This page needs some cleaning up to be presentable. This one page covers two different movies. it needs to be split into two separate pages. |
"Let's just say that if a tree falls in the forest you'll get three stories: yours, mine, and the tree's." —Inspector Nicky Flippers
Hoodwinked is an All CGI Cartoon movie released in 2005 that parodies the Little Red Riding Hood fairy tale. Possibly inspired by Shrek, the movie is an Urban Fantasy retelling, using a Rashomon-style interrogation set-up to tell the story, with Alternate Character Interpretation for all of the tale's characters.
The movie starts with the police arresting everybody at Granny's House -- the Wolf, the Woodsman, Granny, and even Red Riding Hood -- and interrogating them separately to find out what happened. Each then narrates events as he or she saw them happen.
A sequel titled Hoodwinked Too: Hood Versus Evil, in which the Wolf and Red Riding Hood team up to rescue Hansel and Gretel, was released in April 2011 after several years in Development Hell.
- Adaptation Expansion
- All-Star Cast
- Alternative Foreign Theme Song: Has its own Japanese theme song.
- Anything But That: "Not prison! Not for a cute little bunny rabbit!"
- Aside Glance: Wolf, after Twitchy's declaration that he doesn't drink coffee.
- Also Red, when Jabeth denies having spoken normally at one point.
- Also Twitchy gives the camera a pleased look when he hears his voice played back at quarter-speed on a recorder
- Avoid the Dreaded G Rating: A writer for Focus on the Family's Plugged In magazine said the film could have squeaked by with a "G" rating. Let me reiterate that: Focus on the Family said the content rating on a movie was too strict.
- Badass Grandma: Granny. She fights in cage matches, fer cryin' out loud.
- And was the champion!
- Beware the Nice Ones: Who would ever suspect little Boingo?
- Big Eater: The Three Little Pigs, who consume a majority of the evidence.
- Blinding Camera Flash: Happens accidentally.
- Bound and Gagged: First Granny (She wound up tangled in her own parachute's cords) and later Red (as a prisoner of Boingo.)
- Brick Joke: The first part of the movie, when the four protagonists tell their sides of the story, is essentially a long succession of these. Little details that seem bizarre or out-of-place are eventually shown in their full context.
- Bring It: During the fight scene in the villain's lair, the villain does the "bring it" gesture. With his ear.
- Of course, there's also Grandma's line at the end: "Bring it, honey."
- Which is a Call Back to her saying it to The Ahnold before the ski race.
- Of course, there's also Grandma's line at the end: "Bring it, honey."
- Caffeine Bullet Time: used by Twitchy at one point.
- Chekhov's Gun: Coffee.
- Completely Missing the Point:
"Sweet tea and cookies! We got to do something." |
- Concealing Canvas
- Cool Old Lady: Think Vin Diesel from Triple X, she even uses a few signature moves from that movie.
- You mean like the 3 'G's tattooed on her neck, and that whole bit of dialog?
- Crazy Prepared: Japeth the mountain goat, which he even sings about. Also Granny.
- Creator Cameo: Cory Edwards plays Twitch.
- Cursed with Awesome: Japeth can't speak, only sing. Possibly the best song in the whole film, but it was unfortunately cut short.
- Deadpan Snarker: Red and the Wolf.
- The Dog Was the Mastermind: The mastermind turns out to be the bunny rabbit.
- Don't Explain the Joke:
Boingo: I'm gonna need a lot of real estate down the mountain, so I've gotta blow the competition away. Oh, and that's not a metaphor. We've literally got to blow them away. OK? |
- Dynamite Candle: "Dee-na-mee-tay. Must be Italian." (A Christmas Story Shout-Out?)
- Easter Egg: Literally.
- Embarrassing Tattoo: Sort of. On Granny of all people. Of course.
- Everybody Was Kung-Fu Fighting: And handled much less clunkily than the way it was handled in the Shrek franchise; the prize for the most impressive and spectacular Martial Artists in the film goes to Boingo the
EasterBunny, whose utilizes his EARS as the primary weapon of his highly effective personal style of Martial Arts. - Everythings Nuttier With Squirrels: Twitchy, natch.
- Evil Laugh: Boingo.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: "It's Unlawfully Delicious!"
- Family-Friendly Firearms: During the ski battle, the combatants fire snowballs at each other.
- Feather Fingers: Boingo's ears, though not quite to the point of Prehensile Hair
- Foreshadowing: If you look carefully during the scene where Red is in the minecart with Japeth and they go down the drop, you can see them pass by Wolf and Twitchy in their own minecart. And when the Wolf tells his story, you can see Red and Japeth dropping in the background. There are tons of these in the movie that would be overlooked until another character's point of view is told.
- Also, the expression on Boingo's face after Red falls off the cable car. You think he's horrified at Red falling, or angry at himself. You'd be wrong.
- When Boingo talks to Wolf, he is oddly unconcerned if Red is alright.
- Fractured Fairy Tale
- Friend to All Living Things: Parodied: Red "drives" a flock of hummingbirds over a river without a license, according to Flippers. The wolf also accounts that this is creepy.
- Frogs and Toads: Inspector Nicky Flippers.
- Furry Confusion: Subverted: Flippers seems to walk a non-anthropomorphic dog into the crime scene, but he turns out just to be the notary.
- Furry Fandom: There's a minor human character who wears a fursuit. The wolf even refers to him as "my furry friend."
- And, unusually for a mainstream work, he is never mentioned as being the slightest bit weird. Of course, given the setting they're in...
- Furries aren't widely known outside the internet or CSI: Miami, so crowbarring in a joke about them would be a bit redundant.
- Gosh Dang It to Heck: "What the schnitzel?"
- Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal: Wolf and Twitchy.
- Hair-Raising Hare: Boingo.
- Heli Critter: Japeth the goat. This is how he survives the mine car crash.
- Hidden Depths: Because the movie teaches us not to judge a book by its cover, all four of the characters interviewed are revealed to have these.
- Red is revealed to have dreams of leaving the Big Bad Forest by going on an adventure.
- Wolf (who was thought to be the Goody Bandit) turns out to be a reporter who is trying to catch the Goody Bandit. He just thought Red was the Goody Bandit.
- Kirk Kirkendall, who was accused of breaking and entering, is revealed to have crashed through the window completely by accident, and is a loving man who gives schnitzel to children.
- Granny Puckett is revealed to be a daredevil…much to Red’s dismay, as she had been lying to her the whole time.
- How We Got Here
- Hypocrite: Granny Puckett tells Red that a trip up the mountain is much too dangerous for a young girl…even though she plans to go up the mountain herself.
- Gilligan Cut: In the ending, when Japeth is shown delivering goodies.
- Ice Cream Koan: Flippers.
Chief: Boy, you are just full of those, aren't ya. |
- Intrepid Reporter: The Wolf.
- "I Want" Song: "Great Big World"
- Jive Turkey: Granny, hilariously enough, during the whole skiing competition.
- Kinda Busy Here: When Red called, Granny was... rather busy.
- Laser-Guided Karma: Happily Ever After indeed: Red gets her wish to travel the world. Wolf gets his wish to do undercover work. Granny gets her wish to perform hair-raising stunts.
- Lions and Tigers and Humans, Oh My!
- Little Red Fighting Hood: Hey there, Red.
- MacGuffin: The book of recipes.
- Media Scrum
- Medium Awareness: An easy-to-miss line from the lizard: "I gotta be in a circle wipe across town."
- In the original version of Top of the Woods, Boingo sings, "There's be no happy ending when the credits roll!"
- Method Acting: The Woodsman is an out-of-work actor trying to land a role, which is why he was trying to fell a tree in the first place.
- Mighty Lumberjack: Invoked with with Kirk the Woodsman, an actor playing a burly German axeman in commercials.
- Minecart Madness: Japeth's system of mine carts. Later harnessed for speedy pastry delivery.
- Misplaced Names Poster: The DVD cover.
- "Mission Impossible" Cable Drop: Granny. With a drop of hairspray instead of sweat. Technically not a "cable drop", but an obvious shout-out.
- Mood Swinger: Boingo the rabbit.
- Mood Whiplash: As Red is reminiscing about when she was younger.
Red: Huh, what's this? |
- Motor Mouth: Twitchy.
- My God, What Have I Done?: Said by The Wolf after giving Twitchy some coffee.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Parodied:
Goodie Bandit: And Keith!... Darnit, change your name. Please? That's not scary, and I'm embarrassed to say it. "Boris." Try that. *Keith storms off* Keith, you know. Oh... watch out for Keith! |
- What makes it funnier is that particular moment wasn't supposed to have a joke at all. It was ad-libbed by Andy Dick, who did think "Keith" was a stupid name for an evil Mook.
- Name Face Mismatch Poster: In the Widescreen DVD cover, at least.
- Never Heard That One Before: Woolworth the sheep to Wolf when he jokes about pulling the wool over his eyes.
- Never Mess with Granny
- Never Trust a Trailer: To preserve the twist in the story, the trailers constantly portrayed the wolf as a moronic, incompetent villain, rather than being an actually intelligent character whose only antagonism was Mistaken Identity.
- The trailer also mentions by name Anthony Anderson, who has maybe a dozen lines in the whole movie, but doesn't name Patrick Warburton, who has the second biggest part.
- Never Trust A Bunny
- No Flow in CGI: The directors went for a Stop Motion look and feel in order to justify this inevitability.
- Not So Different: Red and Wolf started off on the wrong foot, but one just might notice they have snarky personalities and they both want the same thing, for the Goody Bandit to be brought to justice.
- Odd Name Out: See "names to run away from" above. The four mooks are named Dolf, Lisa, and Vincent... and Keith.
- Oktoberfest: The Woodsman.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: The Wolf's disguises. Also the scene where the media scrum fail to recognize Red without her red cloak on, and instead charge off after a large male jogger wearing a red hoodie.
- Perspective Flip: The entire premise of the movie.
- Profiling: When Chief Grizzly insists on pinning the crime on Wolf, he sardonically mocks Grizzly as using racial profiling.
- Quirky Miniboss Squad
- Raised by Wolves: The Wolf. (Naturally.)
- Rashomon Style: Variation: The four accounts are all totally accurate (using literally the exact same animation from different angles when they overlap), but we still get a different impression from their limited perspectives and, in the case of Red's encounter with the Wolf, different lighting.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Boingo is well aware of his cuteness and uses it to his advantage!
- Right Behind Me
- Running Gag: The porcupine with the sports car.
- Serious Business: Goodies. The book of recipes is treated like the formula for Coca-Cola.
- Moreso. As several characters mention, "Goodies make the woods go 'round."
- Skirt Over Slacks: In the first movie, Red wears a skirt over her pants. In the second movie, she ditches the skirt.
- Shout-Out:
- Fletch. Wolf dresses like Irwin Fletcher, speaks like Irwin Fletcher, uses the same exact disguises as Irwin Fletcher, and even has the same Theme Song as Irwin Fletcher.
- XXX. Grandma has 3 G's tattooed on the back of her neck, which Nicky says is appropriate because she has three strikes against her.
- The scene where the wolf questions the Italian sheep is an homage to The Naked Gun. It even directly lifts some of its dialogue.
- The "Use the Hood" moment when Granny appears to Red has got to be a Star Wars reference.
- Wolf knocking on Granny's door identifies himself in the same way the Land Shark did in the Saturday Night Live skit.
- Twitch's babbling leads the police to treat him like Lassie. "Timmy's stuck in the well!"
- Shut UP, Hannibal: When Grandma runs off to save Red, the Goodie Bandit tells her she doesn't trust her for keeping her double life a secret, but Grandma just hit him on the head while still running.
- Slow-Motion Pass-By
- Species Surname: The Wolf's full name is apparently Wolf W. Wolf. Hmm, wonder what the W stands for.
- That's actually another Fletch joke to boot.
- Story-Boarding the Apocalypse: Literally.
- Storybook Opening: literal one.
- Stuff Blowing Up
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: "Now, dear, if there are two things I don't do, it's lie, and play extreme sports."
- Swiss Army Appendage: Horns, of all possibilities.
- Supervillain Lair
- Talks Like a Simile: Nicky. Lampshaded by Officer Grizzly: "You're just fulla those, aren't ya?"
- The Ahnold: Dolph.
- This Is What the Building Will Look Like: Done by Boingo.
- Throw It In: The short rant regarding Kieth's name was improvised.
- Title Drop: 'You've been Hoodwinked, Baby!'
- Too Dumb to Live: The woodsman doesn't know which end of the ax to chop with.
- Uncomfortable Elevator Moment: Lampshaded by Crane when Red gives Granny her Was It All a Lie? speech. Flippers and the rest of the police agree to give them room.
- Unreliable Narrator: Everyone sees the events differently, a la Rashomon.
- Urban Fantasy
- Verbed Title
- Villain Song: "Top Of The Woods" for Bongo, the Goodie Bandit.
- Visual Pun: Wolf disguises himself as a sheep in order to interrogate one of the flock.
- Also, during the credit, you see a drawing of the Woodsman playing air guitar on his axe.
- Waif Fu: Red is a proficient martial artist.
- Waiting for a Break: The Woodsman sold schnitzel out of his truck as a day job while waiting to land his next role. At least, until it was all stolen.
- Was It All a Lie?: Red found out about her Granny's double life. She felt betrayed because Granny never lets her do anything. Granny thought Red was happy and it was important that she deliver her goodies as their ancestors had done. Granny realized she deserves more in life.
- White Bunny: Boingo
- You Can't Miss It: When The Wolf asked the Bunny for directions.
- You! Get Me Coffee!
The sequel contains examples of:
- Ancient Tradition: The Sister of the Hood.
- Anything But That: "Not broccoli!"
- As You Know: Verushka to Granny while explaining her Freudian Excuse.
Granny: "Why are you telling me all this? I was there." |
- Balloon Belly: Hansel and Gretel after the Batman Gambit.
- Batman Gambit: Used to trick Hansel and Gretel into overdosing on supertruffles.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Hansel and Gretel. Arguably given away in the trailer.
- Bring It: Outright invoked by Red to a troll.
- Bound and Gagged: Granny and Red at different and multiple parts of the movie. Later, Wolf and Twitch.
- Butt Monkey: Japeth. Repeatedly. And always foreshadowed in song.
- Card-Carrying Villain: Hansel and Gretel. They spend the majority of the movie after their reveal telling everybody just how evil they are.
- The Chew Toy: Japeth, Giant's rhinos, and the hench pigs.
- Comic Trio: Red, Wolf, and Twitchy
- Cute Is Evil: Hansel and Gretel.
- The Danza / Stunt Casting: Heidi played by Heidi Klum.
- Development Hell: Although it was more like Distribution Hell.
- The Ditz: The blind mouse, voice by Phil Lamarr.
- Enfant Terrible: Hansel and Gretel take this trope up to eleven.
- Evil All Along: Hansel and Gretel.
- For the Evulz: Hansel and Gretel. They even admit they have no other reason for doing what they do.
- Funny Background Event: Several during the first scene of Red and Wolf walking through the city.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: Literally.
Verushka: "I'm tired of being Number Two! I feel like a big. Steaming. Pile of Number Two! |
- Half-Dressed Cartoon Animal: Wolf gets retconned into wearing a pair of jeans, so as to make Twitchy be the source of "not wearing any pants" jokes.
- Instant Knots: Red's belt, particularly in the opening.
- Laser Hallway: Part of Granny's escape, complete with flour being used to reveal the beams and the acrobatic bypass of the lasers.
- Laughably Evil: Hansel and Gretel, yes they're Complete Monsters, but they're so ridiculously over-the-top about being evil that it's NOT to laugh at them
- Medium Awareness:
Twitchy: The special effects were spectacular! |
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family: The spider.
- The Napoleon: Hansel and Gretel.
- Never Trust Little People
- Nobody Calls Me Chicken: Red, twice. The second time is part of a Batman Gambit.
- Obviously Evil: Hansel and Gretel when Granny finds them. It rears its ugly head when one says "Don't be suspicious... keep following us to the door..."
- Oh Crap: "Oh, schnitzel."
- One-Winged Angel: Hansel and Gretel after eating the truffle.
- The Other Darrin: Red and the Woodsman, voiced by Anne Hathaway and Jim Belushi in the first film, are done by Hayden Panettiere and Martin Short this time.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: Invoked. The Dragon wears a mask with a feature that turns on glowing red eyes. Just for the scaries.
- Running Joke: The Sister of the Hood who keeps getting hit in the head with her rolling pin, among others. And then, the Head Sister always stepping on the KO'd Sister's face.
- Japeth getting injured.
- Shout-Out: Where to start?
- Boingo as Hannibal Lecter
Boingo: (deep raspy voice) Hello, Clarice. |
Granny: Wolf, you think you can handle a bike like this? |
- Red being told to "Use the force" by a voice who admits they're in the wrong movie.
- The yodeling band as The A-Team complete with Cool Van.
- One pig says "Say hello to my little friend!" and brings out a rocket launcher.
- Look carefully at the recipe for the Super Truffle. One of the ingredients was People.
- Twitchy: "Squeal like a pig! Squeal like a pig!"
- Three Little Pigs: Played by Cheech and Chong and Gas Mask Mooks to boot.
- Tempting Fate: Japeth on numerous occasions.
- Those Two Guys: Hansel and Gretel. Also, the two pigs with voices.
- Title Drop:
Gretel: You've been hoodwinked, too! |
- Traitor Shot: Gretel's Slasher Smile to Red as the elevator door closes.
- Unusual Euphemism: "Oh, muffins."
- Worth It: Japeth, when he realizes he's probably going to die, smashes his banjo and starts singing Il Paliacchi.
- You Have Got to Be Kidding Me!: Stated verbatim by Red when supertruffle powered Hansel and Gretel start throwing cars at her.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Stated verbatim by Hansel.