Game Over (fanfic)
"Long live the Game Over!" |
Game Over is a series of Fan Fics and other media created by supercomputer276. The original story was released on Lemmy's Land on February 12, 2005.
The stories tell the tale of a small shady organization known as Game Over led by former Author Avatar SC. Most of his troops are solidified computer code. Together, they explore the many universes in existence, commit a few crimes (usually stealing a lot of cash, kidnapping cute young women to Brainwash into slaves, or Take Over the World), and basically have a good time. Until their butts get kicked by the resident good guys. Then they go back to their mountain lair in their own dimension and do it all over again.
The series is split into three different types of fic:
- Main File: Super Mario Bros. Fan Fics, where the series started out. These are numbered in the order they happened.
- Bonus File: Fan Fics of pretty much any other work besides Super Mario Bros.. The category with the most stories (made and pending).
- Chronicles: stories where the Game Over or its operatives are the protagonists. May or may not be Fanfic.
All of the stories can be found between the author's home page, Deviant ART account, Smack Jeeves account, and account, all accessed from his Troper page.
Fictions that Game Over has stories in
- Super Mario Bros.: All the Main Files, the Chronicles The Cobalt Comet Crisis, the webcomic Mushroom Bowl, A Game Over Christmas.
- Hamtaro: Ham-Ham Havoc
- Parappa the Rapper: I Gotta Believe Too!
- Kingdom Hearts: Kingdom Hearts: Game's End
- Cave Story: Cave Roleplay
Not Yet Released:
- Happy Tree Friends: Technicolor Paradise
- Kirby: Dreme Scheme
- Pokémon: The Inversed Curse
- The anime: To Serve the Queen
- Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Time and Distance
- Banjo-Kazooie: Forever a Gamer
- Neopets: Mass Frost
- Lilo and Stitch: Dragged From Heaven
- Metroid: Black Galaxy
- Super Mario Bros.: Game Over File 3: Parallax
- Chowder: Extra Spice
- Pikmin: Grey Moon Rising
- Powerpuff Girls: Villain Justice
- Massive Multiplayer Crossover: Game Over File Delta: Triforce, a crossover between various Nintendo, Sega, and Namco properties inspired by those company's collaborative Triforce arcade board.
- Kaiketsu Zorori: Kaiketsu Game Over
- Newgrounds (seriously): Lock Over
Non-Fanfic Entries
Not Yet Released:
- The Blank Canvas
- Note for Note
- Project Terraformer
- Life's a Glitch
- The Day the Worlds Fell Still
These lists may be incomplete.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Syzygy, created during one of SC's more Genre Blind moments. Subverted with the Core Corps; see Character Development.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Subverted. Elizabeth has a relationship with SC because she sees the light in him.
- All There in the Manual / Word of God: Game Over Info and arguably this page.
- Also, SCemails.
- Amulet of Dependency: SC can bend spacetime slightly to dodge attacks, can easily predict his opponent's next move, and can ham it up in a fearsome way... but only when he's wearing his Cell Shades. Without them, he can't think fast enough and is practially a sitting duck in combat.
- Amusing Injuries: SC. In SCemails first ten strips alone, he gets sent to the hospital no less than three times. As punchlines.
- Anachronism Stew: Onieplugmitt, the only city in the vast desert of The World Where the Worlds Cross, by nature of it being a macrodimensional crossroads. SC does his shopping there, as it's one of the only dimensions he visits and doesn't have a criminal record in.
- Anti-Villain: Most of the Game Over's Core Corps, especially after SC's Character Development led him to believe everything is "shades of gray."
- Anvil on Head: "Now, ready for your solid gold trophy, which is incidentally twice your size?"
- The Artifact: Panchico
- Ascended Fanboy: Sparkz when he was kidnapped by Amazee Dayzee during the Mushroom Bowl tournament... at least to him. She had other ideas.
- Aura Vision: DC, but he can only see how much dark aura someone has, as well as its "quality."
- Author Avatar: SC started as one of these.
- Battle Cry: "IT'S PARTY TIME!"
- Berserk Button: SC tends to be pretty emotionally level in order to contain his Super-Powered Evil Side. Attack Panchico or Elizabeth, though...
- Calcutta Joe generally only shoots to kill at those that damage his "(stage)coach" (a hovering cargo carrier and his personal transport) or his Nice Hat.
- Beta Test Baddie: Syzygy, a black hedgehog in a brown cloak that was designed to be an emergency weapon in the event SC actually needed to defeat the likes of Kat and similar. One of SC's spells of being Genre Blind, as it predictably escapes and doesn't like him.
- Beyond the Impossible: SC does do some things that circumvent other's expectations as what is possible, although there's always the question of whether or not it always was possible and the other people just didn't think it was. SC's claim is that "anything is possible... except beating Kat."
- Big Red Button: Some Game Over machines, where they're often among the only labeled ones. The one on the CET-XX says "CREATE;" the one on the Eevolution machine says "GO TIME."
- Billions of Buttons: The vast majority of all Game Over-made button consoles, such as those on the CET-XX, have huge amounts of buttons, all unlabeled except for the standard QWERTY keyboards and the Big Red Buttons.
- Bond One-Liner
"Tell me: just now... did you feel God?"
—SC to Amazee, who just got deep-fried by Sparkz's lightning.
- Bored with Insanity: Subverted; although SC at once point considered himself insane, he eventually decided to be "differently sane" because it was a lot more fun.
- Bullying the Dragon: SC. A lot.
- Butt Monkey: A few examples, including Doopliss in Mushroom Bowl.
- Deconstructed with SC. It turns out Kat constantly beating him up for her own kicks mentally scarred him; one of the results of this was the creation of Syzygy.
- Calling Your Attacks: SC (although he's gotten better at averting this for his elemental attacks), Calcutta Joe ("DRAW!" and "Bullet Train"), and Sparkz (as Pokémon are apparently prone to do).
- Canon Discontinuity: The author's still trying to figure out if this applies to SCemails.
- However, it definitely does apply to the short story One Wore Red and One Wore Black (a Song Fic of "Two Brothers"), which was written just for its own sake.
- Card-Carrying Villain: SC started as one of these, and perfers he not be reminded of it.
- Carnivore Confusion: Invoked; SC used the fact he was a fox and Elizabeth was a rabbit to prevent trying to hook up with her because he was afraid he would eat her if he ever saw her naked (see The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body), even when his relationship with Shard was going down the tubes. Ultimately, it doesn't work, mostly because SC got over that problem.
- Casual Danger Dialog: SC engages in this fairly frequently.
- Catch Phrase: Whenever SC goes off on a philosophical tangent, he tends to end it with, "Wouldn't you agree?"
- He also ends his motivational speeches to the troops with "Long live the Game Over!"
- Mad Libs Catchphrase: "I fail to see how <doing something ridiculous, crazy, or dangerous> can/will/is not <the easiest/best/most efficient way to accomplish the task at hand>."
- Character Alignment: Although there are some divergences given context, generally...
- Lawful Good leaning toward Neutral Good: Elizabeth
- Lawful Neutral: 666, Ticktick
- True Neutral: Tamany Hall, Larme (by nature of being a "Referee Pixl")
- Chaotic Neutral: SC post-Character Development, Calcutta Joe, Sparkz, The Mad Hatter Chao
- Neutral Evil: SC pre-Character Development
- Character Development: SC started as a bad attempt to emulate Artemis Fowl, and now is more-or-less simply a person that wants to walk the macroverse with his Nakama having fun no matter the legality.
- It's implied that character development is the in-universe explaination for a CET construct growing a soul.
- The Chick: Elizabeth, Panchico, and Tamany.
- Christmas Episode: Appropriately titled A Game Over Christmas. Another one is in the works for 2010.
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: The focus of the series shifting to the Original Character Core Corps has left the Mushroomian Division Commandos (consisting of official characters, primarily from the Paper Mario games) stranded in narrative limbo. For that matter, the Pokian Division, which employs actual Pokemon trainers and not constructs, and any other official character that "joined" the Game Over through one of the other divisions. Presumably, they were relieved of duty after the Streamline short story.
- Combat Pragmatist: SC generally avoids this, as he usually only fights for the thrill by being overelaborate. But when he starts fighting like this, you know he's serious.
- Complexity Addiction: SC's schemes for much of anything can get pretty complex. For example, his plan for taking over Parappa Town started with training Joe Chin in rap and ceasing Parappa's career as a rapper. And that's supposed to help take control somehow.
- Cool Gate: The Interdimensional Warp Pipe.
- Cool Shades: The Cell Shades, both versions.
- Cosmic Keystone: The Cobalt Star SC created shortly before Mt. Majesty was hit by the cobalt comet that turned the mountain and other Game Over areas into its own world. Even though the assembled planet is only half the size of Earth and with a thinner atmosphere, the spirit within the comet that moved to the Cobalt Star maintains Earth-like conditions and gravity... as long as the Game Over keeps feeding it power; otherwise, gravity cuts so much that the entire atmosphere escapes, and the end results are obvious. Thus why the Cobalt Chamber has its own set of electric generators.
- Cosmic Plaything: SC often feels like the Authors don't just write him out of existence because they're having too much fun screwing with him.
- Crazy Prepared: SC shows how Genre Savvy he can be in his triumph over Amazee in Mushroom Bowl:
Amazee: What're you doing, you idiot?! He can't stop! Now we're BOTH gonna get fried! |
- Create Life: What the CET-XX's primary still-unnamed program does: recieve information such as appearence and personality as input, and physically create the specified character as output. However, all beings made this way have no souls as they are just organic constructs.
- Creative Differences: Why SC and Shard were split up.
- Creator Worship: In-universe through Authorism, although it's a little more literal as the characters are the ones worshipping the creators.
- Also, Amazee has a very loyal fan club. So loyal in fact, that she brainwashes its president, Sparkz, into thinking she's a goddess in order to boost her already substancial ego, and wonders if she could do it to the rest of them because she needs someone to do her laundry.
- Crossover: Many of the stories with the Game Over world.
- Crystal Dragon Jesus: Game Over operatives, although generally nonreligious, hold some belief in "Authorism", which basically states that each individual was created by a being called an Author that lives in another world, in a manner not much unlike 1/0. Also, those Authors have Authors of their own, and it's Authors all the way up.
- Dead Fic / No Ending: Many stories in the series are concieved or started, but never finished. The author claims it's due to his shifting interests and having too many story ideas to flesh them all out in detail. The most infamous of these stalled stories is the original sequel.
- Deadpan Snarker: SC, most notably.
Guard: I'm sorry, sir, but I can't let anyone in. This patient is very contagious and is under strict quarentine. |
- Defcon Five: Averted. When a freed DC storms Mt. Majesty during Authortastic 2.0, SC orders 666 to issue a "Gocon 1."
Kat: "Gocon 1?" |
- Demonic Possession: DemonComputer276
- The Determinator: SC
- Disney Acid Sequence: "Gearjam Recital," a magical affect area able to be created by Boombox, is capable of creating these in order to either attack enemies by throwing objects generated by the lyrics of the song chosen, or by adjusting the times when the enemy strikes (physical or projectile) so that the attacks can be dodged by dancing to the music. Use of Rhythm Heaven music usually allows counterattacks. Whatever you do, never use it to the tune of Weird Al's "One of Those Days." With good reason.
- Ditzy Genius: SC. The man wrote a Mook-creation program at age 14 and invented more-or-less hassle-free interdimensional transportation, and only recently has he gotten the hang of having these things called "friends."
- Drill Sergeant Nasty: 666
- Drives Like Crazy: Calcutta Joe. SC has described his acceleration on his hovering carrier as "zero to warp in five seconds flat."
- Drop the Hammer: Tamany Hall, due to her being an Amy Rose recolor.
- Dungeon Master: The Authors. While they do write the stories that guide the events of the macroverse, it's a general rule of conduct not to blanantly inject their tales with their avatars. Those that violate this rule usually get mocked by their peers.
- It should be noted that if the Authors used their powers to resolve every problem that occurs in their worlds, there'd be no story.
- Elaborate Underground Base: Technically an elaborate mountain base, but Mt. Majesty still qualifies.
- Eldritch Abomination: DC has a few touches of this.
- Elemental Powers: SC's most common magical attack moves are fire, water, wind, and electric attacks. He can also do ice, but it's not one that immediately comes to mind.
- Emotion Eater: DC, who sustains his existence by absorbing the dark aura, gererated as one could expect by negative emotions such as anger, from others. If he eats all the aura, that creature's light aura collapses in on itself and their soul implodes.
- Empty Shell: All creatures created with the CET-XX programs act like they have souls but truly don't. However, it seems with enough Character Development, they can grow one (e.g. the Core Corps and Panchico).
- This explaination is also the answer to the question of why SC doesn't just use the program to create obedient clones of the girls he wants instead of insisting on trying to kidnap the originals (and failing every time). As CET constructs have no substance, SC gets no satisfaction in exerting his dominence over them, even if he copied his mark's personality exactly. Also, it's not as much fun.
- Enemy Without: DC whenever he leaves SC's body.
- Everything's Better with Plushies: SC on several occasions has sewn up his own hand-made plushies depicting various characters from various dimensions. Some of them replicate the abilities of the character they represent; the Kracko one, for example, can shoot lighting through its eye when it's squeezed. He also has plushie versions of every girl he wants to Brainwash, to satisfy him until he can acquire the real deal and then treat them like plushies anyways; as well as a plushie of Kat he keeps locked in the bottom drawer of his desk, and whenever he feels upset he pulls it out and slams it against the wall repeatedly, blaming his problems on her, in order to vent out his frustrations to prevent DC from gaining power.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: Several G.O. creations.
- Everything Sensor: The Cell Shades v2 has a radar for everything, from heat to souls.
- Evil Diva: Amazee Dayzee.
EvilHaving Fun Is Stylish- Eye Beams: The Cell Shades are capable of firing heat lasers from its lens, both at SC's mental command and automatically in order to defend a fallen SC. He usually uses them to cut through metal walls.
- Failure Is the Only Option: the primary reason SC ceased his campaign for macroversal domination. Even after that, he has yet to really gain a single girl for his harem for any long term period.
- Finger-Snap Lighter: 666
- Fisher Kingdom: Plothole portals usually enforce a Type 2 on those that use them, transforming the users to a form appropriate to the target environment. The Interdimensional Warp Pipe does not have this effect.
- Lampshaded. According to SC, there is an energy field between universes that causes these changes; the precise calculations made by the Interdimensional Warp Pipe allow the resulting tunnel to bypass it, thus resulting in no changes. He calls this energy field, "the Fisher."
- Flat Character: Tamany has not received nearly as much Character Development as 666 (there from the beginning), Calcutta, or Sparkz (both through forum roleplays) has. She really often has no role beyond Mission Control. She's working towards developing into the Team Mom.
- Fourth Wall Mail Slot: SCemails.
- Freudian Excuse: SC's impared social skills due to autism resulted in many of his peers at school teasing him. This resulted in him wanting to Take Over The Worlds so they would respect him. Even after quitting the world conquering business, his lonliness and insecurity still drives his desire to gain an harem of cute girls using Mind Control.
- Freudian Trio: Interestingly, SC has shown three different personalities / demeanors over the course of the series that match the trio.
- Id - The whimpering Ineffectual Sympathetic Villain that loses to the weakest of opponents.
- Ego - The compassionate / level-headed Villain Protagonist able to win when fighting for just causes.
- Superego - The confident, cold, calculating Villain Sue Artemis Fowl-wannabe Multiversal Conqueror.
- Genre Savvy / Genre Blind: SC alternates between these depending on the need of the plot.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: Usually whenever he's Genre Savvy.
- Global Currency: Averted, from a macroversal point of view. SC's perferred currency is the Onieplugmitt Dino, but when he steals money from other dimensions, he has to convert it to Dino first before he can use it.
- Godwin's Law: Keaton, the Game Over's head chef, has developed a few traces of nazi in him since SC has trouble telling French and German accents apart. SC has to keep telling him to stop calling him "fuhrer" on the occasions he does.
- Go-Go Enslavement: How dedicated to his desire for a harem is SC? He has been known to hand-make fitting harem and maid outfits for each girl he wants, each in that girl's color. The primary question is how the hell he's getting the sizes for some of them.
- The Gunslinger: Calcutta Joe, mostly D with some elements of B and C.
- Bottomless Magazines: Arguably justified by having pocket dimensions in his guns that hold hundreds of bullets at a time.
- Guns Akimbo: He has two pistols and often uses both at once.
- Abnormal Ammo: Calcutta once designed a bullet that had the properties of pencil erasers in order to counter a specific foe that attacked with living drawings.
- Recoil Boost: "Bullet Train," which allows him to fly by using his pistols as boosters. He also uses it to fire behind him and ram headlong into enemies (which has actually worked).
- Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal: SC's original Sonic-style form; he justified it by citing other half-dressed cartoon animals. His Lakitu form also had him wearing only sunglasses and a shirt, but most of the rest was covered by his cloud.
- Calcutta Joe and 666 play this straight.
- Happiness in Slavery: Panchico
- Hates Being Touched: SC, being autistic, is highly sensitive to touch and as such other things touching him disturbs him. However, he doesn't usually have a problem touching others himself.
- Her Name Really Is Nurse
- Heroic BSOD: SC may not be heroic, but none of the villainous counterparts of this trope describe this: When SC learned that his relationship with Shard was over due to her forgetting about everything related to the Game Over, his Mental World started to implode. He mostly recovered later.
- Heroic Sociopath: DC, at his morally best.
- High Functioning Autism: SC, by Word of God and by extension due to his former Author Avatar status.
- Hoist By Her Own Petard: Amazee is defeated by SC pulling her into Sparkz's line of fire.
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: SC views humanity with contempt. Pointing out he was once human himself just results in him saying he's not all that fond of himself either.
- I Control My Minions Through...: Indoctrination for most of the Core Corps, Kindness for Sparkz (he not only gave him the Thunderstone he wanted to become a Raichu, but rescued him from an Evil Diva).
- I'll Kill You!: It takes about this level of anger for DC to break loose. Usually that requires posing a deadly threat to a loved one, such as Shard or Elizabeth.
- I Love You Because I Can't Control You: SC towards Shard, although they later broke up.
- His attraction to Elizabeth, meanwhile, is more along the lines of I Love You Because I Don't Want To Control You.
- Imaginary Friend: The Mad Hatter Chao, and the two Pixls Ticktick and Larme, all are imaginary friends of SC. Their primary job is to maintain SC's Mental World.
- Totally Radical: Mad Hatter Chao's informal jive. It's light enough so he's understandable, though.
- Pretty Fly for a White Guy: MHC's choice of accent and vocabulary is supposed to be reminiscent of gantsta. However, given SC barely has a real idea on what gangsta really sounds like...
- According to Word of God, everyone has numerous imaginary friends living in their Mental Worlds which make sure it keeps working properly, but they don't have a true form until their friend thinks one up (unless it turns out they start out as Censors or something). Also, fantasizing about other characters creates imaginary versions of them that live in the Mental World (although generally it's one friend per character, and fantasizing the same character twice just results in the same friend appearing).
- Immortality: One of SC's goals, due to his fear of death. The construct operatives, being computer code, are also technically unable to age and most likely can't die from old age, but are just as mortal as SC is.
- Inn Between the Worlds: Like Sigil, Onieplugmitt is a city-sized variation.
- A part of every Author's Mental World is their "Inventory," which serves as an Inn Between the Worlds for all of that Author's creations. This was inspired by Poker Night At the Inventory.
- It Runs on Nonsensoleum: pretty much every piece of Game Over machinary, from the soul-bottling Conso-Extractor to the much-too-compact Cell Shades v2. SC attempts to justify it by it being Magitek.
- I Would Say If I Could Say: Fairly frequently. SC sometimes refers to other characters with a line in the structure of: "<Original phrase>. Or <modification to phrase in line with who he's talking to>. Whatever." This line popped up more often in the earlier stories.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: SC and a few other characters.
- The Juggernaut: Syzygy. He has only one weakness and SC knows better than to even hint at it. This weakness is yeah right like I'd ever talk.
- Killer Game Master: Non-tabletop game variation; in usually non-canon instances SC has hosted his own version of several reality TV and game shows (such as The Mole: Deception at Game's End and You Don't Know Jack: Game Over Edition). He used his position as the host (as well as producer and every other position in charge) to enact his sociopathic tendencies on his hapless players. For example, in the canceled final episode for Deception at Game's End, he revealed he had been holding the executed contestants captive in Mt. Majesty's dungeon-like catacombs since episode 1 and the final mission for the remaining three contestants was to rescue them. The Jack Attacks for the You Don't Know Jack games involve the studio being destroyed in a massive vortex and dropping the contestants into Hell.
- Killer Rabbit: SC likes 'em "cute but deadly." He himself might apply when he gets dangerous.
- Killer Yoyo: SC's prinicpal weapon in recent times is the GO-yo, a yo-yo form of the Game Over Wand.
- Kirk Summation / Shut Up, Kirk
SC: Now listen up, Dayzee-girl, there's no way Sparkz could possibly defeat me, so save us all the hassle and turn him over to me before I start getting bored of this charade. |
- Kryptonite Ring: SC originally had a Weaksauce Weakness in that his powers and life force were primarily "stored" in his tails, and removing them would cause him to fall unconscious and eventually die if they weren't returned (not to mention they needed to be able to move for him to use magic). His previous girlfriend was a "fluffy" tail thief, but he kept the weakness as a sign of trust between the two of them. When they broke up, SC took the ring back and moved it to his chest, and now removing his tails is more of an annoyance to him than an actual threat to his health.
- Kung Fu Clairvoyance / Nonchalant Dodge: The Cell Shades grant SC this.
- Large Ham: SC, especially when he's wearing the Cell Shades, which allow him to focus and keep talking without stuttering.
- And especially when he thinks he can get away unscathed.
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: the concept of gods as "Authors." As a result, SC knows he's in a story because everything that exists was originally created as part of some story or another.
- Lemony Narrator
- Lightning Can Do Anything: Including blow out an airship engine and give sentinence to a dark entity.
- Living Doll Collector: SC has
a few shadesa lot of this when trying to kidnap girls for his harem. - Loose Canon: SCemails and the Lucy trilogy.
- Made of Indestructium: Both models of Cell Shades. The first model was sat on a table and a three-foot-square solid concrete block was dropped on it at a height of five feet; the block split cleanly in half. The impossibly-compact second version is no less indestructible.
- Made of Iron: SC gets battered around a lot, but he's fine after a little rest, and you can count the number of bones he's broken on one hand.
- The Mad Hatter: Even after he realizes he's not strictly insane, SC still revels in how different he thinks from "normals."
- Magical Database / Magical Computer: The CET-XX mainframe computer.
- Magitek: SC often builds machines that use magic to help them do the "difficult" stuff, aka the stuff a computer cannot actually do (see It Runs on Nonsensoleum above).
- Manipulative Bitch: Amazee Dayzee.
- Massive Multiplayer Crossover: The Game Over itself. Its primary members consist of a Fire Bro, a Batamon, an anthropomorphic hedgehog, and a Raichu, being led by a transformed human that has forms for all four of those fictons (although his preferred one is the Sonic one).
- Mega Manning: DC, who can replicate most of a person's attacks if he possesses them for long enough first.
- Mental World: SC's "Room of the Soul," which is split into several different subrooms each of which represents a part of his personality, including living quarters for his Imaginary Friends and where DC is imprisoned.
- The Mind Is a Plaything of the Body: Usually SC avoids this thanks to the Cell Shades v2, but before that while he was still getting a handle on being a fox, he often had a desire to chomp on naked rabbits... even ones that were just on video. He seems to have grown out of it. (Interestingly enough, they had to be naked to set him off...)
- One other exception: he refuses to become human again because as a fox, he's "his own teddy bear."
- Mondegreen: The origin of Calcutta Joe's name. From a Sesame Street song, no less.
- Mook Maker: The original purpose of the CET-XX.
- Morality Pet: Panchico and
sometimesElizabeth for SC. - Morphic Resonance: Pretty much everyone in the Game Over. One of the more obvious examples is when SC turns into a Pokémon, his trademark black Poison Mushroom shirt turns into a black kerchief with a Poison Mushroom decal tied around his neck (meanwhile, the headwear of 666, Calcutta Joe, and Tamany simply resizes to fit their transformation). Might be justified due to most of the transformations occuring between dimensions when travelling through a plothole portal tunnel and being replicated through Game Over machinery.
- Multiversal Conqueror: The Game Over attempts to be this, but they aren't nearly as successful or as powerful as the other examples. Granted, their schemes usually make some headway, just not on a multiversal level.
- The Multiverse: All the different universes we believe to be fictional are real; we just don't know how to get there physically yet.
- Nakama: The Core Corps, SC's inner ring.
- New Neo City: SC sometimes refers to Onieplugmitt as "New Babylon."
- New Powers as the Plot Demands: Averted with the G. O. Wand powers; there's been a pretty much set list of what magic SC can do since the second story with few additions since then. Mostly played straight with the Cell Shades v2, specifically in how SC can use his "immunity to external brainwave manipulation," including subverting the Third Law of Gender Bending and outright preventing his mind from becoming a plaything of his body (handy given how he likes changing forms).
- However, the one mind-control aspect the Cell Shades can't block, period, is takeover by DC, probably due to the anger that makes DC up primarily being SC's, allowing him to fool the Shades' Everything Sensor.
- The Nicknamer: DC, with his supermassive ego bigger than SC's, refuses to call anyone by their proper name. Most notably, he calls SC either "my weaker self" or "my other self" depending on how helpful he's feeling, and disturbingly Shard "my pretty." As in I Have You Now, My Pretty.
- SC also has a tendancy to nickname people, particularly people he's teasing or doesn't like. Or both.
- No Name Given: SC's program that allows him to Create Life from computer code is only referred to as "the program." Also, the Game Over's world is known only as "the Game Over world," although in the latter case the author's still trying to think of a good name.
- Non-Indicative Name: DemonComputer276 is a Ztar that gained malevolent sentinence when it was fused with a large portion of SC's anger when he was struck by lightning. He is not an actual demon.
- Won't Work On Me: SC's immunity to Mind Control thanks to the Cell Shades. Also, he made himself immune to electricity when rescuing Sparkz in Mushroom Bowl, and it's uncertain whether or not it's still effective.
- Number of the Beast: 666 gets his name from it. It's not intended to imply he's evil, but instead that his flames are about as hot as Hell's.
- Oddly Small Organization: Especially prevailant in the earlier days, where SC insisted he and his squad of third-in-command Commandos handle the important missions themselves. Even more literal after Streamline, where SC brings the membership down to his Core Corps, Panchico, the security team, the medical staff, and Keaton's team of chefs.
- Old Master: Yo-Yo Sensai Coaltrain, one of the great Skill Masters of Dreamland, is an elderly GIM that taught SC how to use a yo-yo as a weapon.
- Hermit Guru: Coaltrain's dojo is inside a massive cavern in a high mountain.
- The Wonka: As indicated by this quote from Streamline:
If there were two things that could be said about Coaltrain, they would be that he was a very strong and fierce opponent in battle, and that he had one weird sense of humor. |
- Ominous Multiple Screens: SC is quite fond of his bigger computers having multiple screens. The CET-XX itself has five.
- Omniscient Morality License: The Authors. After all, they are writing a story, and sometimes bad things need to happen to good people.
- Only One Name: SC, 666, and Sparkz; the first two are justified as SC thought up the names for himself and 666, and the other by most Pokémon (as a creature) characters having only one name anyway, even if not a Species Surname. Subverted with Calcutta Joe, who is often just called "Calcutta."
- Only Sane Man: SC often feels like this when dealing with those outside the Game Over.
- Ooh, Me Accent's Slipping: Most of the characters with accents do this due to the difficulty the author finds writing them, but Calcutta Joe's varies the most of all.
- The level with which Elizabeth uses Elizabethan English often varies as well.
- Our Doors Are Different: All Game Over facilities have metal doors that part down the middle and slide open and shut with a hydralic hiss. However, they are rectangular at least.
- Painting the Fourth Wall: Outside cooresponding text color in webcomics, the text of the Game Over's Author is italic and orange where it's possible to have that option.
- During Mushroom Bowl, Sparkz's text balloons were pink and wavy to indicate the state of mind control he was under due to Amazee. They returned to normal when the Red Flute was used.
- Perverse Sexual Lust: in-universe; SC kidnaps girls from worlds that his birth world considers fiction (namely, ours) that he finds attractive for Brainwashing into slaves.
- Play-By-Post Games: RPG Over: The Treasure Trek is the transcript of one of these. Same with Cave Roleplay, although that one's still in progress.
- Playing with Fire: 666 the Fire Bro.
- Post Modernism: We did mention the Authors, right?
- Pragmatic Villainy: SC knows when it's worth it to commit a crime, or which worlds to have a criminal record in, and when it's not. For example, don't have a criminal record in the world where you perfer to do your shopping. He also won't bother worlds he has no interest in in the first place.
- Pride: Amazee Dayzee. SC as well in the beginning, although he's getting better.
- Psychic Block Defense: Another feature of the Cell Shades.
- Psychopathic Manchild: As anyone that knows him will tell you, the only things SC had ever socially connected with are stuffed animals or his organic constructs (Sparkz, the only other "true being" in the Core Corps, being the exception, but the damage was done by the time he joined). This explains why tends to view kidnapping and Brainwashing girls akin to "collecting plushies." He has gotten a little better in this regard, though.
- Puff of Logic: SC once tried to invert this by logically proving someone did not die in order to revive said person. It didn't work.
- Pure Awesomeness: For the past several years, SC has been paying top Dino to obtain, a bit at a time, vast amounts of an eldrich substance of great versitile power, which he keeps in completely sealed vats (save the pipes in the top for drawing it out), and you cannot look at directly, period. The only thing indicated what this substance is or does is the giant label on the side of the vats: "PURE AWESOME." This stash is so secretive the Core Corps only found out about it by accident.
- Current plans for a large space cruiser, the G.O.S. Galaxy, have the stash being used as at least part of the fuel supply and power generation in order to invoke Rule of Cool.
- Put on a Bus: Galeforce, SC's Lakitu cloud that adapted Jay Gatsby's accent. Natually it disappeared once SC left his Lakitu form behind; Word of God now officially says that Galeforce now resides in SC's Mental World, as his consciousness started off as a fragment of SC's and it was reabsorbed leaving his Lakitu form. It's implied Galeforce's presense in SC's mind resulted in his more polite and calm demeanor. A portion of him may also the be the artificial intelligence that allows the Cell Shades to function independant of SC.
- Pygmalion Snapback: SC's eternal nemesis in his harem-gaining plans. He believes his targets are better off being his obedient pet plushies than they are as free beings in their own homeworld (hypocritical as it is, given how much he values his own freedom); his targets and their friends (often including that world's hero) counter with how he has no right to make that kind of decision for her.
- Rich Bitch: Amazee Dayzee. When she Brainwashed and kidnapped Sparkz, she paid off the authorities to scrap any launching device remotely near her seventy-fifth story penthouse so SC couldn't fling himself up to rescue him (on a side note, he took a third option and climbed up the side of the building, which she didn't expect him to do).
- Robo Cam: SC's Cell Shades give him a green overlay of this for its main interface. The first version had the display on the lenses themselves; the second version uses its neural link to him to make him "see" it in his mind.
- Rubber Man: Calcutta Joe, who can squish and squash his rubbery body and even pull his stubby arms in thanks to being a Batamon; he once escaped from a pair of handcuffs like this. However, his body has to remain rounded in basic shape.
- Running Gag: Amazee's increasingly-Twitchy Eye during Mushroom Bowl. Right when SC reveals he shockproofed himself, it culminates in a *biggest twitch* that almost covers her entire left eye.
- Through the rest of Season 1, SC's reply to comments by guest referees, along the lines of "Shut up and ref or something."
- In MSN roleplay, SC has a tendency, when sent flying by something like a super-glomp, to crash into a "conveniently-placed wall."
- A lot of people can't understand anything Calcutta Joe or the Mad Hatter Chao says. Totally intended.
- Second Love: SC is on number four with Elizabeth. The previous ones were Karma, Jinxy, and Shard.
- Self-Deprecation: SC is not afraid to insult anybody, including himself.
- When he was told that Sashara's government was considering monitoring him because of his ability to Create Life, he burst into laughter at the thought that anyone could consider him a threat. Granted, that was before he remembered he created Syzygy...
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: SC. He uses "excruciatingly" because he refuses to use "extremely" for fear of giving the wrong impression.
- Shallow Love Interest: Elizabeth, at present. The author has a plan that'll hopefully fix that.
- Shock and Awe: Sparkz the Raichu
- Shout-Out: SC is particuarly prone to using references ranging from common knowledge to fairly obscure and expecting whoever he's talking to to understand him, even if he's in a universe where what he's referencing doesn't exist. From numerous examples, one of his Pre Ass Kicking One Liners (or it would've been if it hadn't been Cut Short):
"Rosin up your bow, Johnny, 'cause all hell's gonna break loose in Georgia!" |
- Sigil Spam: All Game Over creations (with the exception of the Core Corps) have a Poison Mushroom image on it somewhere. Lampshaded in one "Trailer Park of Authors" comic:
Kat: built Shall? |
- Significant Anagram: Onieplugmitt; remove two letters added for readability and the rest rearrange into "melting pot." How fitting.
- Small Name, Big Ego: SC.
- Amazee only half-applies: being an Idol Singer (and Evil Diva at that) her name is anything but small, but that doesn't stop her head from having enough hot air for a blimp.
- Smug Snake: SC.
- The Smurfette Principle: Although there are / were other females in the Game Over, Tamany Hall is the only female in the Core Corps.
- Song Fic: One Wore Red and One Wore Black
- Species Surname: Elizabeth Frankenstein Rabbit.
- Spider Tank: The Game-at-Legs, a mechanical scaled-up combination of the Titan Dweevil and Man-at-Legs. Comes equipped with machine gun, twin laser cannons from the eyestalks, and up to four additional attacks depending on what's occupying the pods attached to it.
- The Spock: SC, sometimes, usually when he isn't playing villain.
- Squishy Wizard / Fragile Speedster: SC, who is an expert with magic and technology and very intelligent, as well as very quick and light on his feet, but his strength stat is practically negative. The only reason he's still alive after several of his battles is because he heals quickly.
- Stealth Insult: SC is quite fond of these, though it tends to fly over his target's head. The others join in on occasion.
- Super-Powered Evil Side: DemonComputer276 via Sealed Inside a Person-Shaped Can. He breaks out whenever SC's anger boils over.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: This SCemail
- Taking You with Me: SC seems to be invoking this to defeat Amazee by pulling her into Sparkz's line of fire... until he reveals he made himself electric-proof.
- Talking Is a Free Action: SC will not shut up. Much like Spider-Man, he does this to keep himself from panicking.
- Teach Him Anger / Break the Cutie: Shard isn't the well of pure dark aura that DC desires so much because of Kumori, no. Because Shard's naive to the point of idiocy, she's never tapped into her inner darkness; because of this, it has never mixed with her light aura, resulting in a high delicacy for dark aura devourers like DC. In order to prevent DC's desire for her influencing his decisions, especially since his romantic interest has shifted, SC is working on a way to make Shard tap into her darkness, mixing it with light and preventing DC from finding it so appealing. So far he has a good lead: her crippling fear of being alone.
- This has been successful by making her think her best friend was planted by SC for when he needed a guinea pig.
- Team Mom: Tamany is slowly developing into something like this.
- Techno Wizard: SC, sometimes literally.
- Tempting Fate: Possibly. SC has a plushie, harem outfit, and maid outfit tucked away for Elizabeth. He prays he will never become so weak-willed as to have a reason to use them. There are also a few other examples, such as in SCemails #50:
SC: Pfft. You and what army? (to himself) Already I know I'm gonna regret saying that.
SC: (still to himself) Hello, Mr. Regret. Come on in. Would you like a drink? |
- There Is Only One Bed: Played with; during Trailer Park of Authors, SC and Elizabeth are mentioned to share the only bed in SC's trailer, but there is no indication of any tension resulting from it and at the time the relationship was completely platonic.
- Third Person Person: Panchico for a time, to show how she viewed herself as an object for her Master's
pleasureuse. This stopped when she needed to comfort SC going through a BSOD, the first sign that she was developing a soul. - Time Stands Still: Time Halt. Whenever fighting a really dangerous opponent that goes too fast for his high-speed dodging skills, SC uses it to Flash Step. Ticktick claims he can do this as well.
- Timey-Wimey Ball: Although not exhibited in the stories themselves, Word of God is that this is the reason SC actively avoids time travel.
- Time coordinates are built into SC's carry-all Interdimensional Warp Pipe in order to counter that time sometimes passes at different speeds in different dimensions. To prevent the machine from being misused as a time machine, it's hard-wired to not link to anywhere else in the dimension it's currently in (usually the Game Over world).
- Token Good Teammate: Elizabeth, despite not being a G. O. operative, is effectively this.
- Too Clever by Half: SC.
- Translator Microbes: The Game Over Translation Collar, primarily used by Sparkz.
- Trigger Phrase: "Keep the beat," Boombox's signal to start up a Gearjam Recital.
- Two Lines, No Waiting: The Mushroom Bowl: Season 1 Grand Championship alternates between the titular match between Lemmy and Waluigi, and SC confronting Amazee to free Sparkz.
- Tyke Bomb: Technically, all the Game Over Core Corps except Sparkz. SC created them specifically to do his bidding; the fact he regarded them as his "children" came later.
- Unfazed Everyman: Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: Um... Sir Supercomputer, your head is on fire. |
- The Unfettered: No matter how many times he fails to Take Over the World or kidnap and brainwash a girl, SC always tries again (often usually on a different world).
- He also has the tendency to be unnaturally calm in the face of many dangers, save a specific few. Especially when he thinks he can win.
- Or escape intact, for that matter.
- He also has the tendency to be unnaturally calm in the face of many dangers, save a specific few. Especially when he thinks he can win.
- The Unintelligible: Larme can only speak in Game and Watch-style beeps.
- Intelligible Unintelligible: SC and his other imaginary friends, as well as anyone else that can percieve him and understand "Bleepbloop," can understand him.
- Villain Based Franchise: The Main and Bonus File stories.
- Villain Protagonists: the Game Over in Chronicles stories, and arguably any time any of its operatives are protatonists ever.
- Villains Out Shopping: The main plot of the short story Streamline follows SC as he goes grocery shopping in Onieplugmitt.
- Was Once a Man: SC. Subverted in that he did it to himself, and while he could change back has no intentions to do so, ever.
- Wave Motion Gun: The original story's MegaCannon.
- Wham! Episode: A few of the stories are meant to shake things up in the Game Over canon:
- Cobalt Comet Crisis moved Mt. Majesty and various other areas connected to the Game Over from the Super Mario Bros. universe into its own universe. As a further piece of symbolism, it was released on New Year's Day.
- Streamline turned the Game Over from a military force where only the head executives did most of the work into a small organized crime family by "deleting" all the mooks.
- What Could Have Been: Originally DC was going to be imprisioned inside Panchico.
- Prior to its author joining Smack Jeeves, thirteen entires in the series were planned, all Super Mario FanFics:
- File 3: Ice to See You Again had SC free and control an ancient genetically-created ice Birdo to take over the Mushroom Kingdom.
- File 4: The Computer Conundrum was inspired by Tron and featured SC transporting himself and Karma into Cyberspace, and the Koopalings would have to team up with the employees of Wario Ware, Inc.
- File 5: Rebellion had one of SC's creations suddenly go rouge and take over the Game Over. SC had to team up with the Koopas and Mario Bros to take him out, although it involved him performing a Heroic Sacrifice.
- File 6: Ghost With the Most had SC suddenly return and try to resurrect himself. He eventually succeeds, although he still loses Karma.
- File 7: Change of Heart had SC quitting the Game Over for a week to try and be a servant at Kastle Koopa.
- File 8: Island Isolation has SC strand Karma on an island of Yoshis in order to test her leadership qualities.
- File 9: The Clockwork Crisis has SC take over Clockwork Castle from Brighton and Twila to convert into a flying castle base to conquer the world from.
- File 10: Dawn of the Demon required of SC to call another Enemy Mine on his enemies in order to combat DemonComputer, who had broken out and possessed Panchico.
- File 11: Reverse Gears involved SC taking over Big Ben in the real world and rigging up a way to reverse time as a way to achieve immortality.
- File 12: Double Bond has SC attempt to artificially forge a Metbond between him and Karma. The results are not pretty and it doesn't last.
- Finally, File 13, which had varying subtitles planned such as Final File and An Endgame to Remember, where Bowser takes the initiative against the Game Over and the Koopa Klan attacks Mt. Majesty. SC dies for good this time.
- Prior to its author joining Smack Jeeves, thirteen entires in the series were planned, all Super Mario FanFics:
- What Is This Thing You Call Love?: DC claims to be unable to feel love due to being made up of anger.
- Where's the Fun In That?: SC loves this phrase.
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl: SC always tries to prevent exerting physical harm on ladies (likely because he doesn't want to bruise his to-be toys). However, any women who threatens him or his associates quickly finds out that disqualifies them, as shown in the Anti-Fusion short story:
Zoe: *cough* What kind of man are you, attacking a lady like that?! |
- Calcutta Joe has the same policy.
- Wrong-Context Magic: G.O. Wand magic usually remains constant across universes, even in realms where magic doesn't work the same way.
- Xtreme Kool Letterz: Sparkz
- You Got Spunk: "Oh ho! A feisty one! My favorite! They're so much more fun to break..."