Mass Effect/Characters
This page indexes the various character pages for the Mass Effect video game series. Characters are listed on the pages of the game they first appeared in, regardless of what roles they play in later games. For this reason, spoilers are impossible to avoid. Read at your own risk.
For a list of characters organized according to the roles they play in each game, scroll down to the Index by Character section. Again, beware of spoilers.
Index by Page
- First appearing in Mass Effect 1:
- First appearing in Mass Effect 2:
- First appearing in Mass Effect 3:
- Species appearing in Mass Effect:
Index by Character
Mass Effect 1
Party Members
- Party Members:
- Guest Party Members:
- Primary:
- Secondary:
Non-Player Characters
- Normandy Crew:
- Council Space:
- Non-Council Space:
Mass Effect 2
Party Members
- Party Members:
- Guest Party Members:
- Primary:
- Secondary:
Non-Player Characters
- Normandy Crew:
- Council Space:
- Non-Council Space:
Mass Effect 3
Party Members
- Party Members:
- Guest Party Members:
- Primary:
- Secondary:
Non-Player Characters
- Normandy Crew:
- Council Space:
- Matriarch Aethyta
- Adrien Victus
- Armando-Owen Bailey
- The Citadel Council
- Major Coats
- Conrad Verner
- David Archer
- Gavin Archer
- Jack/Subject Zero
- Jacob Taylor
- Jondum Bau
- Kahlee Sanders
- Kasumi Goto
- Kelly Chambers
- Khalisah bint Sinan al-Jilani
- Kirrahe
- Dalatrass Linron
- Miranda Lawson
- Mordin Solus
- The New Council
- Padok Wiks
- Samara
- Admiral Steven Hackett
- Tarquin Victus
- Thane Krios
- Non-Council Space:
Races and Creatures
- Citadel Council Races:
- Asari
- Humans
- Salarians
- Turians
- Citadel Associate/Client/Protectorate Races
- Drell
- Elcor
- Hanar
- Keepers
- Krogan
- Volus
- Non-Citadel Space
- Batarians
- The Collectors
- Geth
- The Protheans
- Quarians
- Rachni
- The Reapers
- Vorcha
- Yahg
- Non-Sapient Creatures
- Husks
- Thresher Maws
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