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Low Light

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

Low Light by Dragonrider4000 is a Darker and Edgier (yeah really) Death Note Fanfic. Upon realizing his feelings for Light, L uses the Notebook to save his life. L goes to the Dark Side and with Light they go on to rule their Evil Empire together... and they live happily ever after... (except that Light's beginning to realize he's created a monster...)

Tropes used in Low Light include:

L: You can be incredibly creepy when you want to be.
Light: Creepy?
L: You question whether writing a message to someone in another's blood upon the floor is creepy?
Light: I suppose you have a point there L, but it was the only writing material I knew the man would have readily available.

Good Morning Near,
I hope that you are well this morning, and my impromptu greeting has not interrupted any important investigation work this man was pursuing. I would not wish to deprive you of your important information, but when I realised that you were attempting to find me I knew I it would be remiss of me not to greet you.

As is my way, I shall prove to you my identity, as if this were not enough already. I believe you have an Ellickson Thomas and a Larry Conners working for you, yes? I also know that if you had been more thorough in your investigation you would have realised they were perhaps not quite as virtuous as you were led to believe. I shall say no more on that.

I must say that taking on L's persona in front of the American President really was quite rude. L was a far more worthy opponent to my righteous justice than you could ever hope to achieve. I suggest you admit your real identity to him soon, as well as to those who are blindingly following you in the hope that you are L, or I will tell him who you are. I assure you the president will escape retribution for his transgression, I believe in second chances.

Oh, and Near, you should stop twirling your white hair so much, you could damage it.

Yours Faithfully,


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