Megaton Man
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A biting satire of superheroes comics from artist Don Simpson.
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Tropes used in Megaton Man include:
- Captain Ersatz: Magaton Man himself is a combination of Captain Marvel (he has a "magic word", though his is "Overkill" instead of "Shazam"), Superman (reporter alter ego with a pathetically transparent disguise) and basically every single over-muscled strongman hero, dialed Up to Eleven.
- Catch Phrase: "WOO!"
- Clark Kenting: Parodies this -- in his blue suit and glasses he cannot be mistaken for anyone but Megaton Man wearing a blue suit and glasses.
- Crossover: With The Savage Dragon, as well as Normalman (the latter crossover also featured appearances by everyone from Bone to Madman to Flaming Carrot to Groo the Wanderer).
- Dueling Comic Series: Even though Megaton Man came first, he was often compared to The Tick: big, blue, dumb, lantern jawed superhero parody with a cult following.
- Heroic Build: Megaton Man possesses a grotesquely over-muscled build in explicit parody of this trope.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: In this case, the paper is onionskin, and the only person it fools is himself.
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