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I Am Legion/Quotes

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

We are many, yet one. We are separate in body, yet speak with a single voice. Join us in our chorus.
Chorus of the Conclave, Magic: The Gathering

Shepard: So what should I call you?
Legion: Geth.
Shepard: No, I mean you. Specifically.
Legion: We are all geth.

Shepard: What is the individual in front of me called?

Legion: There is no individual. We are all geth. There are currently 1,183 programs active within this platform.

EDI: "My name is Legion, for we are many."

Legion: Christian Bible, the Gospel of Mark, chapter five, verse nine. We acknowledge this as an appropriate metaphor.

Shepard: So I'm talking to a thousand programs, but not a thousand personalities?

Legion: Each individual is equivalent to one of your Virtual Intelligence programs. Together, we form a single gestalt intellect - what you refer to as Legion. As individuals, we are no more than your software. Only when we share data do we become more.
We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. We are virgins by default.

Lord Dread: How many will you create? Hundreds? Thousands? How many voices live with you, Overmind?

Overmind: Many. For we are Legion.
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