game is well known for, among other things, proudly proclaiming that All toastas toast toast and looking about 300 pounds overweight, leading to the nickname "Fat Mario".
- Fawful would like to remind you, "I HAVE FURY!" and "I am the mustard of your doom!"
- Star FOX: Peppy Hare would like you to Do a Barrel Roll! Additionally, Falco would like to inform you that he's on your side, Einstein! But Wolf can't let them do that.
- Portal will never threaten to stab you, and, in fact, cannot speak. It was a triumph, and is still alive. And against all expectations, the cake is not, in fact, a lie.
- Cave Johnson from Portal 2 will BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN. With the lemons!
- Space Core would like to remind everyone that he loves SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!
- They told Wheatley that if he had any memes, he would die.
- How's your meme holding up? Because I'M A POTATO. You Monster!.
- Minecraft.
- Team Fortress 2 is credit to team, and a spy, and sappin' mah sentry, and is BONKing your mother.
- What was that, Sandvich? POOT Heavy here? Good idea!
- Entire trope is babies.
- Touhou is pretty much made of this and Self Fanservice.
- Even amongst Touhou characters, Cirno surpasses them all in sheer meme density. She is, after all, the Strongest.
- Walfas managed to spawn almost a dozen memes all but itself.
- Dawn of War: Soulstorm foisted upon an unsuspecting Warhammer 40,000 fandom many new memes, including METAHL BAWKSES, Captain Baldreale and his SPESS MAHREENS, Vance Motherfucking Stubbs, and Cornholio the Cultist.
- By contrast, Dawn of War II: Retribution is full of Ascended Memes.
- Duke Nukem. Hell, the Duke Nukem soundboard is a meme in and of itself.
- Zero Wing, so much that it named five tropes.
- The entire Final Fantasy series, you Spoony Bard. You want to be a blitzball when you grow up? Wow, this guy are sick.
- And then Dissidia Final Fantasy can go toe to toe with the rest of the series for meme inspiration. "The greatest attack ever!" JECHT-O PAWNCH! "By now, Kuja should be having his way with Zidane and Bartz". And wow, the Ascended Memes.
- Exdeath in particular is a one-man (er, tree) meme machine.
- And then Dissidia Final Fantasy can go toe to toe with the rest of the series for meme inspiration. "The greatest attack ever!" JECHT-O PAWNCH! "By now, Kuja should be having his way with Zidane and Bartz". And wow, the Ascended Memes.
- The Mass Effect series brings us Commander Shepard, who is known for punching a certain reporter in response to her snide insinuations / disingenuous assertions / tabloid journalism, and proclaiming various stores to be his / her favourite on the Citadel (s/he can even give multiple stores the same endorsement).
- Mass Effect 2 gives us Harbinger, who becomes this despite never actually appearing in person, thanks to his habit of ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL. Oddly, after spending the entire second game churning out memes, he has only one scene in the third game - and spends it shooting at you rather than talking.
- "Attention, all yoctograms! (It's x 2) DIE!" You aren't forgetting Sho Minamimoto, are you? So zetta slow!
- OBJECTION! The lack of Ace Attorney on this page is criminal!
- BRB, reinstallan' Deus Ex.
- Deus Ex Human Revolution creating memes? I never asked for this. (How pointlessly tragic.)
- Dudley from Street Fighter III. Keeping it classy since '97. Do the words "Let's fight... like gentlemen." mean anything to you?
- Guile tells you to Go Home And Be A Family Man, because his themesong goes with everything, as a proof, he does Flash Kick FADC into Shades !
- Fighting game pro IFC Yipes has a whole stable of memes associated with him. He's best known for screaming "IT'S MAHVEL, BAYBEE!" along with other memorable phrases during matches.
- Genji: Days of the Blade, though not the game itself, but its E3 presentation. "Story is based on Japanese history and battles which took... actually took place in ancient Japan." "So here's this Giant Enemy Crab..." (this shortly after saying the battles were historical!) "Attack Its Weak Point For Massive Damage!"
- Terry Bogard. Everything he says is subjected to this, to the point of meta-humor.
- His Arch Enemy, series' Big Bad Geese Howard, isn't too far behind, especially taking his Gratuitous English lines from the Capcom vs. SNK games into account. "PREDICTABO!"
- In the early 90's NBA Jam was a source of this.
Announcer: Boom-shaka-laka! |
- The Metal Gear Solid series. Particularly MGS2. "I NEED SCISSORS! 61!" and "We've managed to avoid drowning!" being particularly notable. Discussed in greater detail on the Memetic Mutation page.
- I present to you.... Metal Wolf Chaos.
- The 5 minute E3 demo for Bulletstorm unleashed upon the world a tremendous amount of memes.
- Albert Wesker from Resident Evil. ESPECIALLY in RE5. D. C. Douglas' nonsubtle performance has a lot to do with it.
- Barry Burton in the original Resident Evil, thanks to his crappy but hilarious dialogues and voice acting.
- Anything Flint does in Mother 3 is considered Bad ass due to his physical appearance which resembles that of Chuck Norris.
- Saurfang has Cleaved this page for failing to recognise the meme power of World of Warcraft.
- Morrigan disapproves of Dragon Age memes.
- Solaire would like to join you in Jolly Cooperation and Praise the Sun!
- The Dragonborn would have been here earlier on his physics defying horse, but had to yell FUS RO DAH at most people he passed, before taking an arrow to the knee
- I saw a mud crab the other day, and I heard the Fighters' Guild is recruiting again. *commits murder* BY THE NINE DIVINES, STOP! YOU VIOLATED THE LAW!
- At least in the localized version, BlazBlue is a game that doubles as a Fountain of Memes. However, Hazama/Terumi stands out as many of the meme references are concentrated on him.
Web Comics
- VG Cats may have slowed down production, but they were pumping out memes by the week a few years back. Face Full of Alien Wingwong, Jenova's Witnesses, and so forth.
- As you can see from tvtropes, Penny Arcade.
- Xkcd, as well.
- Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff would love to be a useless piece of shit all day and make all these memes, but it's falling down all these stairs! It keeps happening!
- Homestuck has come into possession of all of the memes. All of them. You're 0k with this for now, but any more of these shenanigans and shit might just fly off the handle.
- Sonichu.
Web Original
- Red vs. Blue.
- Ben Croshaw of Zero Punctuation has inspired quite a few himself, largely due to his idiosyncratic style of humor. Notables include "pants-on-head retarded", mumorpuger, Press X to Not Die, and triple-cunted hooker.
- The Nostalgia Critic has spawned several in his short time of internet fandom; "Non Sequitur Scene" and "I was FROZEN today" are among his more popular.
- The Nostalgia Chick has quite a few of her own.
- LINKARA! He is a man! *PUNCH*
- Powerthirst takes Testosterone Poisoning to unheard of levels.
- The state of Alabama, in conjunction with YouTube, has unleashed the Mobile Leprechaun, the Mini Mall rap, and the biggest hit yet, Bed Intruder by Antoine Dobson on the unsuspecting internet. Only God knows what'll come out of the South next.
- Dr Horribles Sing Along Blog has incredible meme density.
- Approximately 80% of I'm a Marvel And I'm a DC.
- Strong Bad has unleashed many memes upon the world, including Trope Namers on This Very Wiki such as Your Head Asplode and You Gotta Have Blue Hair. However, no one has yet discovered how he manages to type with boxing gloves on.
- We are one as well. Many, many trope titles have become memes, including Crowning Moment of Win.
- Retsupurae's riff on the Darkseed games spawned a huge number of memes.
Western Animation
- The Simpsons. For a starting point, "My eyes! The Goggles Do Nothing!" (Milhouse, however, is not a meme.)
- "Milhouse is not a meme", however, is.
- Luigi's lines in the Mario cartoons are hilariously over-the-top, particularly in the "Mama Luigi" episode. "That's Mama Luigi to you, Mario!" *wheeze*
- "Well excuuuuuse me, Princess!"
- Dr. Ivo Robotnik in Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog is this. He really hates that PINGAS!
- Robotnik from that other Sonic cartoon is also like this, mostly because he's voiced by Jim Cummings.
- South Park in general tends to generate memes, but Eric Cartman is a particularly active meme fountain. "Screw you guys, I'm going home" and "Respect my AUTHORITAH" were popular very early on, and the Memetic Mutation list ends with a crack about sand in vaginas (which came from Cartman's remarks about Kyle in the "shit" episode.)
- Cheese of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
- Noah from Total Drama Island.
- Invader Zim and everything related to GIR. And everyone else, for that matter.
- The amount of memes in Batman the Brave And The Bold is OUTRAGEOUS!
- "Good news, everyone! I just invented a machine that makes you quote Futurama!"
- The Street Fighter cartoon, mostly due to "BISON!" *flames leap* YES! YES!
- My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic is about 20% more memetic than most shows.
- Especially Pinkie Pie. Pick any appearance of hers, no matter how short or long, and you'll probably be able to find it in one YouTube video, at the very least.
- Well, the show does have I, Photo Feenish, who eez always looking for... DE MAGIKS. *strikes pose*... I go! *poof*
- On, this show is the most viewed meme by a margin of a million compared to second place, has the most posted images of it, and has the most sub memes. Think about that.
- You're going to... LOVE ME!!! Also, mods are asleep, post ponies!
- 60s Spider-Man, aka the original Hanna-Barbera animated series, is notorious for two things: it is deeply ingrained in pop culture, and it features hilariously bad voice acting, writing and especially animation. As such, a macro series was born, where particularly stupid looking stills (usually of Spider-Man himself) get misleading captions, giving the Spidey an Alternative Character Interpretation of a Crazy Awesome, stupid sex-obsessed maniac. There are literally thousands of these macros.
- SpongeBob SquarePants, especially in its pre-movie seasons. With the huge amount of memorable lines from the show, it's probably only surpassed by Friendship is Magic as the most memetic animated show ever. Patrick Star in particular has the most memetic lines in the show.
- How about Avatar; The Last Airbender?
- "My cabbages!"
- Or for that matter, Legend of Korra?
- "My Cabbage Corp!"
- ↑ "What ain't no country I ever heard of! Do they speak English in What?" "English, motherfucker! Do you speak it?" "I dare you, I double-dare you, motherfucker, say "what" one more goddamn time!" "Does he look like a bitch?" and "Marcellus Wallace don't like to be fucked by anybody except Mrs. Wallace"