Idiot Crows

When a boke (silly or idiotic character) says something stupid or foolish, one or more crows may be seen flying past, crying "aho! aho!" or "ba-ka, ba-ka". Aho is Japanese for "idiot". It's also the kansai-ben equivalent to the all-purpose insult Baka (one functional translation of aho is "dumbass"); kansai-ben is used by both the Boke and Tsukkomi Routine and The Idiot From Osaka.
Much more common in comedy series than serious dramatic Anime, but sometimes found at lighter moments in serious series, too.
Ravens and Crows also have a more serious purpose in Anime—as in Western mythology, crows are seen as heralds of death in Japanese folklore. The Idiot Crows are not usually meant to symbolize this darker meaning.
Not to be confused with, the idiocy of Crow T. Robot or a particular nuclear powered raven who is an idiot.
Also note that "aho" is a pun; it's also Japanese onomatopoeia for a crow's call, hence why it's used so often in comedic situations.
Anime and Manga
- Doctor Slump. In one case, the crow was pummeled by an annoyed Akane Kimidori.
- Maze Megaburst Space
- Tenshi na Konamaiki
- Mai-Otome
- Kashimashi: Girl Meets Girl
- Pokémon cleverly uses Idiot Murkrow in one episode.
- Ranma ½
- Fushigi Yuugi
- Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch has a seagull do this in Episode 34, flying in circles at the sky, saying, in the fansub at least, "Moron! Moron!"
- And a couple more times in Pure.
- Beck features an Idiot Parrot.
- Given the high ratio of cursing in the dub, the same parrot shouts Asshole! Not to say that the original isn't laden with cursing as it is.
- At least three of these appear in one of the better Naruto Filler episodes (the one about removing Kakashi's mask). It also appears in some other episodes, but you'll miss it if ya blink.
- In said gag filler, try to catch the crow taking a crap during their second plan to remove Kakashi's mask.
- It carried over in Shippuden: with the Hot Springs Episode of Team 7 and some hilarious post-credits omakes (which included the Wind Release jokes).
- In Air Gear, the main character Itsuki Minami is nicknamed Karasu-kun (Crow-kun) and has a chibi crow as a pet leading to this trope being used many MANY times.
- In one episode of the Galaxy Angel anime, shortly after Milfieulle trips on a mission, a crow flies by, the english dub has it saying, "moron, moron."
- Hayate the Combat Butler, as seen above but also in such times randomly flying through the mansion in response to Nagi's idea of 'culture.'
- Mahoujin Guru Guru
- Eyeshield 21
- Idol Project used a crow-like alien character once for this purpose.
- Happens a lot to Ryo Saeba in City Hunter. Sometimes the crows are dancing, too.
- Shining Tears X Wind
- The Samurai Champloo manga, probably also to hang a lampshade on the more serious crow symbolism used in the anime.
- Taken to the extreme by Violinist of Hameln: Oboe, Hamel's mentor and companion, actually IS a crow (transformed by magic), and he explodes into barrages of "You fool!" when frustrated with Hamel.
- The Mahou Sensei Negima anime.
- A variation occurs in an episode of The Law of Ueki. Upon first seeing the gigantic dog-like form of Tenko, Ueki says he thought he looked like a giant chicken. An Idiot Chicken promptly appears.
- In Rozen Maiden, poor Kanaria ends up having a precious fried egg of hers stolen by a crow, who immediately invokes this. Eventually, the same crow ends up eating a horribly aborted and poisonous at breakfast in almost a mirror of the first incident, until....
- Played with in Pani Poni Dash!: the Idiot Crows in Himeko's mind go "maho". The crows have Idiot Hair too.
- Natsume Yuujinchou. The character in question (Nyanko-sensei), even lampshades it.
- Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple has an idiot rabbit that more or less serves the same purpose.
- In the Prince of Tennis chibi filler episodes, there is an idiot crow overhead when "Mama" Oishi forgets his wallet at home.
- The anime version of Gintama, episode 10, ends with this trope.
- The Mazinger Z saga has Bakarasu the crow, who by Great Mazinger times is Boss and his gang's sort-of mascot.
- Kyou Kara Maou has a variation of crow-like birds in the alternate world Yuri often winds up traipsing through screeching "Baaad omeeeen!" whenever trouble is upcoming.
- In SD Gundam Force, when Captain shows off his brand new upgrade; the ability to make facial expressions, a little chick flies by Shute. Because he and the rest of the gang were expecting weapons.
Captain: (Makes a u_u face) You don't like them. |
Live-Action TV
- An Idiot Crow example happening in live-action television (possibly scripted, but the location is actually close to where the crows congregate) in Gaki no Tsukai Ya Arahende 2008, "Do Not Laugh Newspaper Agency Special", during the lunch scene.
Video Games
- In the Rhythm Tengoku series, failing a rhythm game gives you the "Try Again" rating, which is accompanied by a dissonant piano chord followed by crows cawing in the background.
- One of the extra emotions you could buy at Maple Story's Cash Shop shows your character with a Sweat Drop expression, followed by such a crow passing over the user's head, though the "aho-aho" sound is not included.
Western Animation
- One scene in Avatar: The Last Airbender, episode "The Beach", uses an idiot dove for a comment made by Azula, of all people.
- This was mentioned in the commentary; the creators mentioned it was the idea of a Japanese member of the animation staff, who suggested not only that you have to have a bird fly by in such situations, but also the guy should leave the scene as if he's a cardboard cutout. Everyone looked at him as if he was insane. Then they went ahead and did it.
- A rare western example of this happens in the Totally Spies! pilot episode.
- Another episode used a duck as a substitute.