
Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.


  • Bella's Spy Speak conversation, when she notes that neither party needed to keep the coded speak, but it was hard to be the first one to stop
  • Bella making Aro speechless for full four seconds by revealing that she wanted Gianna to bear her children.


"Ilario Trafeli," Maggie hollered, "get your pants on and be hospitable on behalf of Ireland--"

  • Siobhan, to Bella, almost certainly deadpan.

If you could guarantee a continuous shield over anyone, then there would be absolutely nothing stopping you and Allirea from walking in the front door and assassinating everybody you didn't like and stopping to paint each other's fingernails halfway through.

  • Elspeth, at the end of a completely serious description of putting Edward back together.

[T]he ankle connected to the shinbone, this would be a terrible time to start singing -

  • Bella, describing eating animals.

Side effects include pretty eyes and less of an impulse to murder people.

"Honey!" Phil yelled up the stairs. "There's two teenage girls, a teenage boy, and a man and a woman here with what they say is good news and no visible scriptures! They know our names! I'm a bit confused!"
