Grows on Trees/Playing With
Basic Trope: Items grow like fruit on trees.
- Played Straight: A tree grows wads of cash instead of fruit clusters.
- Exaggerated:
- Every leaf is a dollar bill.
- Everything in existence grows on trees (literally)
- Inverted: The tree produces nothing out of the ordinary in terms of leaves, flowers, or fruit.
- Justified: A Wizard Did It
- Subverted:
- Money doesn't literally grow on trees...
- Or, this tree doesn't produce anything unusual.
- Double Subverted:
- But the paper it's made from comes from trees.
- But that's because it's out of season.
- Or, another tree does.
- Deconstructed: You Fail Economics Forever; if money literally did grow on trees, it would have very little worth, thus driving up costs.
- Reconstructed: Society in this setting is a hippie Mary Suetopia anyway, so there's no need for money anyway; people do favors for one another out of the goodness of their hearts, not in hopes of getting cash in return.
- Lampshaded: "Money doesn't grow on...nevermind."
- Averted:
- Nothing unusual grows on trees.
- No trees in this setting.
- Enforced:
- Invoked: Someone makes a wish for infinite money when they find a genie's lamp and get three wishes.
- Defied: The genie says that won't be possible because of the impact it would have on the economy at large.
- Discussed: "I wish I could just pick wads of cash from a money tree in Real Life!"
- Conversed: "Yeah, but think of the inflation!"
- Played For Laughs: Almost always is.
- Played For Drama: With all this worthless cash lying around, the economy (and thus society) spirals into a depression.