Mobile Fighter Evangelion
"It's all about the journey. And seeing if even the extra advantages given by 'Super Robot Pills' can counter the 'Gainax Syndrome' inherent in Evangelion as a whole. Plus, as you've gathered with all the tidbits tossed around (a fourth MAGI consisting of a partially-pulverized Naoko Akagi, a Project Nephilim that apparently bred Angelically-enhanced humans for military clients, Rei having been in military service when she was chronologically less than seven years old, ZA GUNDAMS, ZA ANIMALS, AOBA'S A GIRL, Ibuki Twins, etc.), this world is a bit...different, from canon." |
In a Post-Apocalyptic world, Shinji Ikari must battle horrifying monsters in a giant robot to prevent another disaster like that which almost wiped out humanity years before. ...If Doctor Akagi's mad science doesn't traumatize him first.
Mobile Fighter Evangelion re-envisions Neon Genesis Evangelion, the notorious Deconstruction of the Super Robot genre, as one of the Super Robot shows it was deconstructing, based solely on the author's memory of a print advertisement he saw as a kid.
And it. Is. AWESOME!!! It's up there with Nobody Dies as the cream of the Fix Fics that reconstruct Eva as the very thing it deconstructed.
It really must be seen to be believed. Take note, however, that Word of God has stated that the very nature of Evangelion itself might be too much for the might of the Super Robot...but where's the fun in spoiling?
- Ambiguous Disorder: Ritsuko Akagi has one, as she explains here.
"Although symptoms vary from person to person, my little 'mood swings', as you might term them, aren't actually manic episodes as pertains to bipolar disorder. Trust me; I've gotten the professional opinion of some of Japan's best psychiatrists." |
- One can only surmise that this world's field of psychiatry does not recognise Science-Related Memetic Disorder as a valid diagnosis, although it probably ought to.
- Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Gendo's "Welcome to Tokyo-3" postcards. Several of them are amazingly epic pictures, but the last is Gendo eating a sandwich with the caption of "OM NOM NOM NOM."
- Ascended Extra: Mana Kirishima and Mayumi Yamagishi have been upgraded to the assigned pilots for the Jet Alone Project. Also, they're Nephilim.
- Badass: Gendo... yes, Gendo is a Badass.
- Badass Cape: Gendo...again. Also seems to double as a Utility Belt.
- Blue and Orange Morality: The Angels, according to Ramiel in Episode 9.
- Bridge Bunnies: Same crew from canon, except all of them are changed in some way: Hyuga is good at haggling, Aoba is a girl, and Maya has a twin brother named Miyata...who's ALSO a Bridge Bunny.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Gendo again. This time he's joined with Ritsuko.
- Canon Immigrant: Mana Kirishima and Mayumi Yamagishi; see Ascended Extra.
- Mari Illustrious Makinami of the the movies is now Mari Langley Sohryu, Asuka's eight-year old sister.
- Child Soldiers: What Nephilim were created to be. Rei fought in the Central American Wars; Mana and Mayumi are on loan to the Jet Alone Project from the JSSDF.
- Combining Mecha: The Jet Alone in this story has this as a feature.
- Cool Bike: The "Misato Takes Shinji to NERV" scene is given a refreshing face-lift thanks to one of these. Observe.
- Cute Bruiser: Much to Rei's consternation, this is Misato's title for her during Shinji's training. There's a good reason for that.
- The Determinator: Shinji Ikari may become one in the Rebuild films, but here he's one right off.
- Episode 9 shows that Rei has much practice in this trope.
- Expy: ...Let's say that we shouldn't let Ritsuko mess with corn and leave it at that.
- Tomoe Ikari, Shinji's uncle and Yui's brother, is a character borrowed from Nobody Dies. However, unlike the effeminate design Gregg Landsman settled on, Tomoe here is essentially the manga incarnation of this guy [dead link].
- Misato's team would look even more familiar if they started spontaneously shooting each other.
- Fan Nickname: This incarnation of Gendo, based solely off of his first appearance in the story, was dubbed GrappleGun!Gendo.
- Fate Worse Than Death: MAGI-00, known as HEROD, is the partially pulverized body of Naoko Akagi. And she's still aware. It would lapse into And I Must Scream if she couldn't already interact with others.
- Gambit Pileup: Gendo has the Plan. SEELE has the Scenario. Tabris has his own agenda. Ryoji Kaji is still playing the angles.
- As of Episode 11, Iruel is around and going it alone.
- Gender Flip: Shiori Aoba.
- Hot-Blooded: Shiro Tokita. You know, the head of the Jet Alone Project from canon.
- Mana Kirishima definitely qualifies.
- I Call It Vera: Misato's Husky Russkie teammate Mr. Kasparov calls the Evangelion-scale minigun 'Olga'.
- It Got Worse: Australia, already a death trap, no longer exists as a country because Second Impact mutated the wildlife.
- Averted in North America, with Second Impact creating the American Giant Hornet; according to the message board, it's a Hot-Blooded insect that is currently driving the Africanized "Killer" Bee to extinction, due to it being the only "challenge".
- Still not completely averted, since Second Impact caused the sea level to rise by approximately seventy meters, resulting in this.
- Averted in North America, with Second Impact creating the American Giant Hornet; according to the message board, it's a Hot-Blooded insect that is currently driving the Africanized "Killer" Bee to extinction, due to it being the only "challenge".
- Insistent Terminology: Gendo coined the term LCL, though for some reason Ritsuko wanted to call it Tang.
- Also, all Giant Piloted Robots (as opposed to the Angel-cloned Cyborgs that are the Evas) are called Gundams in jargon, regardless of design details or materials. Naturally, fanboys the world over are not pleased.
- The Sneeze Cut trope is actually called the Quantum Sternutation Effect (or QSE) by Ritsuko. Gendo, as revealed in Episode 6, is immune.
- Large Ham: Gendo (as seen in the original proposal), and Ritsuko... great merciful heavens Ritsuko...
- Shiro Tokita, in spades.
- Mad Scientist: ...just look at who's listed as a Ham.
- Magnificent Bastard: Gendo in Episode 8. Misato practically invokes the trope.
- Manipulative Bastard: Doesn't matter how great of a dad he's become, Gendo would not be Gendo if he weren't this.
- Motion Capture Mecha: The Jet Alone.
- Mythology Gag: In the third episode of the TV show, Kensuke and Toji sneaked out of the shelter during an Angel attack by asking to go to the restroom. In Episode 6 of the story, we see both Kensuke and Toji inside a shelter during an Angel attack, with the former wondering why they built the restrooms inside the shelter. Toji lampshades this by saying that building the restrooms outside of a shelter is "retarded".
- Cue a Sneeze Cut from Anno-sensei, who's sitting right beside them in the same shelter.
- In Episode 8, a truant ninth-grader complains about his homeroom teacher always rambling on about Second Impact.
- In Episode 9, Tabris references the Hedgehog's Dilemma.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: By Word of God, the design of Pieter Langley, Asuka and Mari's father, is based off of Liam Neeson.
- Now That's Using Your Teeth: Invoked by Gendo in Episode 6 regarding Unit-01.
- One Steve Limit: Averted; joining Hikari Horaki from canon is Hikari Kirishima, the overseer of Mana and Mayumi.
- Papa Wolf: Pieter Langley, father of Asuka and Mari.
- Red Baron: Pieter. His nickname, according to Kaji? The Jackal.
- Religious and Mythological Theme Naming: The three MAGI of canon - Balthasar, Melchior, and Caspar - are joined by a fourth MAGI named Herod.
- Running Gag: In almost every episode, Gendo has pulled something out of his cloak, from the grapple gun to a bottle of root beer, from a flamethrower to a box of Pocky.
- Unit-01 keeps wrecking Toji's home; once against Sachiel, a second time against Ramiel.
- Randall keeps sneaking up on people without them noticing. His explanation is always "I AM A CAT."
- Sibling Yin-Yang: Mana and Mayumi, respectively.
- Sneeze Cut: Played with; see Insistent Terminology.
- Super Prototype: The Jet Alone.
- Super Robot: The Jet Alone in this continuity truly belongs to this class now. Its debut in Episode 8 alone satisfies at least five items on the checklist.
- The Man Your Man Could Smell Like: Parodied at the beginning of the fourth episode.
- There Are No Therapists: Averted; Shinji is ordered to attend at least one therapy session with a psychiatrist after being 'eaten' by the Fifth Angel.
- Transforming Mecha: The Jet Alone. So far, we have seen Jet Mode and Gundam Mode.
- Tsundere: Annette seems to be this where her cousin Shinji is concerned.
- The story DOES mention that she's not romantically involved, and that she is a rare Platonic Tsundere.
- Twin Tropes: Maya Ibuki has a twin brother! Who knew?
- Villainous Breakdown: Ramiel after Unit-01 essentially cripples its soul.
- Wave Motion Gun: Ramiel's final attack had a power generation level of five million megawatts. In other words, after fifteen seconds of continuous use, you have the equivalent power of the Hiroshima bomb. Good thing Unit-00 stabbed its core before it could fire.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: NERV.ADVERTISING.STARRING.GENDO.
- "I'm standing on top of a motorcycle being driven by a hot woman." Yeah, this Gendo gives the one in Nobody Dies a run for his money.