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Get Fuzzy/Characters

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Bucky Katt:

Satchel Pooch:

Rob Wilco:

Fungo Squiggly:

Chubby Huggs:

Mac Manc Mcmanx:


  • Badass Boast: Threatens to turn Bucky into Tender Vittles
  • Big Eater: Gets 9 orders of pork from a take-out place. Justified as Rob's Mom had her on a vegetarian diet.
  • Vegetarian Carnivore: Invoked by Rob's Mom, though Buttercup isn't the least bit happy about it.



Quentin Tabbytino:

Stank Lloyd Wrong:


  • Loan Shark
  • The Mafia: Cat version.
  • Threat Backfire: Twice. His attempt to blackmail Rob into paying Bucky's debt ended with Rob threatening to call animal control and the second with him threatening to kill Rob and Satchel only for Bucky to not care and actually encourage him.

Joe Domain:

Francis Wilco:


  • Shadow Archetype: To Rob. While Rob is a vegetarian, he dosen't force it on his pets, while Mrs.Wilco forces Buttercut to become a vegitarian.
  • Stepford Smiler

Roger Wilco:

William Wilco:

Copernicus Pooch:

  • Hair-Trigger Temper: He cannot manage his anger well. At all.
  • Jerkass: His reaction to meeting his son for the first time in years is to berate him for being a housepet and say he's done nothing.
  • Shadow Archetype: To Satchel. A cold domeneering Jerkass with a Hair-Trigger Temper in contrast to his freindly affiable son with saintlike patience.


  • Generation Xerox: It's clear where her son got it from, as evidenced by her only onscreen actions being sticking up for Satchel and then giving him a big hug.


Ira Chihuahua:



Crieten Salad:


Filthy Frazier:

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