Half Life: Full Life Consequences/Funny

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

  • The entire Visual Pun done by djy1991 are what make Full life consequences hilarious. While Full Life Consequences was bland and just run of the mill Trollfic; is the lifeless faces, spaghetti like extremities, the broken puppet movements, absurd representation of the ideas (like the motorcyle/bathtub), the subs with all the gramattical erros and the just plain retarded in crack atmosphere that permate every single second and every single character in the entire video what makes Full Life Consequences this magical travel throught the wacko mundo of Full Life Consequences.
  • Whenever John Freeman pulls a silly face of some description.
  • The accompanying visual gag with "And it gave them hop!" in the Djy1991 version.
    • John Freeman slowly reaching for a self-destruct button... and then slamming his face into the console.
      • Over and over again.
        • While Spider-Man watches.
    • The plume of suspicious gas behind John Freeman as he comfarts Gordon Freeman.
    • When Henry Freeman says to John Freeman, "Dad! Mom has dead!" and slaps him. Even funnier is John Freeman's response: He yells, "Combines...! You killed wife?!" while bent forward at the waist and at the same time looking straight up into the sky and flailing his arms.
  • The accompanying visual for the line "The pants were dead" is hilarious.
    • As well as the one for "It gave them hop."
  • "Henry Freeman saw the dead going on all around", as Alyx dances in the background for no apparent reason.
    • "The pants were dead!"