Some or all of these characters need descriptions. A list of tropes is not a description. Please provide at least a few words telling how these characters differ from other characters with the same tropelists. |
Characters from Guyver include:
The Heroes
Sho Fukamachi - Guyver I
A description of the character goes here.
- Anti-Hero: Shades of Type-l at first.
- Badass Normal: Out of all the other Guyvers he has had no combat training and at the moment has created the Exceed and seems to be beating Agito in combat.
- Big No
- Good Thing You Can Heal
- From a Single Cell
- Heart Is an Awesome Power: Being the most sensitive of the Guyvers Sho came off as being recent chapters this seems to FINALLY be paying off.
- Heroic BSOD
- The Hero
- Ordinary High School Student
- Person of Mass Destruction
- Phlebotinum Rebel
- Ridiculously Average Guy: Compared to Agito, Risker, and Valcuria he's extremely average, being a student while the other three have had combat makes his acts of heroism and his level in bad ass all the more dramatic.
- Sphere of Destruction
- Took a Level In Badass (just recently, during the Second Battle of Cloud Gate)
- Further proven where he's recently sliced off Agito's arm and leg!
- Victorious Childhood Friend:
- Weaksauce Weakness (There's a bullseye on his forehead. If Kronos didn't want the control medallion intact, he'd have been dead a long time ago.)
- He also can't transform in crowded places or while carrying someone thanks to the Sphere of Destruction created by the Guyver's activation. (This happens a lot early on.)
Tetsurou Segawa
A description of the character goes here.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows
- The Glasses Gotta Go:
- "Zoanoids are made of people?!"
- Nakama: to Sho
- Ordinary High School Student
- The Smart Guy
Mizuki Segawa
A description of the character goes here.
- Damsel in Distress
- Oblivious to Love
- Ordinary High School Student
- The Chick
- Post-Historical Trauma
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: In the middle of the spectrum roughly, she's more a damsel but dresses less girly than Shizu, the action girl. But compared to Natsuki she's a girly girl.
Masaki Murakami
A description of the character goes here.
- Badass Long Hair
- Big Freaking Gun: The Zoanoid Buster gun, an elephant rifle in a very big pistol.
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Cool Shades
- Expository Hairstyle Change
- Hand Cannon
- Intrepid Reporter
- Kuudere: In the 2005 anime, around type 1 and 2.
- Face Heel Turn
- Knight Templar
- Revolvers Are Just Better: Depending on the media, averted and played straight. In the manga for one scene he wielded a revolver, it did nothing to the Zoanoid. However the Buster Gun has a rotating chamber holding only three bullets so played straight there.
- Team Dad: Or Team big brother with Odagiri being the team dad.
Toshiaki Hayami - Biofreezer
A description of the character goes here.
- An Ice Person
- Badass Bookworm
- Dark Is Not Evil
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: He might be only as strong as a Zoanoid and he's exhausted after using his power. But he's a much better team mate against Enzyme III instead of another Guyver.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: To a small degree.
- Four Is Death He used his ice powers four times.
- Inverted in that he's the fourth aid and the only one to succeed in becoming a Lost Number.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Ho Yay: How SOME fans see his relationship with Aptom...SOME.
- Incurable Cough of Death
- Last of His Kind: The sole survivor of Odagiri's group.
- Let's Get Dangerous
- Overshadowed by Awesome
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Kind of forms this with Aptom respectively.
- The Smart Guy: He knew a lot about Cloud Gate's security and used more strategy to fight, when he could.
- Team Dad: Acts like a dad or big brother to Sho during the rescue of Aptom.
- This Looks Like a Job For Aquaman: Hayami isn't worth much in a straight fight but thus far his freezing ability has pretty much been critical for every victory against Enzyme IIIs.
- Took a Level In Badass
A description of the character goes here.
- Anti-Hero: Type-ll.[context?]
- Appendage Assimilation
- Body Horror
- Continuity Drift: Partially, one of the few in the manga actually, but he never attempts a doppelgänger attack again after book seven, except in book 14 to teach show a lesson.
- Doppelganger Attack
- Fashionable Asymmetry: The body of Evil Aptom takes this up to eleven and them multiplies it.
- From a Single Cell
- Full-Frontal Assault
- Genetic Memory
- Good Scars, Evil Scars
- Good Thing You Can Heal
- Heel Face Turn
- Hive Mind (probably; unconfirmed)
- Ho Yay: Some see him with Hayami as this.
- Jerkass: How he started and especially in book five and pre-time skip.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Post character development.
- Last of His Kind: Only one of his team to survive.
- Mega Manning
- Not So Different: With Zektole when he learns that Neo-Zektole is fighting to avenge his friends.
- Not So Harmless
- Scars Are Forever
- Shapeshifter Weapon
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Blew up one of Khan's head-vines when it called Aptom shallow for absorbing the dying Hayami, who wanted it that way.
- Spikes of Villainy (as Evil Aptom)
- Teeth-Clenched Teamwork
- The Lancer
- The Only One Allowed to Defeat You
- The Virus
- Took a Level In Badass: One moment, he lost easily towards early Sho in his base and weakest Guyver armor. And then, he was OWNING the Hyper-Zoanoid Team Five, who gave even Agito a hard time.
- Viral Transformation
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
Natsuki Taga
A description of the character goes here.
- A Day in the Limelight: The first chapter of book 28 has her and Toki discussing events. Partially re-cap but at least we hear their thoughts on the matter.
- Call Back: She wasn't last seen since book 1 then returned in 9.
- Cool Big Sis: She's not that much older than Sho or Mizuki but has shades of it.
- Important Haircut
- Nerds Are Sexy: She was part of the same sci-fi club as Tetsuro and yet is quite attractive...leads to..
- Secret Keeper
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Acts and dresses, without crossing to Action Girl statues, to Shizu and Mizkui respectively.
Aso and Toki
A description of the character goes here.
- A Day in the Limelight: The first chapter of book 28 has he and Natsuki discussing events. Partially re-cap but at least we hear their thoughts on the matter. It's a better way than usual.
- Badass Beard: Aso.
- Butt Monkey: Toki, Aso's punching bag.
- Hot Scoop: They saw Purstall murdered and then pursued Sho's fight at Cloud Gate with Khan.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Aso is the tough stoic, Toki is expressive and kicked around.
- Stern Teacher:Aso.
- The Stoic: Aso.
- Those Two Guys:
- What If: Some fans see Aso as being an older and tougher Tetsuro, and Toki as Sho if he hadn't gained the Guyver and grew up.
The Zoalords
A description of the character goes here.
- The Ace: Considering he's a bishounen who looks to be 20, apparently immortal, the strongest person on the planet arguably, built up a secret organization, and rules over the world, he's a dark version and leads to..
- Broken Ace: He may have a sympathetic back story that fleshes him out but he's pulled off quite a lot of stuff...also he's slowly dying.
- Badass Long Hair
- Big Bad
- Earthshattering Kaboom
- Evil Overlord
- Full-Frontal Assault
- Light Is Not Good
- Parental Abandonment
- Pet the Dog: His back story in book 15 gives him some sympathy.
- Pure Is Not Good
- Rage Against the Heavens
- Really 110,000 Years Old
- Spell My Name with an "S"
- The Man Behind the Monsters
- Time Abyss
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
Imakarum Mirabilis
A description of the character goes here.
- Alternate Character Interpretation: Was he always in league with Archanfel, or indeed was a heroic man once?
- Badass Long Hair
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Combat Pragmatist
- Cool Shades
- Expository Hairstyle Change
- Face Heel Turn
- Kick the Dog: Taking a fight to Yokohama.
- Knight Templar
- Pet the Dog: Seemed genuinely upset and concerned when Archanfel helped heal him.
- Sdrawkcab Name
- That Man Is Dead
- The Dragon: Archanfel's agent and bodyguard.
Doctor Hamilcar Barcas
A description of the character goes here.
- Arch Enemy: He and Agito have a special hatred for one another.
- Evil Genius:
- Forehead of Doom
- Jerkass:
- Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate
- Moral Event Horizon: Turning Sho's father into Enzyme II and then making them battle.
- Pet the Dog: Despite his Moral Event Horizon, there's something really shocking and said how badly he wanted Li Yentsui and Waferdanos to survive.
- Barcus: *while getting pushed through a portal by Waferdanos to safety: You two follow me!
- Really About 500 Years Old
Sin Rubeo Amniculus
A description of the character goes here.
- Anti-Villain
- Badass Long Hair
- Cool Old Guy:
- Really About 400 Years Old
- The Dragon (Technically third in command of Kronos proper after Barcas, but Barcas can rarely be bothered to actually govern anything)
- Drinking Game: Take a shot whenever he's surprised.
- Ensemble Darkhose: He's racked some points for being a good character and a friend to Purgstall.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: At times with Purgstall.
- Only Sane Man: At times and is pretty much this with Purgstall dead.
- Secret Keeper: He and Purgstall are the only ones, aside from Barcus and Imakarum who know that Archanfel is dying.
- Spam Attack His Zoalord form shot a good dozen beam attacks in unison, from over a kilometer away, it counts
- Team Dad: To the Zoalords at times.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: He isn't a fan when civilians get harmed but believes in Chronos.
A description of the character goes here.
- And I Must Scream (He was rooted in place on a tiny isolated island with no one to talk to but his own semi-intelligent extensions for 'A HUNDRED THOUSAND YEARS'. It's no wonder he's fanatically loyal to Dr. Barcas.)
- Badass Long Hair
- Dark Is Not Evil: Extremely loyal to Barcus and explaining if not for him he would never learn self respect or more about the world.
- Heroic Sacrifice: An antagonistic version to help stop an arguably worse person, Agito
- Mook Maker
- Prehensile Hair
- Really 110,000 Years Old
- Tearjerker: His and Li Yentsui's death.
- Time Abyss
- What Measure Is a Non-Human?
- When Trees Attack
Friedrich von Purgstall
A description of the character goes here.
- Anti-Villain
- Barrier Warrior:
- Cool Old Guy:
- Elemental Powers: Lightning.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Very well loved by the fan base.
- Really About 250 Years Old
- Secret Keeper: He and Shin are the only Zoalords, aside from Imakarum and Barcus of Archanfel's sickness.
- Shock and Awe
- Spell My Name with an "S" (Fried'rich von Purg'stall, or even Purukshuterl)
- Too Cool to Live
- Unskilled but Strong: Unlike Imakarum he wasn't a fighting Zoalord but he does have a lot of raw power and when his heart into it he gives Sho a good fight.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Disliked civilians getting hurt even more than Shin.
Richard Guyot
A description of the character goes here.
- Arch Enemy: More to Agito and Murakami than Sho.
- Big Freaking Gun: Had the Unit Remover last.
- Blond Guys Are Evil:
- Complete Monster
- Elemental Powers: Gravity.
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: In an interview Takaya gives a Pet the Dog moment when he declares that Guyot has never known love thus it's why he's so cold and cruel.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel: His scarred face.
- Implacable Man (What does it TAKE?!)
- Shout-Out: His bandaged face in book 16 looks a lot like Darkman.
- The Starscream
- Woolseyism: In the old Viz manga translations (which tied into the 1994 movie), his name was translated as "Reichmann Gyro", which, given his Aryan looks, made sense.
Cablarl Khan
A description of the character goes here.
- Body Horror
- The Brute:
- Complete Monster
- Combat Tentacles
- Evil Mentor: Seemed to have been Hiyern's and Krummenic's teacher.
- Human Resources
- Kaiju
- Laser-Guided Karma: Is finally killed by Aptom, using Hayami's freeze attack.
- My Brain Is Big
- One-Winged Angel
- The Starscream
- Unfortunate Implications
- Wave Motion Gun: In his final Dragon form his entire neck becomes a big mouth for housing a giant beam.
- Yellow Peril
Luggnagg de Clumegnig
A description of the character goes here.
- Bald of Evil
- The Starscream
- Scary Black Man
- Spell My Name with an "S" (Kurumegnik, Klumeggnik... some research into Gulliver's Travels may clear that up)
- Unfortunate Implications
Edward Caerleon
A description of the character goes here.
- Badass Long Hair
- Handsome Devil
- Hair of Gold In the second anime, his hair is shaded in the manga.
- Doppelganger Attack
- Sacrificial Lion. Sadly his super cool power is cut short to show how deadly Apollyon is.
- Probably closer to 200 at most
- The Faceless
- We Hardly Knew Ye: He's not dead yet, maybe, but he didn't get much chance to shine before losing his crystal.
- White-Haired Pretty Boy. (Well, blond in the anime.)
Li Yentsui
A description of the character goes here.
- Batman Gambit: His last two plans failed, leaving a door open in front of him, and then trying to cut off Agito's escape.
- Bishounen:
- The Quiet One
- Hoist by His Own Petard
- Peek-a-Bangs
- The Starscream: Averted, for a moment he seems rebellious during a meeting only to fight and die for protecting a relic.
- Smug Snake: At times.
- The Stoic
- Tear Jerker: For all the trouble he and Waferdanos went through to try to defeat Agito, even if one roots for Agito, it's hard to feel sorry for his efforts failing.
- Weak but Skilled: His power isn't that destructive and may have limits but he used it very effectively.
- We Hardly Knew Ye: He didn't get a back story.
Wild Cards
Agito Makishima - Guyver III
A description of the character goes here.
- Anti-Hero: Type V
- Badass Long Hair
- Batman Gambit: First Battle of Arizona HQ.
- Good Thing You Can Heal
- Magnificent Bastard
- Manipulative Bastard
- Moral Event Horizon: The Battle of Yokohama
- Person of Mass Destruction
- Phlebotinum Rebel
- Student Council President
- There Is No Kill Like Overkill
Shizu Onuma - Zoalord Griselda
A description of the character goes here.
- Badass Long Hair (a more "girly" version than most)
- Combat Medic
- Cute Monster Girl
- Love Martyr (Becoming Griselda is such a strain that she is not expected to survive two years)
- Breast Expansion: when transforming into Griselda (vol 18, chapter 111)
- The Medic
- Team Mom
Inspector Valkyria - Guyver II-F
A description of the character goes here.
- Action Girl
- Dark Action Girl: It seems with the latest chapter.
- Badass
- Badass Long Hair
- Fan Service
- Fetish Fuel
- God-Created Canon Foreigner: Valkyria was created by Yoshiki Takaya as a replacement for Lisker in the original one-shot Guyver OVA.
- Heroic RROD
- The Nudifier (her experimental, imperfect Control Medallion destroys whatever she was wearing when she summoned her armor, inevitably leaving her naked on its dismissal)
- Person of Mass Destruction
- Phlebotinum Rebel
Inspector Risker
A description of the character goes here.
- Badass
- Bad Boss: In the OVA he brutally killed off a dozen Zoanoids to test his power, in the 2005 anime he was more patient with his coworkers at least.
- Blond Guys Are Evil:
- Killed Off for Real: People are quite sure the two Guyver IIs are different people.
- Retcon: The original design of Guyver II was very similar to Sho's only the sonic busters and breathers were paired up. The OVA gave a much better design and Takaya re-drew art for book one.
- Smug Snake: Kicked up to eleven in the first OVA.
- The Rival: To Zerebuth in the 2005 anime.
- Spell My Name with an "S": People argue over Risker or Lisker.
- The Starscream: Had vibes in the 2005 anime.
- Too Cool to Live: Having a Guyver for a bad guy would have been awesome.
- We Hardly Knew Ye: Got some more character development in the 2005 anime at least.
A description of the character goes here.
Guyver 0
A description of the character goes here.
- Badass
- Ensemble Darkhorse: A little, there have been a few pictures of him appearing along with Guyver I,II, and III.
- Posthumous Character: He only appeared twice and it was in the far distant pass. Yet his brief rebellion is what caused the Creators to leave in the first place.
- You Rebel Scum: This to the Creators.
The Advents/The Creators/URANUS
A description of the character goes here.
- Abusive Precursors
- Ancient Astronauts
- Neglectful Precursors
- Omniscient Council of Vagueness
- Time Abyss
Genzo Makashima
A description of the character goes here.
- Arch Enemy: At least as long as he lasts in volume 1, to Sho.
- The Berserker: As Enzyme I
- Boom! Headshot!: In the OVA he gets half his head blown off with the pressure cannon... it just knocked him out for a moment.
- Complete Monster: Helped drive his brother into bankruptcy, and later he killed himself, all to have an heir, his nephew.
- Determinator: He fought past the specs, and then there's his fight in the OVA.
- Gorn: His fight in the OVA series.
- Hero-Killer
- Jerkass
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family
- Narm: His VA in the 2005 anime really needed to work on his roars. And then the punching matter in the same series.
- Spikes of Villainy: His tail.
- Smug Snake
- Unknown Rival: Sho wonders who he is when they first and...oh boy does Genzo make himself known to Sho.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness:
- All There in the Manual: Often in the data files the height, weight, and abilities of a Zoanoid that appeared for a page or two.
- Big Freaking Gun: A Hyper Zoanoid in book 27 has a large beam cannon for a torso!
- Boss in Mooks Clothing: Enyzme III is classified as Zoanoid or a 'Guyver Killer' yet they have regeneration and anti-Aptom virus.
- Dual-Wielding: Vamores have two shoulder cannons, some Zoanoids in book 14 had four to six!
- Elite Mooks: Hyper Zoanoids.
- Redshirt Army: Each one.
- Spikes of Villainy: Many.
- We Hardly Knew Ye: Numerous Zoanoids and Hypers with various powers are quickly killed off. Sadly the ones that tried to stop Guyver IIF in book 26 didn't get data files!
Hyper Zoanoid Team Five
A description of the character goes here.
- A Father to His Men: Zxtole.
- All Your Powers Combined: Neo-Zxtole has all the abilities of Team Five and then some!
- Badass: Each one but Zxtole especially.
- Bald of Evil: Elegen's human form.
- Blade Below the Shoulder: Thancrus, type 3.
- The Brute: Darzerb, in terms of power, he's pretty professional when it comes to antagonizing the protagonists.
- Deadly Upgrade: Neo-Zxtole.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Thancrus and Zxtole.
- Even Evil Has Standards: In the first OVA Gaster thought it was cruel he was dragging out his fight and offered to end it quickly.
- Frickin'Laser Beams: Zxtole.
- Fragile Speedster: Thancrus.
- Half the Man He Used To Be: Thancrus, sliced in half by Guyver III.
- Person of Mass Destruction: Neo-Zxtole.
- Playing with Fire: Darzerb.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad:
- Super Strength: Darzerb and Zxtole.
- Spam Attack: Gaster's missiles.
- Shock and Awe: Elegen's power.
- Shoulder Of Doom: Gaster stores his missiles here.
- Spell My Name with an "S"': All of them but Zektole/Zector/Ex-Tole/Zextor ect. is the worst.
- Taking You with Me: Zxtole's last move.
- Took a Level In Badass: Zektole when he became Neo-Zxtole.
- Tunnel King: One of Zektole's abilities.
- We Hardly Knew Ye: Each member except for Zxtole, who doesn't have a back story, but he made up for it with a lot of cool moments. Thancrus is the saddest case.
- Back to Guyver