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The Paradigm

The Plutonian aka Tony, Dan Hartigan

The series' main character. A mysterious man with incredible powers, he was once the Earth's greatest and most beloved hero. Then one day something snapped inside him, and he went on a murderous rampage with no apparent aim other than spreading maximum pain and suffering across the globe. He's now the greatest threat the world has ever faced, and nobody knows how - or if - he can be stopped.


A Paradigm member with the ability to create any device he can visualise. One of the most peaceful and idealistic characters in the story, he alone views the Plutonian as capable of becoming a hero once more.

Charybdis aka Cary, Survivor

The twin brother and partner of Scylla, Charybdis shares his energy manipulation powers. The one problem in Cary's life before the Plutonian turned evil was that he was in love with his brother's wife, Kaidan. After Scylla's death Cary takes the name Survivor, and reveals that he is in fact the source of the brothers' powers, and has become even stronger. Even later it's revealed that they're triplets, with a third, retired brother called Elliott.


Charybdis' twin brother with identical powers, and the lover of Kaidan.

Bette Noir

Gilgamos' wife, and master sharpshooter who uses specalised bullets. It's later revealed that she's been having an affair with the Plutonian.


The husband of Bette Noir and a two thousand year old Babylonian

Kaidan aka Keiko

A Japanese woman with the ability to summon figures from stories she reads, Kaidan is Scylla's lover and one of the younger members of the Paradigm

  • Necromancer: Of a kind, as she can summon/recreate her dead friends to fight for her.
  • Necromantic
  • Sibling Triangle: Stuck in the middle of one
  • Summon Magic: She summons samurai, warriors etc. by telling their stories. She can also summon her deceased comrades.
  • Token Minority


One of the Paradigm's more recent recruits, and a member extremely devoted to the Plutonian

Samsara aka Sam

The Plutonian's Indian teenage sidekick, Samsara is Tony's best friend, and possesses immortality and the manipulation of mystical energy due to a jewel embedded in his forehead.


A former policeman who uses his incredible skills and gadgets to fight crime.

  • Alternate Company Equivalent: An obvious one for Batman. He has no powers, his base is in a cave under his house, and his best friend is The Plutonian, Superman's equivalent.
  • Badass Normal
  • Crazy Prepared: He creates a deal with the Vespans to return to the planet to take out the Plutonian in case he ever turns evil. This was based solely on a single incident where the Plutonian mentioned the Hornet's wife's name in passing, when the Hornet had never mentioned it to the Paradigm, revealing to the Hornet that the Plutonian had been spying on his teammates.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: Grows out of it though when he is accepted as a hero in his own right.
  • Good Parents
  • Killed Off for Real: In the first issue
  • Overshadowed by Awesome
  • The Smart Guy: Not as smart as Qubit of course, but the Hornet is a skilled tactician.
  • The Team Normal
  • Weak but Skilled: The Plutonian allied with him at first specifically because Hornet can act with more precision.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: We find out a bit more about him in flashbacks though.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: He brought the Vespans' loyalty by giving them teleportation technology and the coordinates of defenceless planets friendly to the Paradigm, so that they could conquer those instead of Earth.

Other Characters

Max Damage

The Plutonian's rival and former supervillian, he pulls a Heel Face Turn after seeing him destroy a city. Him and his sidekick Jailbreak then do all they can to bring him down.


A mysterious supervillain who was the Plutonian's most feared opponent. Not heard from for years before the story begins, he comes out of hiding once Tony's rampage starts and slowly reveals a horrifying plan for him...


An extraterrestial (or possibly a demon) that has fought with the Paradigm before. The US government summon him to defeat the Plutonian and prevent the Paradigm from going rogue.

The Plutonian's Allies

A collection of insane and extremely powerful aliens that the Plutonian gathers around him on the planet Genhom in order to escape the intergalactic lunatic asylum they've been imprisoned in.

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