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  • Watching a destroyer or anything of similar size explode. Although you might want to stay clear, since large explosions can damage you. But if the exploding ship in question is one of your allies, well, YMMV.
  • The SOC Loop mission where you escort the NTT Sunder. After killing the fighter wings you and Snipes betrayed, more NTF fighters arrive to provide reinforcements. A few minutes later, two wings of the prototype Erinyes heavy fighter warp in and decimate the rebels.
  • The very first mission of Freespace 2, "Surrender, Belisarius!". You start off escorting a Vasudan convoy that is under attack by NTF fighters. Then suddenly, a Vasudan Destroyer of the new Hatshepsut-class, the GVD Psamtik, arrives to assist in destroying a rebel corvette, the NTCv Belisarius. When the corvette refuses to give itself up, the Psamtik blows it away with its Beam Cannons. Just this mission alone lets you know that things have changed a lot since the Great War.

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