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Iron Man/Characters

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A sheet for the characters in the Iron Man comics. Needs more work.

Anthony "Tony" Stark/Iron Man

The son of billionaire industrialist Howard Stark, Tony is a brilliant inventor in his own right. Following an incident that left him with a piece of shrapnel in his chest, Tony designed an electromagnetic harness to keep himself alive, and eventually, a suit of armour that could be powered by it. He is a major name in the Marvelverse, and a founding member of the Avengers.


Virginia "Pepper" Potts/Rescue

Tony's secretary, assitant, and longtime friend. She eventually gains a suit of armour (and a heart implant) of her own as the heroine Rescue.

Happy Hogan

James "Rhodie" Rhodes/War Machine

Tony's closest friend in current continuity, and pilot of the War Machine armour.


The Mandarin

Tony's most perrenial foe and one of the rare Iron Man villains to survive in continuity from the sixties until the present day, The Mandarin is a descendant of Chinese/Mongol royalty who feels that he was cheated out of his birthright by the rise of the Communist Party. A martial arts master, The Mandarin's trademark weapons are his ten rings, crafted from alien technologies that he discovered and salvaged.


The Mandarin's son, and a capable supervillain in his own right, Temugin first confronted Iron Man in revenge for his father's (apparent) death. He has since gone on to become an agent of the Atlas Foundation.

  • Avenging the Villain: His original goal.
  • Awesomeness By Analysis: Destroys Iron Man's armour by attacking its weak points.
  • Bald of Evil
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: Like his father, Temugin is able to shatter Iron Man's armour with blows from his chi-enhanced fists.
  • The Dragon: To Mister Lao of the Atlas Foundation, succeeding Jimmy Woo as the Foundation's nominal leader.
  • Meaningful Name: Temugin is the birth name of Genghis Khan.
  • Overlord, Jr..
  • Political Officer: Lao used Temugin to keep an eye on the Atlas Foundation's ostensible leader, Jimmy Woo, because he felt that Woo was too soft (and heroic).
  • Take Up My Sword: Briefly possessed his father's rings, which were sent to him after the latter's death, along with a note urging him to take vengeance for The Mandarin.

Crimson Dynamo

The first Crimson Dynamo was a Soviet scientist named Anton Vanko, who invented a suit that allowed him to discharge electricity. Following Vanko's defection to the United States, twelve other people have donned the red armour to tackle Iron Man.

  • Arch Enemy: The only character(s) other than The Mandarin to even be in the running.
  • Badass: All of them.
    • Badass Bookworm: Anton Vanko (Dynamo I), who actually invented the suit.
    • Four-Star Badass: Valentin Shalatov (Dynamo VI), a Colonel-General in the Soviet Army.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: All the Dynamos have piloted red armours.
  • Dirty Commies: The first five Dynamos were Soviet agents, including Dmitri Bukharin, the most famous Dynamo.
  • Evil Counterpart: The first and most famous of them. As a power-armoured foe with ties to the USSR, the Dynamos have always served as strong counterpoints to the capitalistic Stark.
  • Heel Face Turn: Anton Vanko and Dmitri Bukharin.
  • Legacy Character: Twelve men and one woman have worn the Crimson Dynamo armour.
  • Make the Bear Angry Again: The goal of Dynamo VI, who seeks a return of Stalinist Communism in the Kremlin.
  • Powered Armour
  • Psycho Electro: Anton Vanko's version of the armour.
  • Red Scare: Created when fear of the Soviet Union was at its height, and most of Iron Man's enemies were Communists.
  • Renegade Russian: Every Dynamo since the sixth (Valentin Shalatov). Shalatov himself deserves special mention, given his goal of returning Russia to a Stalinist style government.
  • Soviet Superscience

Bruno Horgan/The Melter

A recurring low-level threat, with the power to melt all forms of iron (and later all forms of metal) into slag. A founding member of The Masters of Evil.

The Titanium Man

Another Soviet agent, the original Titanium Man, Boris Bullski, conceived of defeating Iron Man on national television in order to score a propaganda victory against the United States. After his defeat, Bullski (and those who have since donned his armour) became a genuine enemy of Stark's.

  • Alliterative Name: Boris Bullski.
  • Badass
    • Badass Abnormal: Boris Bullski was a highly-trained KGB operative and secret agent before he underwent the surgeries to make him a giant, or gained the Titanium Man armour.
  • Bigger Is Better: Averted. The reason the Titanium Man armour is so large is because Bullski lacked the components needed for miniaturisation.
  • Dirty Commies
  • Evil Knockoff: The Titanium Man armour was built specifically to ape Iron Man's.
  • Genius Bruiser: Bullski was an effective manipulator and spy. He was also over seven feet tall, thanks to the medical treatments he required to fit into his gigantic armour.
  • Husky Russkie: Bullski was big even before he had himself surgically modified. Now he looks like a man with gigantism.
  • Legacy Character: There have been three Titanium Men, though Bullski (who is still active) remains the best known.
  • Powered Armour
  • Red Baron: "Boris the Merciless".
  • Red Scare: Particularly in his first appearance, when Bullski's Titanium Man actually represented the USSR in a match with Iron Man, who represented the West; he wasn't so much a character as he was a symbol of Soviet dictatorship.
  • Renegade Russian: Bullski since the fall of the USSR. In his anger, he actually blames Iron Man for his nation's collapse.
  • The Rival: Bullski became Titanium Man solely to rival Iron Man. Since then the conflict has become very personal for him.
    • Rival Turned Evil: Bullski was always pretty nasty, but it was only after his first encounter with Iron Man ended in defeat that he became a genuine supervillain.
  • Soviet Superscience
  • Super Strength: Even without the armour, Bullski can lift one and a half tonnes. With the armour on, he can heft over seventy-five.

Whiplash I/Blacklash/Mark Scarlotti

A former employee of Starks, Mark Scarlotti became the costumed criminal mercenary known as Whiplash in an attempt at getting rich quickly. Following a string of defeats, Scarlotti began working for Justin Hammer, who renamed him Blacklash. The Whiplash identity has since been used by several other villains.

  • Badass: He's a bit of a joke to some, but at the end of the day, Blacklash was a going concern in the Iron Man comics from 1968 until the early 2000s, repeatedly taking on Stark's military grade arsenal with little more than his whip.
  • Bulletproof Vest: Scarlotti goes this one better--his entire costume is woven with high-quality kevlar, making him more or less bulletproof. Not that it'll stop most of the weapons in Iron Man's arsenal.
  • Chronic Villainy: Scarlotti repeatedly tries to quit supervillainy, only to be drawn back in.
  • The Dragon: To Justin Hammer in the 80s.
  • High Collar of Doom
  • Hired Guns: A costumed mercenary, having worked for the Maggia, Hammer, and anyone else who would pay.
  • Legacy Character: Scarlotti has been succeeded in the Whiplash identity by Leann Foreman, an unnamed woman with a BDSM kink, and Anton Vanko (though only the unnamed one seems to have been directly aping him). The anonymous woman's male partner adopted the Blacklash identity for good measure.
  • Mood Swinger: Diagnosed as manic-depressive (what we would now call bipolar disorder).
  • Only in It For the Money: Once he began operating as a merc, this became Scarlotti's primary motivation.
  • Professional Killer: Often employed by Hammer as an assassin.
  • Villainous Valour: It's been noted that fighting Iron Man with a whip, however special, takes serious testicular fortitude.
  • Whip It Good: Wielded a mechanical whip of his own design. Hammer later upgraded his technology to equip him with two cybernetically controlled titanium whips.

Justin Hammer

A corporate rival of Tony's, Hammer was also the secret financier behind numerous attempts on Tony and Iron Man's lives.

Justine Hammer

Hammer's daughter, Justine is the current head of his corporation, and a former costumed supervillainess.

Sasha Hammer

Justine's daughter by The Mandarin, Sasha has a rocky relationship with her mother, and is the lover of Ezekial Stane.

Obadiah Stane/Iron Monger I

The leader of another one of Tony's rival companies, Obadiah orchestrated Stark's return to alcoholism, before attempting to buy him out.

Ezekial "Zeke" Stane/Iron Monger II

Obadiah's son, Zeke is an international anarchocapitalist terrorist, with no particular agenda, a burning hatred for Tony Stark, and a penchant for improving on others designs and internalising machinery.

Whiplash IV/Anton Vanko

A young Russian who saw his hometown destroyed by an out-of-control Iron Man armour, and vowed revenge, Anton Vanko donned a suit of armour equipped with two laser whips.

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