Infinite Stratos/Characters

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Writeups and tropes for individual Infinite Stratos characters go here. Any contributions are appreciated.

Most of the characters are in the same class; first year high school students (10th grade, 15 or 16 years old).


Ichika Orimura

Voiced by: Kouki Uchiyama (Japanese) and Josh Grelle (English)

The main protagonist and the first ever male able to pilot an Infinite Stratos.

  • Accidental Pervert
    • In Episode 1, he stumbles onto Houki getting out of the shower. He later comes across her bra (hanging from one of her wooden katanas) and almost doesn't recognize what it is.
    • Somehow after being crushed under Maya's IS, he winds up on top once the dust clears, face down in front of two classes.
    • And then there's those moments with Charles (er, Charlotte post-reveal).
  • Actor Allusion: Ichika's duel against Rin has him posing and charging similar to Gundam Unicorn, a reference to Uchiyama's role as Banagher Links.
  • Barehanded Blade Block: Blocks Houki's wooden katana with this.
  • Bare Your Midriff: His IS suit.
  • Battle Couple: With Charlotte and Houki at one point.
  • Bishonen: Described as one by the girls.
  • Bishie Sparkle: This is apparently how Laura sees him.
  • Book Dumb: Very bad when it comes to theoretic application, such as the mechanics of firing an IS-outfitted gun. This is why Chifuyu encourages him to simply stick to close-range combat.
  • Class Representative: For Class 1-1. Cecilia originally won it by way of a duel, but later cedes the position to him.
  • Clueless Chick Magnet: Most of the time, though at least he knows of the affections of Charlotte and Laura toward him -- after all, the former snuck onto his bath and gave him a naked hug; the latter gave him a kiss and later snuck naked onto his bed.
  • Crippling Overspecialisation: Played with—the Yukihira is his only weapon, leaving Ichika crippled in ranged combat. When he notes this, Chifuyu points out that it'd be extremely hard for the inexperienced Ichika to learn the complex mechanics behind firing an IS-outfitted ranged weapon, advising him to instead perfect his melee skills such that he won't need long-range firepower anymore... just like how Chifuyu won the 1st Mondo Grosso Tournament.
    • That all changes, Mid-Season Upgrade-style when Byakkushiki second-shifted into the Setsura to save his life giving him a powerful Beam Cannon & Shield combo weapon.
  • The Dulcinea Effect: Uhh yeah, check.
    • This got him into a temporary coma, though.
  • Estrogen Brigade Bait: A boy who doesn't look too bad on the eyes, frequently seen wearing skin-tight outfits, and is ripped to the point that Charles blushed.
  • Falling Into the Cockpit: Averts the usual basics of this trope. During his high school entrance exam, he wandered into a storage room, where he discovered he could operate an IS upon touching one. Come Episode 1, he's already used ISs a few times.
  • First-Name Basis: With pretty much almost everyone in his harem. His new name for Charles after revealing her true gender is Char.
  • First-Person Smartass: In the Light Novel, especially regarding Chifuyu.

"Oh my, this voice definitely belongs to Chifuyu-nee. A black knight’s song rings in my mind without conditions. On a side note, there’s also another tune in my mind. It’s called The Terminator."

Houki Shinonono

Voiced by: Youko Hikasa (Japanese) and Monica Rial (English)

Ichika's childhood friend ever since they're little kids. Although she moved away during their grade school years (due to tight security surrounding her older sister Tabane, chief developer of the IS, and her family), he still remembers a lot about her, and is happy that they're in the same class. Due to an extreme coincidence, they also end up sharing a dorm room, though Ichika doesn't see any harm in this. Later, Charles Dunois gets paired up with him, but Houki still keeps close contact with her old friend.

"I was born with this face."

Cecilia Alcott

Voiced by: Yukana (Japanese) and Brittney Karbowski (English)

Official representative of the United Kingdom for the IS Academy. Although tension initially sparked between her and Ichika due to the latter's lack of knowledge about her impressive history, she warms up to him after he almost defeats her in a duel.

Lingyin "Rin" Huang

Voiced by: Asami Shimoda (Japanese) and Hilary Haag (English)

Representative of China for the IS Academy and Class 1-2 Representative. She and Ichika were friends since grade school, some time after Houki left. They have fond memories of eating together in her family's restaurant, though it seems that Ichika doesn't remember things quite the same way Rin does...

Rin: "Are they holding hands?"
Cecilia: "Yes."
Rin: "Ah, then it wasn't an illusion or a daydream."

  • Rin summons her Shenlong's right arm part*

Rin: "Let's kill them!"

Charles/Charlotte Dunois

Voiced by: Kana Hanazawa (Japanese) and Shannon Emerick (English)

Representative from France and the only other male in the world that can pilot an IS... Or is he?

(After Ichika almost kissed Houki) "Ichika, what are you doing?"

  • Unsettling Gender Reveal: To Ichika on Episode 5, and three episodes later, to the entire class via Yamada-sensei. Obviously some girls (especially Lingyin) didn't take the implications well, especially considering it was known to everyone that she (as Charles) bathed together with Ichika the previous day!
  • Weak but Skilled: Rafale Revive Custom II is a heavily modified 2nd-generation mass production IS. However, his skill allows him to keep up with the rest of the main cast, all of whom use 3rd-generation prototypes upwards.

Laura Bodewig

Voiced by: Marina Inoue (Japanese) and Tiffany Grant (English)

German representative and a former member of the Schwarzer Hase ("Black Hares"). Chifuyu used to train her during the former's time in Germany, and despises Ichika for being too weak and causing Chifuyu's early retirement.

  • Action Girl
  • Actor Allusion: Her eyepatch is on the left eye instead of the right and doesn't use knives, perhaps to avoid making her look and sound any more like Cinque than she already does. Though she never leaves home without her trusty knife on her hip.
    • In the dub, it's apparently changed to resemble another eyepatch-wearing Tyke Bomb.
  • Adorkable: Post-meltdown. Her lack of social skills make almost any social interaction awkwardly cute.
  • Amazon Brigade: Was the CO of Schwarzer Hase ("Black Hares"), a German IS unit, whose members wear Eyepatches Of Power on their left eye.
  • Arrogant And Proud Pilot Soldier Girl: She isn't very fond of the idea of the ISs being used for combat sport, like at the Academy. She really likes to express that opinion in battle as much as allowed.
  • Awesome but Impractical: Her Schwarzer Regen's Active Inertia Canceller (AIC) can block any attack, beam-based or not, including Rin's powerful Impact Cannon. The catch—it relies on Laura's concentration abilities, making her susceptible to multiple enemies.
    • It may have worked during her match with Cecilia and Rin, as both went long-range... but not so much with Ichika and Charles, who threw her off-guard by combining melee and long-range.
  • Ax Crazy: She gets better... big time.
  • Badass
  • Bedmate Reveal: To Ichika while naked.
  • Badass Arm-Fold
  • The Berserker: Her Schwarzer Regen's Valkyrie Trace (VT) System was meant to increase an IS's performance by mimicking previous Mondo Grosso champions (e.g. Chifuyu). However it went rogue due to Laura's brief mental breakdown upon realizing that Ichika and Charlotte exploited her AIC's weakness and turned the tide of the battle against her. No wonder research, development and application of the VT System is strictly banned.
  • Bring It On: To Rin and to Cecilia.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: Averted. She hates Ichika, so the first thing she does is slap him across the face. In battle, she always goes straight for him (which he and Charles quickly learn to take advantage of). She worships Chifuyu, and pretty much states it outright. And when she realizes she's in love with Ichika, she does state it outright, and makes absolutely sure it cannot be misinterpreted.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl

"You're not paying enough attention to being my wife."


Chifuyu Orimura

Voiced by: Megumi Toyoguchi (Japanese) and Luci Christian (English)

Ichika's 24-year-old sister and herself a retired IS ace, as well as head teacher of IS Academy's Class 1-1, where Ichika, Houki, Cecilia, Charles and Laura are placed. She gained popularity for her skill with a katana, with which she won the 1st Mondo Grosso Tournament, only to disappear after forefeiting her title defense at the 2nd Mondo Grosso to save the kidnapped Ichika; during her hiatus she went to Germany to train IS pilots (one of which was Laura) as repayment for the German army's contribution to her rescue of Ichika.

Maya Yamada

Voiced by: Noriko Shitaya (Japanese) and Cynthia Martinez (English)

Sub-teacher of Class 1-1 and herself a former national candidate whose skill never waned even after years on the sidelines.

"Aww, she's so cute!!"


Tabane Shinonono

Voiced by: Yukari Tamura (Japanese) and Allison Keith (English)

Houki's older sister and inventor of the IS suits.

Dan Gotanda

Voiced by: Makoto Yasumura (Japanese) and Chris Ayres (English)

Ichika's friend from back in middle school up until the time he transfers to IS Academy.

Ran Gotanda

Voiced by: Noriko Obata (Japanese) and Luci Christian (English)

Dan's younger sister and a third-year junior high schoolgirl.

Natasha Fairs

Light Novel-only Official Representative to the IS Academy from America. She is the pilot of Silver Gospel, an IS co-built with Israel.

Tatenashi Sarashiki

Light Novel-only Official Representative to the IS Academy from Russia (though apparently half-Japanese) and currently the strongest IS fighter in the Academy, warranting her the position of Student Council President. She's the pilot of Mysterious Lady, a third-generation cerulean IS.

M adoka Orimura

Pilot of the Silent Zephyrs is also part of Phantom Task.

She actually looks like a younger Chifuyu who tells Ichika that he stole her life.