Hysterical Woman/Playing With
- Basic Trope: A female character who is overly emotional.
- Played Straight: Alice is rather neurotic, always crying or worrying.
- Alternatively, Alice is a Genki Girl
- Exaggerated: Alice does nothing the whole time but scream
- Inverted: Alice is an Emotionless Girl or generally more sensible than others.
- Gender Inverted: Bob Screams Like a Little Girl and cries Manly Tears
- Justified: Alice is The Chick in an older work.
- Alice has a mental disorder.
- The Big Bad is trying to Break the Cutie through various methods of torture and rape...and it's working.
- Something really bad has just happened, is happening, or is about to happen.
- Subverted: Alice is actually an actress playing as a screaming heroine in a melodrama.
- Double Subverted: But then Bob is Killed Off for Real, and Alice crosses the Despair Event Horizon.
- Deconstructed: This makes Alice look weak and holds her Character Development back. Furthermore, it breaks the audience's Willing Suspension of Disbelief, especially modern audiences used to the idea that women are not insane just because they're women.
- Reconstructed: Alice reacts to situations, but in a believable manner.
- Parodied: Alice screams bloody murder upon receiving a paper cut.
- Alice is literally crying over spilled milk.
- Bob hears Alice screaming, only to find she's not hurt, but he caught her mid-Squee
- Zig Zagged: Alice is a Tsundere
- Sometimes Alice doesn't react at all, sometimes she reacts normally/realistically, and sometimes her reaction is so over-the-top as to be unbelievable, depending on a) the situation and/or b) the writer
- Lampshaded: "Oh Alice, you're getting hysterical again...Here." *slap!* *slap!* "Now get a hold of yourself, woman!"
- Averted: Alice usually remains calm and sane.
- Enforced: Prevailing views about the nature and role of women.
- Invoked: Evil Elliott tortures Alice, hoping to either lure Bob to his lair, or get information from Alice.
- Defied: Alice doesn't want to look weak or risk the team, so she keeps a stiff upper lip.
- Discussed:
- Conversed:
- Played For Laughs: See Parodied
- Played For Drama: Alice is struggling with a serious mental disorder.