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For no readily apparent reason, you think you'd like to see what others have to say on Homestuck. THIS IS STUyeah right!

The Homestuck Forums have a very popular series of threads devoted to this subject. Known as the IDE/THEORY thread, it can be found here

Note: These pages are currently being organised. Please put your WMG in the appropriate subpage.

  • Recommended Guidelines:
    • Place each WMG in the most relevant section; use Other only for characters in that section and Unified for theories that span more than one character group.
    • Remove Jossed or Confirmed theories to the appropriate pages as the plot develops, giving some time for the OP to see the judgement.
    • If a theory is completely incomprehensible, it may be deleted after an explanation is attempted, or simply moved to Jossed. Use your own discretion.
    • No spoiler tags.
    • Pages have been recently cleaned up and sorted somewhat! Try to keep them that way please.

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