Freudian Excuse/Fan Works
Examples of Freudian Excuses in Fan Works include:
- DEATHmatch, by Shadow Crystal Mage, attempts to justify Nekron's attempt to wipe out all life in Blackest Night by saying the paperwork had been getting him down
- The whole of Code Geass Mao of the Deliverance could be seen as a version of this trope taken Up to Eleven for Mao. Of course, it also shows Freud Was Right.
- Vaticus, Ignatius and Riccio have their's revealed during the St. Galleria arc of The Tainted Grimoire.
- Done twice in the Death Note fic A Cure for Love, downplayed both times:
- First Light is given a Backstory when L asks him why he doesn't really seem to like people: at a young age he noticed how shallow, stupid, and unjust people were. It was often gossiped about in their neighborhood that he looks nothing like his parents and their gossiping brought his mother shame and Light internalized that it was his fault (even though he knew it wasn't) and that there was something wrong with him and It Got Worse from there.
- Then there's the background of Original Character V: She was a victim of a human trafficking ring and had a child by rape when she was 12 (a child that would later be stolen from her by Wammy’s House.) L discovered the human trafficking ring and also how V had arranged their deaths, and so recruited her to be an assassin for Wammy's House-in other words she was so broken when they found her they decided that she was beyond fixing and just trained her to be a Serial Killer Killer. But because she is an assassin they wouldn't let her talk to her son or let him know she was his mother and still alive. Also there are hints that she might have been in love with A who committed suicide.
- Also invoked in Office Politics:
- Light is given one in Backstory in Constant Temptation- His father and role-model growing up turned out to be a Dirty Cop and raging homophobe who arranged the deaths of all Light's past Love Interests. Light figured out that his father was behind the deaths and blamed himself for it because he wasn't able to protect them. He came to the conclusion that there was no justice in this world but no one should suffer as he did, he wished there was some way he could protect everyone... and then Light found the Death Note...
- Played for Laughs in All You Need Is Love:
"The Beyond Birthday case made so much more sense now, BB wasn't a megalomaniac he was L's spurned and neglected lover. Clearly the jam was just the aftershock of being forced into sex with someone that looked vaguely like a crack head. And she had prevented him from burning himself alive, if she had to have sex with L she might have tried to burn herself alive too. Naomi noted to herself that perhaps it was a good time to go to L.A.'s prison and apologize to that poor madman." |
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