Iron Maiden/Heartwarming
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Bruce Dickinson dedicated the performance of "Blood Brothers" to the late Ronnie James Dio during the Final Frontier North America tour.
"You are the fucking Rainbow In The Darkness!" |
- Also when he threw the horns and said that it was the only time he has ever done it or ever will do it, because it was Dio's gesture and he was doing it in Dio's memory.
- And in the Australian wing it was dedicated to the victims of the Christchurch earthquake in New Zealand.
- And during a stretch of the 2011 summer tour they dedicated it to the victims of the Oslo shoot-up, sort of.
- Don't forget that every time they play Blood Brothers they also dedicate it to their fans and have since Rock In Rio over ten years ago.
- The guy in Colombia crying Manly Tears of Joy after catching Nicko's drumstick. He is just so happy and overwhelmed, you have to feel for how much it meant for him.