MTV Live (Canadian TV program)
MTV Live is a half-hour Canadian variety show that is aired live on MTV Canada. It's been on since 2006. Despite the name, it has nothing to do with music, although they will often show quick glimpses of new music videos, in-between bits. It is filmed on Mondays to Thursdays at 6 p.m. EST, in Toronto, Ontario. Although there have been more hosts in the past, there are currently four hosts. It is hosted by Daryn Jones and co-hosted by Nicole Holness. Paul "The Intern" Lemieux and Sheena Snively also contribute. They use bits and Refuge in Audacity for their humour. They are also allowed to use a shocking amount of vulgarity and cursing. Daryn has now left the show, his last episode airing May 9, 2012.
List of regular bits:
- Twitter Me A Script: They hosts will film a segment based on a script description that fans will Twitter to the show.
- Speaking Out On: Daryn, Nicole and Paul will talk about a certain topic, although they'll never stay on track.
- Interesting To Paul: Paul will share a news story or video he finds interesting. Daryn hates it.
- Sheena Sessions: Daryn will interview Sheena about something that has happened in her life. They will then enact it, mouthing to Sheena's narration.
- Point, Counterpoint: Daryn and Paul will debate certain topics.
- True or False: Daryn will ask the hosts (including himself) questions about themselves that they must answer truthfully. Once, it ended with him giving the audience Sheena's real cell phone number.
- Freestyle Ambush: The hosts will try to out-rap each other about certain topics.
- One On One: Paul interview's celebrities, completely deadpan, while asking hilarious or inappropriate . The two most memorable ones would be the one with Ronnie ("The sixth most popular Jersey Shore cast member!) and the one with the Jonas Brothers where he talked to them about The Human Centipede.
Tropes used in MTV Live (Canadian TV program) include:
- Acrofatic - Sheena is quite good at sliding over counters.
- A God Am I - If I Was God...
- Bad Boss - Daryn.
- Big Eater - Sheena
- Butt Monkey - All four of them qualify, but Paul and Sheena get it the worst.
- Canada, Eh?
- Cannot Tell a Joke - Paul
- Crosses the Line Twice
- Crowning Moment of Funny - So much!
- Cloudcuckoolander - Sheena
- Deadpan Snarker - Daryn and Paul
- Drives Like Crazy - Nicole's a multi-tasker.
- Heterosexual Life Partners - Daryn and Paul, again.
- Ho Yay - Oh, wow, Daryn and Paul... Standing 69...
- Also, Daryn has that.. thing... for Justin Bieber.
- Jerkass - Daryn
- Large Ham - Daryn and Sheena
- No Celebrities Were Harmed - 'Darren Ford' during right-wing Rob Ford's campaign to become Toronto Mayor in 2010. They obviously didn't like him. Unfortunately... he won...
- No Indoor Voice - SHEENA!
- Overly Long Gag - Their 'What' and 'No' bits.
- The T-Pain voice usage.
- Refuge in Audacity
- Running Gag - Standing 69, Paul's third nipple, Nicole's terrible driving and alcoholism, Daryn hates Sheena, "Flip over", Sheena's racism, Paul hates Lebron James and Chris Bosh.
- Squick - Paul has this obsession with The Human Centipede. He likes describing it in great detail to interviewees, or people of the street.
- Unusual Euphemism
- The Woobie - Paul The Intern
- Sheena also qualifies, when they send her to Mars, and nobody has any goodbye words for her.
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