Low Light
Low Light by Dragonrider4000 is a Darker and Edgier (yeah really) Death Note Fanfic. Upon realizing his feelings for Light, L uses the Notebook to save his life. L goes to the Dark Side and with Light they go on to rule their Evil Empire together... and they live happily ever after... (except that Light's beginning to realize he's created a monster...)
- A God Am I: deconstructed as it shows how Light's God Complex makes it easier for L to take advantage of him...
- Alas, Poor Scrappy: Misa, and you almost feel sorry for what’s bound to happen to Near too... Almost.
- Alternate Universe Fic
- Bastard Boyfriend: Evil!L with Light.
- Better Living Through Evil: L, Matsuda, Mello, and Matt all get high status in Kira's Empire.
- Black Knight: Matsuda when acting as Kira's bodyguard.
- Bond Villain Stupidity: L decides to let a few of his successors live for the sake of a challenge and to give some the option to join him.
- Boys Love
- Brains and Bondage
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Matsuda... maybe...
- Burn the Orphanage: This is what L does to Wammy's House.
- Cain and Abel: Sayu has figured out what her brother's been up to, and is just biding her time...
- Cheap Costume: Light's FABULOUS Kira costume which he already assembled for the day he could come out and publically claim his place as the God of the New World. It seems he's been taking hints from the Code Geass costuming design department... Later he makes a matching one in black for Matsuda.
- Badass Long Robe
- Body Paint
- Domino Mask
- Fashion Victim Villain: so, so much.
- Frills of Justice
- Light Is Not Good
- Man in White: Light's costume.
- Slave Collar: well you see L is into bondage...
- Superheroes Wear Capes
- White Gloves
- White Mask of Doom
- Wig, Dress, Accent: odd that no one recognizes Light... except for Sayu...
- Cliff Hanger: The series stops right before Light goes home to have dinner with his family... most likely to the tune of a messy reveal as Sayu and Halle Lidner know his secret, have it in for him, and will be attending...
- Cool and Unusual Punishment: Ryuk manages to piss of the Shinigami King and so the King tells Ryuk that he's made him violently allergic to apples.
- The Corrupter: Light
- Couldn't Find a Pen: Lampshaded:
- Crazy Awesome: Mello and Matt overthrowing the Japanese government in one afternoon.
- Crazy Jealous Guy: Evil!L is very possessive of Light and becomes jealous when Light is spending so much time with Matsuda.
- Dark Fic: From a Certain Point of View. Though it's also an AU where most of the characters we care about get to live.
- The Dark Side
- Dead Fic: sadly.
- Death Seeker: Rem wants to die but the Shinigami King won't let her.
- Die for Our Ship: Misa, Misa, MISA!
- Drunk on the Dark Side
- Dude, Where's My Respect?: The world trembles in fear of Kira, but among his inner circle, Light is the Butt Monkey.
- The Empire
- Equal Opportunity Evil: "It's always good to have more followers."
- Evil Chancellor: L
- Evil Is Cool
- Evil Laugh
- Evil Mentor: Light to L.
- Evil Overlord: Light
- Even Evil Has Standards: Light is disgusted by L's most recent activities...
- Faking the Dead: L.
- Fallen Hero: L, and Matsuda, and Mello and Matt
- Faux Affably Evil: Evil!L
- Five-Bad Band:
- Big Bad Duumvirate: Light/Kira and L
- Co-Dragons: Ryuk and Matsuda
- Dragon with an Agenda: Matsuda might be this, considering how easily he switched sides along with the chess metaphors.... and Mello and Matt aren't doing this out of loyalty to Kira's ideals but out of loyalty to L.
- The Brute: Mello and Matt take on the most active fighting role knocking over a government in an afternoon.
- The Evil Genius: Light, L, Mello, and Matt.
- The Dark Chick: Rem
- Foil: Evil!L really puts Light's idealism into focus...
- Fridge Logic: For L's elaborate trip down the Moral Event Horizon, wouldn't he have had to write 300-something names together along with the conditions on each one within 6 minutes and 40 seconds, else all involved would just die of heart attacks?
- Game Breaker: Light and L working together pretty much Curb Stomp everyone with their mastery of the Xanatos Roulette as well as L's unlimited resources and Light's extensive knowledge of how to exploit the rules of the Notebook.
- God-Emperor: Light.
- Handicapped Badass: Mr. Yagami is forced into retirement... but you know that this is where it's going...
- Hazy Feel Turn: Mello and Matt.
- Heroic Blue Screen of Death: L after using the Notebook, Near
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Mello and Matt
- I Did What I Had to Do: When Light calls L out on blowing up an orphanage. "They were a threat!"
- I Know You Know I Know: Light and L do this as Kira to intimidate Near via letter. As in 'I know all about you but you don't know anything about me. How do you know all about me...' See "The Reason You Suck" Speech below.
- In Harm's Way: L apologizes that he keeps putting Light in this position... he assures it isn't intentional but...
- Love Makes You Evil: L
- Love Martyr: Light.
- The Man Behind the Man: L for Kira.
- Mind Rape: L knows exactly what buttons to press to get to Near...
- Moral Event Horizon: if you read it, YOU KNOW WHEN!!!
- More Than Mind Control: What Light and L do to Matsuda.
- My Master, Right or Wrong: Mello and Matt are loyal to L no matter what.
- New Old Flame: Ryuk and Rem.
- Noble Demon: Light.
- Not in This For Your Revolution: Mello and Matt sign up to support Kira's regime out of loyalty to L and get the various organized crime syndicates to do the same in exchange for their lives.
- Pet the Dog: Light giving Rem back her notebook, despite the fact that he monologue's that it's for the sake of ensuring her loyalty.
- Poisonous Friend: Light to L... and then L to Light...
- Powers That Be: the Shinigami King seems to have taken interest in Ryuk's project...
- Pragmatic Villainy: L
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech:
Good Morning Near, |
- Relationship Upgrade: Light and L.
- The Revolution Will Not Be Civilized
- Rooting for the Empire: the whole point...
- Sacrificial Lion: Linda
- Self-Made Orphan: L with Watari.
- Ship Mates: It's L/Light, with Ryuk x Rem and hints of Mello x Matt and one-sided Matsuda/Light
- Slash Fic
- Smart People Play Chess: Light and L of course, and Matsuda wants to learn...
- Something Only They Would Say: When "Kira" sends Near a message L reveals to Near that he's still alive and has joined Kira's cause when he includes the line that Near should stop twirling his white hair.
- Truman Show Plot: Light and L are (for reasons yet unknown) favored by the Shinigami King who makes it so that they cannot be killed (at least by the Notebook)... they’re loving it so far...
- We Can Rule Together: Light upon realizing L's Fallen Hero status...
- What If: The basic premise of this fic is What If L joined Kira to Take Over the World?
- Where I Was Born and Razed: Wammy's House
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: taken Up to Eleven. L uses the notebook once and then proceeds to take a nosedive off the Slippery Slope and signs up for Kira's evil league of evil.