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Musashi: Samurai Legend/Characters

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A list of characters from Musashi: Samurai Legend.

Warning, spoilers ahead.

Main Characters


The Hero and main character, Musashi is a wannabe samurai warrior who was summoned by Mycella to save Antheum from the evil clutches of Gandrake Enterprises. Along the way, he rescues the mystics and recovers the elemental swords in order to defeat Gandrake.

  • Awesome By Analysis: He can learn new techniques by observing them in action, though he risks taking a hit from any attack he's focusing on if he stuffs it up. He actually counters moves he's learning with the move he's learning.
  • Bare Your Midriff
  • Blade of Fearsome Size: His signature Great Oar, as well as the five elemental swords.
  • Blue Eyes
  • Bridal Carry: He gets to do this to all of the Maidens and Mycella.
  • Character Development: At first, he's somewhat reluctant about being taken out of his world to save another. Later on, he becomes The Messiah after spending time with the Mystics, and falling in love with Mycella.
  • Chaste Hero: He appears to be clueless after Clochette gives him an ambiguous proposition.
  • Cross-Dressing Voices: Musashi is voiced by a woman in both the English and Japanese versions.
  • Deadpan Snarker - Somewhat. Most of what Musashi says is straight-forward, but he gets some good snark in from time to time.

Musashi: I knew you were nuts, but talking rocks!?!? Do they sing and dance too?

Musashi: "Not good..."

Princess Mycella

Antheum's princess, and the one who summoned Musashi in first place. She's kidnapped by Gandrake and must be rescued. Repeatedly. She develops a crush on Musashi.

  • Big Good
  • Blue Eyes: They're more of an aqua color.
  • Damsel in Distress: She's kidnapped at the very beginning of the game, and the prologue consists of rescuing her.
    • This happens a total of three times in the game. To list:
      • 1: The beginning of the game, where she is kidnapped by Rothschild and kept at a tower to be saved by Musashi. After the rescue, Musashi and Mycella venture to the peak of the tower, where Mycella gets knocked out and re-kidnapped by Gandrake.
      • 2: During a mission to rescue Maribo from the same tower where Mycella was first kept, Musashi learns from Maribo that the princess is held somewhere else within the same tower. He finds and frees her again, and successfully brings both of them back to Antheum.
      • 3: Later on, Clochette finds Mycella at Antheum, kidnaps her at gunpoint, and sends her to Rampart Isle, the final stage of the game. Mycella even lampshades that this is the third time Musashi had to carry her when he saves her.
  • Designated Love Interest
  • Disney Death
  • Everything's Better with Princesses
  • Intimate Healing: A rather innocent version: During the battle against Shadow Musashi, she can heal Musashi if he carries her.
  • Leitmotif: "Mystical Princess"
  • Princesses Prefer Pink
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: She even assists Musashi during the first battle against Gandrake, who has changed into Shadow Musashi.

Master Mew (Master Mao)

An old humanoid cat who knows the Mystics. He finds Musashi who was summoned by Mycella in the beginning and trains him in the "Way of the Stray Cat". He later appears on Antheum in hes his dojo to give you advice on how to use your elemental attacks and occasionally teach you new techniques.


Mycella's father, he's the leader of the Mystics of Antheum. He can help Musashi during his quest by driving the Anthedon to the needed location.

Elemental Maidens

Burrini (Tamie)

The Earth Maiden, a kind-hearted girl who works at Tunnbrod's Bakery. She's very close to animals and enjoys picnics.

Fontina (Ricotta)

The Water Maiden, she was kept prisoner in the Roquefort Mine and used as a power source. At first, she's quite hostile and rude to Musashi, even after he's just rescued her and repaired her glasses, and states that they don't need their help. She eventually mellows down and decides to help Musashi.

Mirabo and Maribo (Murol and Murolait)

The Fire Maidens, a pair of cute twins with powers over fire. They went to Mount Terroir to calm down its guardian, Moltan, but they're captured by Gandrake's men who are operating in the vicinity.

Istara (Maki)

The Wind Maiden, a skilled swordswoman who lives in the Picodon Jungle and protects it from the invading forces of Gandrake.


The Void Maiden, she left Antheum long ago and was hired by Gandrake. Eventually she's discovered and used for reviving the ancient temple where the Void Sword is kept. She's eventually saved by Musashi and brought back to Antheum.


Gandrake a.k.a. Ganryu

The evil president of Gandrake Enterprises, and a powerful swordsman. He's kidnapping the Mystics in order to use their powers to fuel his Nebulite engines and is busy mining as much Nebulite as he can. He's actually revealed to be Kojiro Ganryu Sasaki, dragged into this world by the demon Amestris (trapped within the Archnembulus) in order to free her. He gets totally nebulized by the evil goddess but is defeated by Musashi.


The Director of Administration and leader of Gandrake's Gonin (Gandrake's Five Directors). He's a cold, calculating man who sports a cultured, polite demeanor. He's the one who initially kidnaps Mycella, and is in charge of the Nebulium Tower in Wellspring Woods. He's actually planning to take over Gandrake and even suggests that Musashi join forces with him to do so.

Glogg (Ducassa)

Director of Negotiations, he's the (physically) strongest warrior amongst the Gonin. He's in charge of Roquefort Mine and guarding the Water Maiden.

Riesling (Dio)

Director of Security. He's one of the strongest Gonin, but sadly not the brightest. He's quick to anger and is the butt of many jokes. However, he admits that he and Glogg form an invincible pair. He's in charge of Mount Terroir.

Riesling: "Okay, Musashi! We're gonna kill you so dead, you'll wish you were never born... alive..."

Malbec (Albert)

Director of Research and Development. He's a 10-year old genius working for Gandrake. He created all the robots and machines used by the corporation. He plans to create a new base in Picodon Jungle.


Director of Intelligence, is a disturbing, quiet cyborg who works for the Gonin. Despite his calm, polite looks, he's a ruthless, bloody killer, and possibly a cannibal. He tries to revive the Temple of the Ancients where the Sword of Void is kept.

Amestris, Goddess of Destruction

Alias the Archnembulus. Is an ancient being sealed away in the past. She manipulated Gandrake into breaking her seal and freeing her.

Swords Guardians


A Giant scorpion-like monster who rampaged through the Wellspring Woods before being sealed. Sadly, the Sword of Earth is also the lock on his prison.

Scarlet Kraken

The huge guardian of the Sword of Water, he sleeps in the lowest level of Roquefort Mines He must be awakened and defeated in order to gain the sword.

Moltan (Vallord)

A big lava monster and the spirit of Mount Terroir. He must be put back to sleep in order to stop the destruction.

Arachnolia (Aracuria)

Queen of the Picodon Forest, this huge spider used to be kind and gentle, but was turned in a ruthless cyborg by Malbec and now must be stopped at all costs.


Guardian of Mouna Temple, a large machine-like minster who dwells in the temple's inner sanctum. He's the keeper of the Sword of the Void and awakens when the temple is restored to its ancient glory.

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