Fridge Horror
- In the anime, Chinatsu was originally a normal girl who was in an opera house with her parents when he slaughtered the entire cast and audience except her (by accidental survival, not his choice). How she went from her rage and attempt to kill him during that to her killing skills and psychopathic devotion to him is best not dwelled upon.
Fridge Logic
- Valmet initially plans to kill Jonah and then commit suicide if he harms or kills Koko. If Koko happens to survive, then what's the point of committing suicide?
- Expunging her shame at failing to prevent Koko from being hurt. When it comes to Koko, Valmet's overdramatic like that.
- A lot of people wondered why Jonah rushed towards Shishio while the former emptied his MP5K at the latter. Some people in the forums do suggest that this was how Jonah operated when he was a child soldier.