Meaningful Name/Web Original
Examples of Meaningful Names in Web Original works include:
- Parodied in an episode of The Liam Smith Show that parodied Star Trek: Voyager: a console explosion results in the deaths of Ensign Deadmeat, Ensign Numbersup, Ensign Futurecorpse and Ensign Imgoingtodieahorribledeathonanawaymissonorwhenastationimatexplodes. (He's Dutch.) However, Ensign Expendible, introduced earlier in the episode, doesn't die.
- Vizeadmiral Schneider from v2 of Open Blue, whose Cool Ship had a special cannon that fired shells loaded with circular sawblades for shrapnel. FYI, Schneider is German for "Cutter".
- Tales of MU has half-demon protagonist Mackenzie Blaise, whose first name can be read to mean "fire-born" and her unknown brother, Aidan, whose name means "fiery". Other characters have significance in their names, to the point where some readers look up the name of every new character who appears. Indeed, there can be frustration and complaint if a juicy new name appears and linguistic analysis doesn't quickly follow in the comments section.
- The eponymous hero's name in The Saga of Tuck has a meaning to female impersonators and MtF transsexuals.
- What Is This Black Magic You Call Science?'s heroine, Chryseis. She vomits egyptian plagues via her womb connecting to her throat, and can decimate planets. Ironic in that she is actively trying to save people.
- Some of the Gaia Online labtechs have meaningful numbers. 247 was a workaholic (to the point where he actually got a cot for his office so he could be there 24/7), 101 was not very intelligent for a professional scientist, and 013 was killed off at the beginning, among others.
- Common with the Protectors of the Plot Continuum, especially as many agents are Only Known by Their Nickname. Shout-Out names are common, and some agents are from continua where symbolic or prophetic (such as with Tolkienverse elves' mother-names) names are widespread.
- 5-Second Films has such characters as Johnny Quickdeath and Dealbreaker Jones:
"Damn you Dealbreaker Jones, that wasn't part of the DEAAAALLLLL!" |
- The Legend of Korah has this to the point of being ridiculous. Even the World's name, Terra Altsoba means Earth at War.
- Darwins Soldiers: Corporal Thomas Stern is as his surname suggests, stern.
- Dr. Tease, a character in The Nostalgia Chick's show, is a Hot Scientist. What a shock.
- Plenty of supers in the Whateley Universe, including notorious supervillain Dr. Diabolik and his children Jadis Diabolik and Mal Diabolik. Jadis even moreso, because she suspects that her mother is actually the White Witch, and Jadis is the name of the White Witch from The Chronicles of Narnia.
- The name of the Big Bad in Greek Ninja is Creon. Creon is also the name of the antagonist in Antigone.
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