Make Your Move

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.
lolchillinz indeed

"The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a particular chosen text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare.


Now if we assume that there is an infinite number of alternate universes, that means there's also an infinite number of Sakurais, which means that there's an infinite number of Brawls, which means that every character who has ever existed will somehow make it into Brawl!
Now let's bring this totally scientific theorem to its completely illogical conclusion, right?"

—Fawriel (Also, quotes within quotes is just sloppy writing.)

Thus beginneth the Infinite Sakurai Theorum, the base of the very first Make Your Move movesetting contest, laying the groundwork for every other contest to follow in its 4-year-strong life. What is Make Your Move? At it's very base, it's essentially an ongoing series of contests for creating hypothetical movesets for the ever-popular Nintendo franchise Super Smash Bros. Not just the usual Nintendo and video game fare, mind you. Movesets are typically created for characters from all walks of media, from TV Shows, Anime, Original Characters, and even Real Life figures! Likewise, movesets are judged not by their likelihood of being implemented in future SSB games, but rather showcasing creative flair for designing well thought-out concepts. (In fact, "In-Smash/Sakurai-ian" movesets are somewhat frowned upon.)

Or at least, that's what it comprises of in a basic nutshell. In actuality, within its small community in the Smashboards, MYM has been a huge source of internet drama, MYMemes, and general political mayhem that world make EVE Online blush. Thus, it's easily the grandest scale contest for making kinda-sorta movesets for Super Smash Bros except not really ever.

See also The Stadum. The general Hub for all news relating to the current MYM. The Bunker. Source for all things relating to MYM history, as well as special blogs written by more prominent members

Tropes used in Make Your Move include:

Tropes specific to the MYM community: